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Agent00013's URL Checking Spider

by agent00013 (Pilgrim)
on Jul 11, 2001 at 03:00 UTC ( [id://95524]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info agent00013AThotmailDOTcom
Description: This script will spider a domain checking all URLs and outputting status and overall linkage statistics to a file. A number of settings can be modified such as the ability to strip anchors and queries so that dynamic links are ignored.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict; 
use HTML::LinkExtor;        #used to extract links
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::Simple;           #used to check links
use LWP::UserAgent;        #helps with authorization    

### Global Variables ###
my (%visitedLinks, %linksToVisit, %linkResults);
#declare hashes

### Restricting Variables ###

my $restriction = "";
#restricts links to addresses including $restriction

my $stripquery = "true";
#true of false, yanks the ?node=whatever,blah=whatever

my $stripanchor = "true";
#true of false, yanks the #anchor13

### some server settings variables ###

my $webserver = "";
#home web directory

my $onserver = "/theserver/mydir/";
#this is where the web address is located on your server...

my $localserver = "false";
#if this is true, it will perform some checks
# on the server side
# using the $webserver and $onserver variables

my $dirIndexExt = "";
#the default page loaded when a directory is requested from the server
# i.e. ""
# loads ""

### Start Page ###
my $startpage = "";
#the page to start checking from -- must be full address
# if it's the site name or a directory name, please be sure to include
+ /

### Site Login Info (if any) ###
my %logins = (
#for directions on setting up this variable,
#please refer to the documentation
# ""=>"user:pass"

### Log File ###
my $linkInfoFile = "linkInfoFile.txt";
#which pages link to what

my $updateFreq = 100;
#frequency at which link results file is updated

### Control Variables
my $sleep = 1;
#seconds to pause after displaying output results
my $timeout = 30;
#timeout in seconds

### Run the Script! ###

&main;                #run main function

#when execution finishes, update the results

sub main {
$| =1; #unbuffer output

$linksToVisit{$startpage} = &linkFormatter($startpage,"_Beginning_");
#starting from the $startpage,
# marked as being linked to from "_Beginning_"

while ((scalar keys %linksToVisit) > 0) {
#while some left to check
  foreach (sort keys %linksToVisit) {    #foreach link
    $link = $_;
    &checkLink($link);            #check the link

    if ($linkResults{$link} eq "OK") {    #if the page is OK
      if ($link =~ /${restriction}/) {        
        if ($link =~ /(\.s?html?|\.php|\.(a|j)sp|\/$)/) { 
#it's a web page
          &grabLinks($link);        #grab the links
        }#end if
      }#end if
    }#end if

    if ((scalar keys %visitedLinks) % $updateFreq == 0) { #update time
      &outLinkResults;         #output link information 
      sleep($sleep);        #sleep
    }#end if

sub grabLinks{
my(@links,@values);    #declare local variables
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->timeout($timeout);        #set timeout for UserAgent
my $req;

$base_url = $_; #grab the page url

$req = HTTP::Request::Common::GET($base_url);    #the request
LINE: foreach (keys %logins) {
  if ($base_url =~ /$_/) {
    last LINE;
  }#end if
}#end GOTO style loop

$parser = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, $base_url);
#initialize parser
#grab the page

@links = $parser->links;     #parse it

foreach (@links) {
 $elt_type = shift @$_;        #get tag type
 if ($elt_type =~ /\b(a|img)\b/) {
  while (@$_) {    
   ($attr_name, $attr_value) = splice (@$_, 0, 2);
   if ($attr_value =~ /(https?|ftp|file)/) {
    $attr_value = &linkFormatter($attr_value,$base_url);
     if(exists $visitedLinks{$attr_value}) {
      $value = $visitedLinks{$attr_value};
      @values = split("::",$value);
      unless (grep {$base_url =~ /$_/} @values) {
     $visitedLinks{$attr_value} = join("::",$value,$base_url);
     }#end if
     else {
      if(exists $linksToVisit{$attr_value}) {
       $value = $linksToVisit{$attr_value};
       @values = split("::",$value);
       unless (grep {$base_url =~ /$_/} @values) {
        $linksToVisit{$attr_value} = join("::",$value,$base_url);
       }#end unless
      else {    #not marked to visit
       $linksToVisit{$attr_value} = $base_url;

   }    #end if
  }    #end while
 }    #end if
}    #end foreach

sub checkLink {
my $link = $_;            #store link value locally
my $req;            #declare local variable
print "Checking ${link}:";

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;    #create user agent
my $results;

$req = HTTP::Request::Common::HEAD($link);
#grab head by default

if($link =~ /(\/cgi-bin|\.cgi|\.pl)/) {    #if cgi, do a post
  $req = HTTP::Request::Common::POST($link);

LINE: foreach (keys %logins) {
  if ($link =~ /$_/) {        #if it needs a login
#send in login info
    last LINE;
  }#end if
}#end foreach (and LINE)


