Category: CGI Programming
Author/Contact Info
Description: Allows you to play midi files on your website.

# To run this script put the following line into the body of your html
+ page.
# <!--#exec cgi="/path/to/bsmidi.cgi"-->

$datafile = "playlist.txt";
 # Location of the playlist file.
 # An example is included in the zip file.

$width = "0";
 # The width of the control box.

$height = "0";
 # The height of the control box.

$autostart = "true";
 # Have the midis automatically play (true=yes, false=no)

$loop = "false";
 # Have the song repeat (true=yes, false=no)

$showtitle = "true";
 # Show song title. (true=yes, false=no)

$fntstyle = "Arial";
 # Title Font Style.

$fntsize = "4";
 # Title Font Size.

$fntbold = "true";
 # Is Title Bold? (true=bold, false=plain)

open (GETDATA, "$datafile");
@Data = <GETDATA>;
close GETDATA;

srand(time ^ $$);
$number = rand(@Data);
$line = @Data[$number];

chomp ($line);
($title, $midi) = split(/\|/, $line);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

if ($showtitle =~ /true/i)
    print "<font size=\"$fntsize\" face=\"$fntstyle\">";
    if ($fntbold =~ /true/i) {print "<strong>";}
    print "$title";
    if ($fntbold =~ /true/i) {print "</strong>";}
    print "</font>\n";

print "<embed src=\"$midi\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" autost
+art=\"$autostart\" loop=\"$loop\"><noembed><bgsound src=\"$midi\" loo

exit (0);