karlk123 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have been converting a perl cgi script from mySQL use to MS SQL. In doing so, I have had problems just connecting to MS SQL, so I tested code out at the command prompt. Server is Win 2003 x64 and using Active Perl. I have configured the ODBC manager in both 32 and 64 bit incarnations. The confusion is with the ODBC driver name. The code below is what I use to initiate a connection.

#!c:/perl/bin/perl # DBI ODBC Test BEGIN { push @INC, '/gfs/www/cgi-bin/pers/karlk'; } # push @INC, '..'; use Time::localtime; use DBI; use strict; my $db_name; my $db_type = 'MSSQL'; my $db_access_path; my $dbh; my $db_err = ''; my $db_errstr = ''; my @dns; my $d; my %sql_srvr_type = ('mySQL' => 'mysql', 'MSSQL' => 'ODBC:DRIVER={MS SQL 2005}'); # SQL S +erver my %sql_srvr_name = ('mySQL' => 'localhost', 'MSSQL' =>'localhost'); # + \\SQLEXPRESS my %sql_srvr_port = ('mySQL' => '3306', 'MSSQL' => '1433'); my %sql_user = ('mySQL' => 'xxx', 'MSSQL' => 'yyy'); my %sql_pwd = ('mySQL' => 'xxx', 'MSSQL' => 'yyy'); my $db_name = 'online_labs_qa'; # dbi:DriverName:database=database_name;host=hostname;port=port $db_access_path = "DBI:$sql_srvr_type{$db_type};server=$sql_srvr_name{ +$db_type};database=$db_name;UID=$sql_user{$db_type};PWD=$sql_pwd{$db_ +type}"; print "DBI Connect: $db_access_path\n"; my @dsns = DBI->data_sources('ODBC'); foreach my $d (@dsns) { print "Driver = $d\n"; } # connect print "Get DBI handle\n"; $dbh = DBI->connect($db_access_path) || die "Could not connect to data +base: $DBI::errstr"; if (!defined($dbh)) { # connect error $db_err = $dbh->err; $db_errstr = $dbh->errstr; print "Connect Error: $db_err, $db_errstr\n"; } else { print "Handle = $dbh\n"; }

It prints out the connection string, what the available ODBC drivers are, and the handle if it connects. The confusion is with the ODBC driver name. If I use "{SQL Server}", it connects properly but that is not the ODBC System DSN I setup. That was "{MS SQL 2005}", and that shows up as one of the 2 ODBC drivers. When I use "{MS SQL 2005}", I get the following output.

DBI Connect: DBI:ODBC:DRIVER={MS SQL 2005};server=localhost;database= +online_labs_qa;UID=xxx;PWD=yyy Driver = DBI:ODBC:MySQL Driver = DBI:ODBC:MS SQL 2005 Get DBI handle DBI connect('DRIVER={MS SQL 2005};server=localhost;database=online_lab +s_qa;UID=xxx;PWD=yyy','',...) failed: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager +] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (SQL-IM0 +02)(DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1) at line 49 Could not connect to database: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data s +ource name not found and no default driver specified (SQL-IM002)(DBD: + db_login/SQLConnecterr=-1) at line 49.

So what's up? Why does one work and the other not? I have another issue in getting this to work via IIS6 in CGI, but that's another post. Any insight is greatly appreciated!