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SoundOff Program (eg. for Pandora Radio)

by liverpole (Monsignor)
on Dec 04, 2011 at 18:17 UTC ( [id://941745]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

When I listen to soft jazz on Pandora Radio at work, I like to mute the volume when the advertising starts so I can concentrate on what I'm doing.

The problem is, when I'm in the middle of a software task I often forget to unmute the volume, so a period of time goes by before I realize I'm still "listening" to the radio.

This simple app is my lazy way to avoid having to turn on the volume again. I can click on the big green On/Off button (or type "Enter") and the speaker volume goes off for a preset time (15-seconds by default; typically long enough for most ads), and then automatically unmutes when the interval expires.

There's a volume control slider, as well as the capability to disable the timer altogether, making the unmute operation manual instead.

The program works on Windows, and requires installation of the perl/Tk module and Win32::Sound.

Though it's pretty straightforward, you can always click on 'F1' for help.

Edit:  I discovered there's a bug in Win32::Sound, whereby setting the volume disables the right speaker. I've edited the code to add the workaround, change tabs to spaces, and remove a couple of focusNext perl/Tk calls which were unnecessary.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############### ## Libraries ## ############### use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::Font; use Tk::Photo; use Tk::ROText; use Tk::DialogBox; use Win32::Sound; ################## ## User-defined ## ################## my $prog_title = "SoundOff v1.0 -- Dec. 2011 by John C. Norton"; my $min_mute = 5; my $dflt_mute = 15; # GUI Look & Feel my $a_timer_bg = [ '#ffafef', '#ffbf7f' ]; my $a_timer_txt = [ 'Timer Inactive (Esc)', 'Timer Active (Esc)' ]; my $bg_button = '#afcfff'; my $bg_label = '#ffbf7f'; my $bg_meter = '#ffdf3f'; my $bg_help = '#cfff9f'; my $fo_slider = 'Lucida Sans:9/*'; my $fo_button = 'Comic Sans MS:10*'; my $fo_label = 'Arial:10*'; my $fo_help = 'Lucida Sans:8'; my $a_can_geo = [ 128, 256 ]; my $a_meter_x = [ 48, 90 ]; my $a_meter_y = [ 32, 220 ]; my $a_bg_meter = [ '#ffffcf', '#ff3f3f' ]; my $a_btn_geo = [ 280, 317, 3 ]; my $a_on_off_geo = [ 280, 317, 3 ]; my $h_on_xpm = { '0' => '#7fcf7f', '2' => '#000000', '1' => '#87f7 +17' }; my $h_off_xpm = { '0' => '#ffbf7f', '2' => '#000000', '1' => '#ff3f +3f' }; ############# ## Globals ## ############# my $volume = '100'; my $b_resume = 1; my $b_mute = 0; my $c_tick = 0; my $mute_time = my $resume = $dflt_mute; my ($btn_on, $btn_off, $cv_meter, $id_meter, $id_text, $mute_ent, $c_t +imer); ################## ## Main Program ## ################## create_gui(); ################# ## Subroutines ## ################# sub create_gui { my $mw = new MainWindow(-title => $prog_title); my $fr1 = frame($mw, '^0x'); # Help, Master Volume, Quit my $fr2 = frame($mw, '^1b'); # Main frame my $fr3 = frame($fr2, '<0b'); # Large On/Off button my $fr4 = frame($fr2, '<1b'); # Timer Active, Mute Time, Meter main_options($fr1); $btn_on = sound_on_button($fr3); $btn_off = sound_off_button($fr3); $c_timer = togglebtn($fr4, \$b_resume, $a_timer_txt, $a_timer_bg) +; lbl_entry($fr4, 'Mute Time', \$mute_time); resume_meter($fr4); my $c_idle = sub { ($b_mute and $b_resume and $c_tick) and $c_tick +->(1) }; $mw->repeat(1000 => $c_idle); MainLoop; } sub main_options { my ($w) = @_; my $mw = $w->toplevel; my $fr1 = frame($w, '<0bg1'); my $fr2 = frame($w, '<1xg1'); my $fr3 = frame($w, '>0bg1'); my $b1 = button($fr1, 'Help (F1)', '<1b'); my $b2 = button($fr3, 'Quit (^Q)', '<1b'); volume_slider($fr2); $b1->configure(-command => sub { give_help($mw) }); $b2->configure(-command => sub { exit }); $mw->bind("<F1>" => sub { $b1->invoke }); $mw->bind("<Control-q>" => sub { $b2->invoke }); $mw->bind("<Return>" => sub { toggle_mute() }); $mw->bind("<KeyPress-Left>" => sub { adjust_mute_time(-5) }); $mw->bind("<KeyPress-Right>" => sub { adjust_mute_time(5) }); $mw->bind("<KeyPress-Down>" => sub { adjust_volume('-') }); $mw->bind("<KeyPress-Up>" => sub { adjust_volume('+') }); $mw->bind("<Escape>" => sub { $c_timer->() }); } sub resume_meter { my ($w) = @_; $cv_meter = $w->Canvas(-bg => 'gray', -takefocus => 0); $cv_meter->configure(-width => $a_can_geo->[0]); $cv_meter->configure(-height => $a_can_geo->[1]); my ($x0, $x1, $y0, $y1) = ( @$a_meter_x, @$a_meter_y ); my @rect = ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, -fill => $a_bg_meter->[0] ); $cv_meter->createRectangle(@rect); packit($cv_meter, '1bg2'); } sub volume_slider { my ($w) = @_; my $a_vol = [ '-orient' => 'horizontal', -label => '~ Master Volum +e ~' ]; my $vol = $w->Scale(@$a_vol, -variable => \$volume, -bg => $bg_m +eter); $vol->configure(-command => [ \&adjust_volume, '*' ]); $vol->configure(-takefocus => 0, -font => create_font($w, $fo_slid +er)); packit($vol, '<1b'); } sub adjust_mute_time { my ($incr) = @_; $mute_time =~ s/\D//g; $mute_time ||= $dflt_mute; ($incr eq '*') and $incr = 0; $mute_time += $incr; ($mute_time < $min_mute) and $mute_time = $min_mute; return $mute_time; } sub button { my ($w, $text, $pack) = @_; my $btn = $w->Button(-bg => $bg_button, -text => $text, -takefocu +s => 0); $btn->configure(-font => create_font($w, $fo_button)); return packit($btn, $pack || '<'); } sub create_font { my ($w, $font_spec) = @_; my $weight = ($font_spec =~ s/[*]//)? 'bold': 'normal'; my $slant = ($font_spec =~ s:[/]::)? 'italic': 'roman'; my ($fam, $size, $bold) = $font_spec =~ /(.+):(\d+)([*])?$/; my $mw = $w->toplevel; my @args = ( -weight => $weight, -slant => $slant ); my $font = $mw->Font(-family => $fam, -size => $size, @args); return $font; } sub lbl_entry { my ($w, $label, $s_var) = @_; my $frm = frame($w, '0xg2'); my $lbl = $frm->Label(-bg => $bg_label, -text => $label); $lbl->configure(-font => create_font($w, $fo_label)); $mute_ent = $frm->Entry(-width => 1, -justify => 'center'); my $c_validate = sub { return ($_[0] =~ /^\d*$/)? 