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Need help getting format along with the value from excel using Workdheet::ParseExcel

by bennierounder (Sexton)
on Oct 27, 2011 at 10:21 UTC ( [id://934097]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

bennierounder has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi guys, does anyone know how to access the format from a cell when your taking the value from an excel file to copy it to another file. I am thinking it cannot be done, and if so it's not easy.

Does anyone have any clues as the documentation for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel is not helping me.

Here is my code

my $report_dir = shift; my $report_type = shift; my $file_data = shift; my $msg = shift; my $ext = shift || 'csv'; my $additional = shift || ''; my $time = UnixDate( "now", "%H.%M_%d%b%Y" ); my $THIS_DIR = $DIR . "/$report_dir"; unless ( -e $THIS_DIR ) { `mkdir -p $THIS_DIR`; } my $report_file; my $out_file; my $cnt = 1; while(1) { # need to make sure we have a unique filename $report_file = $report_type . '_' . $time . '.' . $ext; $report_file = $report_type . '_' . $time . "($cnt)" . '.' . $ext +if ($cnt > 1); $out_file = $THIS_DIR . "/" . $report_file; last unless (-e $out_file); die 'Could not make a unique filename' unless (++$cnt < 100); # s +anity check } open( REPORTS, ">$out_file" ) || die "couldn't open the $out_file!"; binmode(REPORTS) if ($ext=~/xls/); print REPORTS $file_data; close(REPORTS); my $outfile_tmp = $out_file . '_tmp'; open my $fh, ">$outfile_tmp" or die "Failed to open filehandle: $!" +; if ($OVERRIDE_ENCRYPTION) { if ($ext =~ /XLS/i) { my $out_workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($outfile_tmp); # read the excel file. my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); my $ret = ''; my $workbook = $parser->Parse($out_file); return($ret) if (!defined $workbook); for my $worksheet ( $workbook->worksheets() ) { my $out_worksheet = $out_workbook->add_worksheet($worksheet->g +et_name()); $out_worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Encypted'); my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range(); my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range(); for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) { for my $col ( $col_min .. $col_max ) { my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col )->value(); $out_worksheet->write(($row+1), $col, $cell); } } } $out_workbook->close(); print STDERR ">>>>ENCRYPTED File > $outfile_tmp >>> \n"; } elsif( $ext =~ /CSV/i) { open( REPORTS, "$outfile_tmp" ) || die "couldn't open the $outfi +le_tmp for encrytion!"; print REPORTS "encrypted\n"; print REPORTS $file_data; close(REPORTS); } `mv $outfile_tmp $out_file`; } if ($stdout) { $file_data = Reports::xls_to_csv($out_file) if ($ext eq 'xls'); print STDOUT $file_data; return; } print STDERR "Output in: $out_file\n"; my $mail_subject = 'From Vision report: ' . $report_type . ' for ' . + UnixDate( "now", '%F' ); my $mail_message = $msg . ' ' . $report_type . ' generated on ' . UnixDate( "now", '%F' ) . "\n " . $given_params . "\n" . 'If you have any questions or suggestions about the report send +queries to' . "\n\nSincerely,\nReports Admin,\nCSL\n" . "\n\n$additional\n" . $raw_params; my $mail_status; ($email) and $mail_status = &sendEmail( $mail_subject, $out_file, $r +eport_file, $mail_message, $email, $cemail, '' ); # Save all non-jhfghg report on share drive if ($email !~/hgf\.co\.uk/) { Utils::ftp_send($vision_obj,$out_file,$report_file,'Reports'); } if ( $mail_status or !$email ) { ($mail_status) and &log("Success: mail send\n"); return (1, $report_file, $THIS_DIR . "/" . $report_file); } else { &log("No Success : mail send\n"); return (0, $report_file, $THIS_DIR . "/" . $report_file); } } # end of sub output_report

The code is working to a certain extent. It is opening the xsl file that has been created and then copying it to another after inserting the word 'Encrypted' on the first row of the file. The only problem is the format of the original file is not carried over.

Has anyone got any idea how to put any code into this to allow the format to be obtained (from a cell) along with the value and passed over to the new document along with the value.

What sounds like a simple task is turning out to become a nightmare.

Any help is very much appreciated

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Re: Need help getting format along with the value from excel using Workdheet::ParseExcel
by Corion (Patriarch) on Oct 27, 2011 at 10:43 UTC
Re: Need help getting format along with the value from excel using Workdheet::ParseExcel
by jmcnamara (Monsignor) on Oct 27, 2011 at 11:42 UTC

    This is something that should be relatively easy to do but isn't. Partially this is my fault because after I took over the maintenance of Spreadsheet::ParseExcel I didn't improve SaveParser in any way apart from fixing a few bugs.

