in reply to cgi: Grabbing Multiple input values

I think the problem may be with your naming scheme. As opposed to naming the select box something like "input", try naming it:
input[]; For the full example: <form> <select NAME="input[]" SIZE=3 MULTIPLE> <option VALUE="opt1">option1 <option VALUE="opt2">option2 <option SELECTED VALUE="opt3">option3 </select> </form>
And then when it gets to your Perl script, you can treat it as an array. Otherwise, your Perl script really does only see it as one value.

UPDATE Okay, maybe it's time to kick myself for having a PHP background before I came around to the Perl world :-)

However, what would the proper method be in this scenerio -- If I used HTML::Template to build my template, and to process them.. in that case, what would be the proper thing to name the SELECT element?
a. <select name="myname" multiple> b. <select name="myname[]" multiple>
Thanks! :-)