1: 0 }; $mute_ent->configure(-textvar => $s_var); $mute_ent->configure(-validate => 'all', -validatecommand => $c_va +lidate); $lbl->pack($mute_ent, -side => 'left'); $mute_ent->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $mute_ent->focus; $mute_ent->selectionRange(0, 15); } sub togglebtn { my ($w, $s_var, $a_text, $a_bg) = @_; my $frm = frame($w, '0xg2'); my $btn = $frm->Button(); my $c_toggle = sub { my $text = $a_text->[$$s_var = 1 - $$s_var]; my $bg = $a_bg->[$$s_var]; $btn->configure(-text => $text, -bg => $bg); }; $btn->configure(-text => $a_text->[$$s_var], -bg => $a_bg->[$$s_va +r]); $btn->configure(-command => $c_toggle, -takefocus => 0); $btn->configure(-font => create_font($w, $fo_button)); packit($btn, '1b'); return $c_toggle; } sub frame { my ($w, $pack, $bg) = @_; my $frm = $w->Frame; ($bg || "") and $frm->configure(-bg => $bg); return packit($frm, $pack); } sub packit { my ($w, $pack) = @_; $pack ||= '^0n'; my $h_sides = {qw{ < left > right ^ top v bottom}}; my $h_fill = {qw{n none b both x x y y }}; my $h_rel = {qw{ - flat g groove r ridge s solid ^ raised v sunk +en }}; my $side = ($pack =~ s/^([<v^>])//)? $h_sides->{$1}: 'top'; my $b_exp = ($pack =~ s/^([01])//)? $1: 0; my $fill = ($pack =~ s/^([nbxy])//)? $h_fill->{$1}: 'none'; my $rel = ($pack =~ s/^([-grs^v])//)? $h_rel->{$1}: ''; my $bw = ($pack =~ s/^(\d+)//)? $1: 2; $rel and $w->configure(-relief => $rel, -borderwidth => $bw); $w->pack(-expand => $b_exp || 0, -fill => $fill, -side => $side); } sub toggle_mute { my ($btn) = @_; return ($b_mute = 1 - $b_mute)? mute_on(): mute_off(); } sub mute_on { adjust_volume(0); $btn_on->packForget; $btn_off->pack; $resume = my $curr_mute = adjust_mute_time(0); $b_mute = 1; $c_tick = sub { my ($nsecs) = @_; $resume -= $nsecs; ($resume <= 0) and return mute_off(); my $pcnt = (100 * $resume / $curr_mute); meter_level($pcnt); meter_label($resume); }; $c_tick->(0); } sub mute_off { $resume = $mute_time || $dflt_mute; $btn_on->pack; $btn_off->packForget; meter_level(0); meter_label('On'); $b_mute = $c_tick = 0; adjust_volume('*'); } sub meter_level { my ($pcnt) = @_; $pcnt = 100 - $pcnt; my ($x0, $x1, $y0, $y1) = ( @$a_meter_x, @$a_meter_y ); $y0 += ($pcnt * ($y1 - $y0)) / 100; my @rect = ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, -fill => $a_bg_meter->[1] ); $id_meter and $cv_meter->delete($id_meter); $id_meter = $cv_meter->createRectangle(@rect); } sub meter_label { my ($text) = @_; my ($x0, $x1, $y0, $y1) = ( @$a_meter_x, @$a_meter_y ); my ($textx, $texty) = (($x0 + $x1) / 2, $y1 + 4); my @args = ( $textx, $texty, -anchor => 'n', -text => $text); $id_text and $cv_meter->delete($id_text); $id_text = $cv_meter->createText(@args); } sub adjust_volume { my ($vol) = @_; ($vol eq '*') and $vol = $volume; ($vol eq '-') and $vol = ($volume > 0)? --$volume: $volume; ($vol eq '+') and $vol = ($volume < 100)? ++$volume: $volume; if (0 == $vol or !$b_mute) { my $val = int(65535 * $vol / 100) & 0x0000ffff; Win32::Sound::Volume(($val << 16) | $val); } } sub create_xpm { my ($a_geo, $h_xpm, $data) = @_; my ($w, $h, $nsyms) = @$a_geo; my ($lb, $rb) = (chr(123), chr(125)); # Don't mess up '%' i +n vim # Create XPM header my $xpm = qq{ :/* XPM */ :static char *xpm[] = $lb :"$w $h $nsyms 1", }; # Fill in XPM color symbols foreach my $key (keys %$h_xpm) { my $line = sprintf "%s c %s", $key, $h_xpm->{$key}; $xpm .= qq{\n\t\t:"$line",}; } $xpm =~ s/(^\s+:)|((?<=\n)\s+:)|(\s+$)//g; my $c_dec = sub { my $N = ord($_[0]); return 126 == $N? 0: 124 == $N? 75: $N < 92? $N-17: $N-92; }; # Decode XPM data $data =~ s/(^[^:]+:)|((?<=\n)\s+(?