mikeraz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

mikeraz@hive:~> perl -e 'my $x = (.0425 * 2) + .0025; print $x - (.042 +5 * 2) - .0025, $/;' 2.16840434497101e-18 mikeraz@hive:~>

Silly me would expect something like 0 to be printed. Why the 2.16840434497101e-18? (OK, round it off and you have 0, but ....)

Digging into this I tried something "simplier" and got more confused:

mikeraz@hive:~> perl -e 'print ((.0425*2) + .0025 ) - ((.0425*2) + .00 +25 ); print $/;' 0.0875 mikeraz@hive:~>

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