$results = $ua->request($req)->as_string;
#grab it (head or full page)

if ($results =~ /\b200\b/) {    #request successfull
  print "OK\n";
  $linkResults{$link} = "OK";
elsif ($results =~ /\b401\b|\b403\b/) {        #unauthorized or forbid
  print "UNAUTH\n";
  $linkResults{$link} = "UNAUTH";
elsif ($results =~ /\b500\b/) {    #internal server error
  print "SERVERROR\n";
  $linkResults{$link} = "SERVERROR";
else {
  print "BAD\n";         #404 (file not found) or other
  $linkResults{$link} = "BAD";    #add it to results

$visitedLinks{$link} = $linksToVisit{$link};
#add it to list
delete $linksToVisit{$link}; #do not need to visit again

sub outLinkResults{
my ($key,$link,$value,$status);        #local variables
my %stats;

$stats{"goodpage"}   = 0; #init. values (none unassigned)
$stats{"badpage"}    = 0;
$stats{"unauthpage"} = 0;
$stats{"serverror"}  = 0;
$stats{"goodlink"}   = 0;
$stats{"badlink"}    = 0;
$stats{"unauthlink"} = 0;

my (@links,@keys);

print "-------------------------------\n";    
print "Updating Link Information file...\n";    
#let them know...

open(FILE,">$linkInfoFile");    #open link info file

print FILE "##########################################\n";
print FILE "# Link File: Tells ya what links where   #\n";
print FILE "##########################################\n";
print FILE "# Note: Totals are listed at the bottom. #\n";
print FILE "##########################################\n";

@keys = sort keys %visitedLinks; #grab the keys
foreach $key (@keys) {         #go through all the keys
  $value  = $visitedLinks{$key}; #grab the value
  $status =  $linkResults{$key};
  print FILE "Information for ${key} --\n";
  print FILE "Status -- ${status}\n";
  if ($status eq "OK") {
    $stats{"goodlink"} += scalar(@links);
  elsif ($status eq "UNAUTH") {
    $stats{"unauthlink"} += scalar(@links);
  elsif ($status eq "SERVERROR") {
    $stats{"goodlink"} += scalar(@links);
  else {
    $stats{"badlink"} += scalar(@links);
  print FILE "Linked to from " . scalar(@links) . " pages: \n";
  foreach $link (@links) {
    print FILE "$link\n";
  print FILE "-----------------------\n";
  @links = qw();
print FILE "       TOTALS\n";        #outputing totals
print FILE "-----------------------\n";
print FILE "   Good pages: " . $stats{"goodpage"}     . "\n";    #good
+ pages
print FILE "    Bad pages: " . $stats{"badpage"}      . "\n";    #bad 
print FILE " Unauth pages: " . $stats{"unauthpage"}   . "\n";    #unau
print FILE "Server errors: " . $stats{"serverror"}    . "\n";   #serv.
+ error
print FILE "  Total pages: " . ($stats{"goodpage"} + $stats{"badpage"}
+ + $stats{"serverror"} +
$stats{"unauthpage"}) . "\n";
print FILE "-----------------------\n";
print FILE "   Good links: " . $stats{"goodlink"} . "\n";
print FILE "    Bad links: " . $stats{"badlink"} . "\n";
print FILE " Unauth links: " . $stats{"unauthlink"} . "\n";
print FILE "  Total links: " . ($stats{"goodlink"}    +
$stats{"badlink"} + $stats{"unauthlink"}) . "\n"; 
print FILE "-----------------------\n";

print " ...completed.\n";    #let 'em know it's done
print "Pages checked: " . (scalar keys % visitedLinks) . "\n";
print  "Pages remaining: " . (scalar keys %linksToVisit) . "\n";
print "-------------------------------\n";


sub linkFormatter {
my($address,$from,$path);         #set local vars
$address = shift;                 #grab address
$from = shift;                    #grab addr. linked from

if ($stripanchor eq "true" && ($address =~ /\#/)) {
  $address =~ s!\#.*$!!;          #discard anchor
if ($stripquery  eq "true" && ($address =~ /\?/)) {
  $address =~ s!\?.*$!!;          #discard query
 if ($address =~ /\.\.\//) {
  #if the link includes a relative directory (../something/)
  #fix it up to the absolute address
  $from =~ s!/[^/]*?/?$!!;    #removes subdirectory
  $address =~ s!.*/\.\./(.*)!${from}/${1}!; #does it
if ($localserver eq "true" && $address =~ /$webserver/) {
 #if the link is to a directory, add $dirIndexExt
 #not done to off server links cause we can't touch 'em
 $path = $address;
 $path =~ s|$webserver/?(.*)$|${1}|;
 $path = $onserver . $path;
 if (-d $path) {                #if it's a directory
  $address =~ s!(.*?)/?$!${1}/$dirIndexExt!;
#add on extension   
return $address;        #return the address

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