=:))|(:[^:]+$)//gs; $data =~ s/:\n://g; my $nhuff = $c_dec->(substr($data, 0, 1, "")); my $size = $c_dec->(substr($data, 0, 1, "")); for (my $i = 0; $i < $nhuff; $i++) { my $sym = substr($data, 0, $size, ""); my $rep = substr($data, 0, 1, ""); $data =~ s/\Q$rep\E/$sym/g; } substr($data, 0, $c_dec->(substr($data, 0, 1, "")), ""); my $decode = ""; while ($data) { my $symbol = substr($data, 0, 1, ""); my ($b1, $b2) = substr($data, 0, 2, "") =~ /^(.)(.)$/; $decode .= $symbol x (76 * $c_dec->($b1) + $c_dec->($b2)); } # Merge XPM header and data for (my $i = 1; $i <= $h; $i++) { my $line = substr($decode, 0, $w, ""); $xpm .= qq{\n"$line"} . (($i < $h)? ",": "$rb;"); } return $xpm; } sub sound_on_button { my ($w) = @_; my $data = on_off_data(); my $xpm = create_xpm($a_on_off_geo, $h_on_xpm, $data); my $btn = image_button($xpm, $w); $btn->configure(-command => \&toggle_mute); return packit($btn); } sub sound_off_button { my ($w) = @_; my $data = on_off_data(); my $xpm = create_xpm($a_on_off_geo, $h_off_xpm, $data); my $btn = image_button($xpm, $w); $btn->configure(-command => \&toggle_mute); return $btn; } sub image_button { my ($xpm, $w) = @_; my $mw = $w->toplevel; my $img = $mw->Photo(-format => 'xpm', -data => $xpm); my $btn = $w->Button(); $btn->configure(-image => $img, -takefocus => 0); return $btn; } sub give_help { my ($mw) = @_; my $title = "Help Menu"; my $db = $mw->DialogBox(-title => $title, -buttons => [ "Dismiss" + ]); my $frm = $db->add('Frame'); packit($frm, '0xr4'); my $text = qq{ : : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : SoundOff is a simple Windows application that mutes the comp +uter : speaker for a given timer interval, after which the volume i +s : automatically restored (unless the timer is inactive). : : The modules 'Tk' and 'Win32::Sound' are both required. : : The following features exist: : : 1. Help button (or F1) : : Displays this help menu. (Same as the <F1> key). : : 2. Master Volume slider (or <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow>) : : Selects the speaker volume when unmuted. The keyboard : accelerator keys <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> may be us +ed : to respectively raise or lower the volume. : : 3. Quit button (or ^Q) : : Exits the program. (Same as the <Control-Q> key). : : 4. Speaker Off/On Button (or <Enter>) : : Mutes or unmutes the speaker for the duration of the : current Mute Time. The <Enter> key does the same thin +g. : : 5. Timer Active button (or <Escape>) : : Disables the timer so the speaker is not automatically : unmuted, even after the mute time interval has elapsed +. : This lets the user mute/unmute the speaker manually. : The <Escape> key can be used as a shortcut for this. : : 6. Mute Time (or <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow>) : : Selects the exact number of seconds after which the sp +eaker : volume is restored. The <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow +> keys : respectively subtract or add 5-second intervals to th +e time. : : 7. Progress meter : : A meter which displays a visual indication of the numb +er : of seconds left until the speaker is unmuted. : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : $prog_title }; $text =~ s/(^\s+:)|((?