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splitting file with mutiple output filenames

by preahkumpii (Novice)
on Apr 11, 2012 at 09:11 UTC ( [id://964480]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

preahkumpii has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a file, each line needs to be put into another file and the filename taken from the first few chars of each line in the source file. Here is what I have so far:
#!/usr/bin/perl # chess.plx use warnings; use strict; use utf8; open THAI, "thaikjv-fixed.txt" or die $!; binmode(THAI, ":utf8"); foreach(<>) { if (/^@(...\d\d\d)/) { my $r = "$1.html"; open O, ">$r" or die $!; binmode(O, ":utf8"); print O "$_"; print "hi"; close (O); } }
Thanks for any help.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: splitting file with mutiple output filenames
by MidLifeXis (Monsignor) on Apr 11, 2012 at 12:37 UTC

    What happens if you get the same value in two different matches?

    open O, ">$r" or die $!;
    You may want to open the file in append mode: open O, '>>', $r or die $!;


Re: splitting file with mutiple output filenames
by preahkumpii (Novice) on Apr 11, 2012 at 09:17 UTC
    Ok, that was a serious and embarrasing 'duh' moment. I forget to put the input filehandle name after foreach. So it should be: foreach (<THAI>) { Sorry for the waste of time.

      Ok, you solved problem, but let's make the post worth while by passing on the usual round of "wisdom". Consider:

      #!/usr/bin/perl # chess.plx use warnings; use strict; use utf8; my $filename = "thaikjv-fixed.txt"; open my $fIn, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!\n"; binmode ($fIn, ":utf8"); while (defined (my $line = <$fIn>)) { next if $line !~ /^@(...\d\d\d)/; my $outname = "$1.html"; open my $fOut, '>', $outname or die "Can't create $outname: $!\n"; binmode ($fOut, ":utf8"); print $fOut $line; print "hi"; close $fOut; }


      • use three parameter version of open and lexical file handles
      • show the file name in errors
      • use a while loop instead of a for loop when reading files
      • use early exit to avoid extra levels of indentation
      • avoid using the default variable across multiple lines
      True laziness is hard work
      I'd suggest to use while(<FH>) instead of foreach(<FH>). (while loop reads directly from file, for(each) loop slurps the entire file into memory first - really bad for huge files, but ok for small ones).

      Maybe something like this:
      use strict; use warnings; open my $thai_fh, '<:utf8', "thaikjv-fixed.txt" or die $!; while(<$thai_fh>){ if (/^@(...\d\d\d)/) { open my $out_fh, '>:utf8', "$1.html" or die $!; print {$out_fh} $_; } }
Re: splitting file with mutiple output filenames
by snape (Pilgrim) on Apr 11, 2012 at 10:05 UTC

    This should work for you

    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use utf8; my $filename = "thaikjv-fixed.txt"; open my $THAI, $filename or die $!\n"; binmode ($THAI, ":utf8"); while (<$THAI>) { chomp $_; if ($_ =~ m/^@(...\d\d\d)/){ my $r = "$1.html"; open my $OUT, '>', $r or die $!\n"; binmode ($OUT, ":utf8"); print $OUT $line; close($OUT); } } close($THAI);

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