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Concatenation of scaler reference

by Largins (Acolyte)
on Dec 14, 2011 at 03:31 UTC ( [id://943467]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Largins has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to concatenate
some text, a scaler, and more text
to create a reference. I am not quite getting there. the code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my $MaxScanId = 45; my $a = "Scan"; my $b; my $c; my $d; print "a $a, maxScanId $MaxScanId \n\n"; $b = "Max".$a."Id"; $c = "\$".$b; print "c: $c \n\n"; $d = \$c; print "d: ${$d} \n";
results: a Scan, maxScanId 45 c: $MaxScanId d: $MaxScanId

The results of the final print are not quite what I was looking for, (I expected the contents of $MaxScanId, 45)
What am I missing. I am sure there is a simpler way to do this (in a single step, perhaps),
But I have only been using perl about 30 days so I need lots of help
Always did, but that's another issue

$a is the name of a database table, ScanId is the primary key, and $MaxScanId holds
the value of the next available id (saves an SQL query each time the routine is called).

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Concatenation of scaler reference
by moritz (Cardinal) on Dec 14, 2011 at 05:30 UTC
    A reply falls below the community's threshold of quality. You may see it by logging in.
Re: Concatenation of scaler reference
by toolic (Bishop) on Dec 14, 2011 at 04:02 UTC
Re: Concatenation of scaler reference
by ww (Archbishop) on Dec 14, 2011 at 03:55 UTC

    Either I'm missing something important... or you're going waaaay out of your way to achieve this:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl use Modern::Perl; # 943467 my $MaxScanId = 45; my $a = "Scan"; print "$a, \$MaxScanId: $MaxScanId";
    which prints "Scan, $MaxScanId: 45" But since the reasonable suspicion is the first alternative above, could you tell us where I'm going wrong. The intent of your reference to "a reference" just isn't working its way to the space between my ears, since I can't see a reason for using a reference to achieve what you say you were "looking for."

      well, let me see if I can clarify what I am trying to do:
      1. I have a series of database tables that have primary keys with the same name as the table and an added 'Id',
      for example, tablename Person, key PersonId, tablename scan, key scanId etc.
      2. Data is being added to these tables on the fly, based on information contained in an xml document
      3. When the perl program is first opened, it gets the max(Id's) for each table and stores them in scalers
      so that new items can be added to the database when required (not already there) without the need for
      reselecting the maxid of the table (It's already in the scaler which will be incremented after each use)
      4. Since I have intentionally designed these tables to have the same root for each column, it should be easy
      to dynamically generate their names if a root is given.
      Here is a portion of the code, run once which extracts the MaxId's

      #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; # Max Values my $MaxbookplateleafId = 0; my $MaxboxId = 0; my $MaxcameraId = 0; my $MaxcollectionId = 0; sub GetMaxDbItem { $col1 = $_[0]; $table = $_[1]; $id = $_[2]; $query = "SELECT max($col1) FROM $table\;"; $queryhandle = $dbh->prepare($query); $queryhandle->execute(); $queryhandle->bind_col(1, \${$id}); $queryhandle->fetch(); if($debug eq 2) { print "$table MaxId: ${$id}\n"; } $queryhandle->finish(); } sub PreloadMaxValues { # BookplateLeaf GetMaxDbItem ("BookplateLeafId", "BookplateLeaf", \$Maxbookplatelea +fId); # Box GetMaxDbItem ("BoxId", "Box", \$MaxboxId); # Camera GetMaxDbItem ("CameraId", "Camera", \$MaxcameraId); }

      Once these values are loaded, the remainder of the XML is parsed and the values
      are stored in the individual normalized tables, and the links and static data is stored in
      a main 'Entity' table. to do this effectively, the XML has been parsed and loaded into a hash.
      When it comes time to add the data to the database, i can get the data by keyname (which also happen
      to be the database primary keys). Next I must assign the table id to the entity rec and that requires
      a database query to see if the value has already been entered (keeping it normalized). If already there,
      I use the existing key and im done with the item.
      The tricky part is when it is not there. in this case, i have to:
      1. Get the next available Id for the given table (remember, same rootname as the table, and also the hash key
      This is where I want to build the max key Id scaler name dynamically. I don't know what it is, but know the format
      and can therefore build it on the fly. Once I have that, I can dynamically build the SQL insert statement
      The code below is the unfinished subroutine and calling sequence. Much of it works already.

      sub AddId { my $Index = $_[0]; my $Value; my $MaxPtr = ""; ${$id} = ""; if(exists $TableEntries{ $Index }) { $Value = $TableEntries{ $Index }[0]; print "AddId $Index\n"; print "Value: $Value\n"; $query = "SELECT $Index"."Id FROM $Index where $Index"."name = +\'$Value\'\;"; if( $debug eq 2 ) { print "\nquery: $query\n"; } $queryhandle = $dbh->prepare($query); $queryhandle->execute(); $queryhandle->bind_col(1, \${$id}); $queryhandle->fetch(); if($debug eq 2) { print "value: $Value id: ${$id} [end]\n"; } if( ${$id} eq "" ) { # Insert new item $MaxPtr = "\$"."Max"."$Index"."Id"; print "MaxPtr: $MaxPtr, ${$MaxPtr}\n"; my $newinsert = "Insert into $Index values("; # Rest goes here } $queryhandle->finish(); } }

      It is called thusly

      sub CreateTableEntries() { $ItemNo = 0; &FixedEntity; if ( $EntityRec ne "" ) { if ($debug eq 2) { print "EntityRec: $EntityRec\n" }; if ($count++ eq 25) { die; } #debug only, limit to 25 XML docu +ments } else { print "Identifier missing for file $filename\n"; return; } AddId("bookplateleaf"); AddId("box"); }

      The schema for the two tables shown bookplateleaf and box are:

      CREATE TABLE bookplateleaf ( bookplateleafId INTEGER NOT NULL , bookplateleafname VARCHAR , PRIMARY KEY(bookplateleafId)); insert into bookplateleaf values(0, "Dummy"); CREATE TABLE box ( boxId INTEGER NOT NULL , boxname VARCHAR , PRIMARY KEY(BoxId)); insert into box values(0, "Dummy");

      Hope this clarifies the purpose of my madness.

        Speaking for myself, I still don't see why you need to build the name of a scalar variable dynamically. It would be much easier and neater to use a hash to store the values, and build the hash key dynamically.

        You can create variable names dynamically in Perl, but it is very rairly justified.

        Off topic, but I notice that you are using eq for comparing numerics. eq is for string comparisons, better to use == instead.

        BTW, your supplied code will not compile, you use strict (which is good) but many of your variables are not declared using my.
        When you create the table, you can specify that the primary key gets autoincremented...
        $dbh->do ("CREATE TABLE bookplateleaf (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar(20), ) "); my $insert_name = prepare ("INSERT into bookplateleaf name = ?"); $insert_name->execute("someNaME");
        The DB will keep track of the primary key which is an integer and will auto increment it so that every "name" will have a unique id number.

        Does that help?

        Update: I not quite sure what this "box" this is. I could be that just one table will be all that you need.

        $dbh->do ("CREATE TABLE bookplateleaf (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar(20), box varchar(8192), ) "); my $insert_row = prepare ("INSERT into bookplateleaf name = ?, box = ? "); $insert_row->execute($name,$box);
        For some DB's, like SQLite, the varchar(X), the X is just a "hint" and the actual data can be much larger. It is ok for name to appear more than once because it is not the primary key. There is another step to index the database according to more than the primary key - so perhaps that you can search for "name" efficiently.

        I don't think that you are "stupid"..on the contrary for 30 days you have gotten quite far along!

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