<=\n)\s+:)|(\s+$)//g; my @text = split /\n/, $text; my @dim = ( -width => 64, -height => 1 + @text ); my $txt = $db->add('ROText', -bg => $bg_help, @dim); packit($txt, '1b'); $txt->configure(-font => create_font($mw, $fo_help)); map { $txt->insert('end', " $_\n") } @text; $txt->see('end'); $db->Show; } sub on_off_data { return q{ :l^0~ ~t!1~"1^#~r$~s%0]&1_'`2(1])0_*~q+x2,b2-~u.~2/_1020eg2~f* +92~: :j*62~l*42~n*22~p*02$*z2$*y2!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,! +*,!: :*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*,!*v"^2!"^*k +"g2: :!"g*]"l2!"l0^T"q2!"q0^K"u2!"u0^D",!"x0^>"02!"00^8"32!"30^22~c +"z2: :!"z2~c0^,~g",!",~g0^s2~k"w2!"w2~k0^n2~n"v2!"v2~n0^j2+"u2!"u2+ +0^f: :2!1!2!1!2!0^-~v1!2!1!2~v0^^2~y"s2!"s2~y&[2~0"s2!"s2~0&W2/"s2! +"s2: :/&S2~4"s2!"s2~4&O2~6"s2!"s2~6&L2~7"s2!"s2~7&I2~9"s2!"s2~9&F2~ +91!: :2!1!2~9&C2~;1!2!1!2~;&@2~;"u2!"u2~;&=2~<"v2!"v2~<&:2~<"w2!"w2 +~<&: :72~=",!",~=&42~<"z2!"z2~<&22~;"12!"12~;&z2~;"32!"32~;&w2~;"42 +!"4: :2~;&u2~:"62!"62~:&s2~9"82!"82~9&q2~8":2!":2~8&o2~7"<2!"<2~7&m +2~6: :">2!">2~6&k2~6"?2!"?2~6&h2~6"A2!"A2~6&e2~6"B2!"B2~6&c2~5"D2!" +D2~: :5&a2~5"E2!"E2~5&(~3"G2!"G2~3&_2~3"H2!"H2~3&]2/"J2!"J2/ |2/"K2 +!"K: :2/ Z2/"L2!"L2/ X2~1"N2!"N2~1 V2~1"O2!"O2~1 T2~1"P2!"P2~1 R2~1 +"Q2: :!"Q2~1 Q2~0"R2!"R2~0 P2~0"S2!"S2~0 N2~0"T2!"T2~0 L2~0"U2!"U2~ +0 K: :2~y"W2!"W2~y J2~y"X2!"X2~y H2~z"X2!"X2~z G2~y"Y2!"Y2~y F2~y"Z +2!": :Z2~y D2~y"[2!"[2~y C2~x"|2!"|2~x B2~x)/!)/~x @2~x)]2!)]2~x ?2 +~w): :^2!)^2~w >2~w)_2!)_2~w <2~x)_2!)_2~x ;2~w)a2$)a2~w :2~w)-$)-~ +w 9: :2~v)d2~p)d2~v 82~w)e2~n)e2~w 72~v)g2~l)g2~v 62~v)i2~j)i2~v 52 +~v): :k2~f)k2~v 42~v#;2~v 32.#=2. 22~v#=2~v 12.#?2. 02.#A2. z2.#A2. + y2: :.#C2. ,!#E2! w2.#E2. v2!#G2! u2.#G2. t2!#I2! t2!#I2! s2!#K2! +r2!: :#K2! q2!#M2! p2!#M2! p2%#O2% o2!#O2! n2!#O2! n2%#Q2% m2!#Q2! +l2%: :#S2% l2%#S2% k2!#S2! j2%#U2% j2%#U2% i2!#U2! h2%#W2% h2%#W2% +h2%: :#W2% g2%#Y2% f2%#Y2% f2%#Y2% f2$#[2$ f2$#[2$ e2%#[2% d2%#[2% +d2$: :'/$ d2$'/$ d2$'/$ c2%'/% -%'/% -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -$ +'^2: :$ -+'(+ -+'(+ a2$'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ (+'- ++ (: :+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+'-+ (+ +'-+: : (+'-+ (+'-+ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ ($'($ a2+'(+ + -+: :'(+ -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -$'^2$ -%'/% -%'/% c2$'/$ d2$ +'/$: : d2$'/$ d2%#[2% d2%#[2% e2$#[2$ f2$#[2$ f2%#Y2% f2%#Y2% f2%#Y +2% : :g2%#W2% h2%#W2% h2%#W2% h2!#U2! i2%#U2% j2%#U2% j2!#S2! k2%#S +2% : :l2%#S2% l2!#Q2! m2%#Q2% n2!#O2! n2!#O2! o2%#O2% p2!#M2! p2!#M +2! : :q2!#K2! r2!#K2! s2!#I2! t2!#I2! t2.#G2. u2!#G2! v2.#E2. w2!#E +2! : :,.#C2. y2.#A2. z2.#A2. 02.#?2. 12~v#=2~v 22.#=2. 32~v#;2~v 42 +~v#: :92~v 52~v#92~v 62~v#72~v 72~w#52~w 82~v#52~v 92~w#32~w :2~w#1 +2~w: : ;2~x#z2~x <2~w#z2~w >2~w#,~w ?2~x#v2~x @2~x#t2~x B2~x#r2~x C +2~y: :#p2~y D2~y#n2~y F2~y#l2~y G2~z#j2~z H2~y#j2~y J2~y#h2~y K2~0# +d2~: :0 L2~0#-~0 N2~0#(~0 P2~0#^2~0 Q2~1#/~1 R2~1)[2~1 T2~1)Y2~1 V2 +~1): :W2~1 X2/)S2/ Z2/)Q2/ |2/)O2/&]2~3)K2~3&_2~3)I2~3&(~5)E2~5&a2~ +5)C: :2~5&c2~6)?2~6&e2~6)=2~6&h2~6)92~6&k2~6)72~6&m2~7)32~7&o2~8)z2 +~8&: :q2~9)v2~9&s2~:)r2~:&u2~;)n2~;&w2~=)h2~=&z2~=)d2~=&22~?)^2~?&4 +2~A: :"Y2~A&72~B"S2~B&:2~D"M2~D&=2~F"E2~F&@2~J";2~J&C2~M"12~M&F2~U" +j2~: :U&I2]W&L2]U&O2]Q&S2]M&W2]I&[2]E0^^2]A0^-]=0^f2]90^j2]50^n2]10 +^s2: :]v0^,]r0^22]l0^82]f0^>2]`0^D2~[0^K2~S0^T2~I*]2~?*k2~x0e^: }; }


