in reply to Re^2: [Tkx] Search for dialog box for text input
in thread [Tkx] Search for dialog box for text input

This solution is acceptable, but not perfect. For some reason the dialog buttons stick to the right side of the window.

Tk::DialogBox mentions you have no control over appearance of buttons, from experience I know this is just following Tcl/Tk tradition , so I won't go digging to see where this is explained in Tk docs (its not in the obvious places)

In the meantime I found an alternative at ...
package require ttk::dialog
from Tcl/Tk to Perl/Tkx. Hopefully one of you monks can help me along again.

You probably don't have that installed, so the following won't help

$ perl -MTkx -e " Tkx::package_require(q/ttk::dialog/); " can't find package ttk::dialog at -e line 1.

Even the undocumented (raw tcl commands) don't work

$ perl -MTkx -e " Tkx::i->interp->Eval(q/package require ttk::dialog/) + " can't find package ttk::dialog at -e line 1.

Safe to say ttk::dialog doesn't come standard (esp with activeperl) so you'd have to install it yourself if its possible. See also

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Re^4: [Tkx] Search for dialog box for text input
by GUIfriend (Sexton) on Apr 28, 2012 at 08:29 UTC