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: SoundOff Program (eg. for Pandora Radio)
by jwkrahn (Abbot) on Dec 05, 2011 at 04:19 UTC
    my $xpm = qq{ :/* XPM */ :static char *xpm[] = $lb :"$w $h $nsyms 1", }; # Fill in XPM color symbols foreach my $key (keys %$h_xpm) { my $line = sprintf "%s c %s", $key, $h_xpm->{$key}; $xpm .= qq{\n\t\t:"$line",}; } $xpm =~ s/(^\s+:)|((?<=\n)\s+:)|(\s+$)//g;

    Why add the leading whitespace and colon when you are just going to remove them anyway?

    And the substitution would be more efficient as:

    $xpm =~ s/^\s+://mg; $xpm =~ s/\s+$//;

    Or at least don't use unneeded capturing parentheses:

    $xpm =~ s/(?:^\s+:)|(?:(?<=\n)\s+:)|(?:\s+$)//g;
          Why add the leading whitespace and colon when you are just going to remove them anyway?

      Because it's far more easy to visually parse when it's indented, and I use that formatting trick in other programs, where I sometimes have to hand-edit the text, and it's much easier when the line begins with ':' than without.

          And the substitution would be more efficient as..."

      So what? It's in the startup code so it's not a performance hit, and I think the "unneeded" capturing parentheses makes it easier to read. But, yeah, thanks for "enlightening" me on regular expressions.

      Honestly, I posted this because I thought it might be useful to a few others besides me, not because I needed the code nit-picked for insignificant optimization. Did you even run it? Or was this just a chance to show off your ikegami-like superiority? It's your type of comments that make me tired and sad that I even post here any more.

Re: SoundOff Program (eg. for Pandora Radio)
by Tux (Canon) on Dec 05, 2011 at 11:28 UTC

    I did something similar, and talked about that in Belfast on YAPC::EU-2004. Maybe you can pick up some ideas to extend your script. Listening to music you like during work certainly improves both work and motivation :)

    My "radio" followed the playlist on the website of the station that was playing, and noted all song-switches. It then used a database with my song-ratings and modified the volume. If I had rated a song a 10, the volume went up, if I rated it 2 the volume was turned down. If a song started that I rated 1 or less, it switched stations.

    The interface also allowed ratings for new songs (it displayed the rating if available) and then stored the rating in the database. I still have that database:

    $ Low ratings: | 1 64 groups, 492 songs | 2 90 groups, 319 songs | 3 76 groups, 95 songs | 4 55 groups, 62 songs | 202 groups, 968 songs Medium ratings: | 5 42 groups, 42 songs | 6 52 groups, 56 songs | 92 groups, 98 songs High ratings: | 7 152 groups, 196 songs | 8 240 groups, 403 songs | 9 137 groups, 431 songs | 10 40 groups, 150 songs | 415 groups, 1180 songs Total: | 710 groups, 2246 songs Avarage rate: 5.4

    I meanwhile skipped to two stations that fit my taste better and seldom need switching. (I still have to switch when either one is off-line). Both these stations now send title and performer in the stream, so I don't have to follow websites anymore. GStreamer gives me that info while playing. As xmms is dead, I also no longer use that, but a handcrafted written in perl/Tk.

    Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
      You could do this too

Re: SoundOff Program (eg. for Pandora Radio)
by hbm (Hermit) on Dec 05, 2011 at 15:54 UTC

    Nice. I had the same idea when ads came out (what Pandora listener didn't, I suppose), but I just kinda stopped listening.

    I look forward to trying this.

    (It's odd, thinking of you as John C. Norton now, and not simply liverpole...)

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