    Anyway, in recompense here is some working code that should help you and anyone else with a similar problem. The rewrite_workbook() code is based on SaveAs() in Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser. It just has slightly saner variable names and formatting to make modification easier.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; my $in_xls_file = 'test1.xls'; my $out_xls_file = 'test2.xls'; my $row_offset = 1; # Parse the input xls file. my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); my $workbook = $parser->parse( $in_xls_file ); if ( !defined $workbook ) { die $parser->error(), ".\n"; } # Convert the existing xls file to a new WriteExcel object. my $output_workbook = rewrite_workbook( $workbook, $out_xls_file, $row +_offset ); # Get the first WriteExcel worksheet. my $output_worksheet1 = $output_workbook->sheets( 0 ); # Write some new text to it. $output_worksheet1->write( 'A1', 'Some new text in the first row' ); # Do anything else you need to do. ###################################################################### +######### # # rewrite_workbook() # # Take a parsed Spreadsheet::ParseExcel workbook object and convert it + to a new # Spreadsheet::WriteExcel workbook object. Returns the workbook object +. # Optionally shifts the rows down by $row_offset. # # Based on SaveAs() in Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser. # sub rewrite_workbook { my $parsed_workbook = shift; my $out_xls_file = shift; my $row_offset = shift || 0; # Create a new Excel workbook my $output_workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new( $out_xls_file +); $output_workbook->compatibility_mode(); my %parsed_formats; my $format_number = 0; my @horiz_alignments = ( 'left', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'fill', 'justify', 'merge', 'equal_space' ); my @vert_alignments = ( 'top', 'vcenter', 'bottom', 'vjustify', 'vequal_space' ); foreach my $parsed_format ( @{ $parsed_workbook->{Format} } ) { my $output_format = $output_workbook->addformat(); if ( !$parsed_format->{Style} ) { $parsed_formats{$format_number} = $output_format; my $parsed_font = $parsed_format->{Font}; $output_format->set_font( $parsed_font->{Name} ); $output_format->set_size( $parsed_font->{Height} ); $output_format->set_color( $parsed_font->{Color} ); $output_format->set_bold( $parsed_font->{Bold} ); $output_format->set_italic( $parsed_font->{Italic} ); $output_format->set_underline( $parsed_font->{Underline} ) +; $output_format->set_font_strikeout( $parsed_font->{Strikeo +ut} ); $output_format->set_font_script( $parsed_font->{Super} ); $output_format->set_hidden( $parsed_font->{Hidden} ); $output_format->set_locked( $parsed_format->{Lock} ); $output_format->set_align( $horiz_alignments[ $parsed_format->{AlignH} ] ); $output_format->set_align( $vert_alignments[ $parsed_format->{AlignV} ] ); $output_format->set_rotation( $parsed_format->{Rotate} ); $output_format->set_num_format( $parsed_workbook->{FmtClas +s} ->FmtStringDef( $parsed_format->{FmtIdx}, $parsed_wo +rkbook ) ); $output_format->set_text_wrap( $parsed_format->{Wrap} ); $output_format->set_pattern( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[0] ) +; $output_format->set_fg_color( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[1] +) if ( ( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[1] >= 8 ) && ( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[1] <= 63 ) ); $output_format->set_bg_color( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[2] +) if ( ( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[2] >= 8 ) && ( $parsed_format->{Fill}->[2] <= 63 ) ); $output_format->set_left( ( $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[0] > 7 ) ? 3 : $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[0] ); $output_format->set_right( ( $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[1] > 7 ) ? 3 : $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[1] ); $output_format->set_top( ( $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[2] > 7 ) ? 3 : $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[2] ); $output_format->set_bottom( ( $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[3] > 7 ) ? 3 : $parsed_format->{BdrStyle}->[3] ); $output_format->set_left_color( $parsed_format->{BdrColor} +->[0] ) if ( ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[0] >= 8 ) && ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[0] <= 63 ) ); $output_format->set_right_color( $parsed_format->{BdrColor +}->[1] ) if ( ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[1] >= 8 ) && ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[1] <= 63 ) ); $output_format->set_top_color( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}- +>[2] ) if ( ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[2] >= 8 ) && ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[2] <= 63 ) ); $output_format->set_bottom_color( $parsed_format->{BdrColo +r}->[3] ) if ( ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[3] >= 8 ) && ( $parsed_format->{BdrColor}->[3] <= 63 ) ); } $format_number++; } for ( my $sheet_index = 0 ; $sheet_index < $parsed_workbook->{SheetCount} ; $sheet_index++ ) { my $parsed_worksheet = $parsed_workbook->{Worksheet}[$sheet_in +dex]; my $output_worksheet = $output_workbook->addworksheet( $parsed_worksheet->{Name} ); if ( !$parsed_worksheet->{Landscape} ) { $output_worksheet->set_landscape(); } else { $output_worksheet->set_portrait(); } if ( defined $parsed_worksheet->{Protect} ) { if ( $parsed_worksheet->{Protect} ne '' ) { $output_worksheet->protect( $parsed_worksheet->{Protec +t} ); } else { $output_worksheet->protect(); } } if ( ( $parsed_worksheet->{FitWidth} == 1 ) and ( $parsed_worksheet->{FitHeight} == 1 ) ) { # Pages on fit with width and Heigt $output_worksheet->fit_to_pages( $parsed_worksheet->{FitWi +dth}, $parsed_worksheet->{FitHeight} ); #Print Scale $output_worksheet->set_print_scale( $parsed_worksheet->{Sc +ale} ); } else { #Print Scale $output_worksheet->set_print_scale( $parsed_worksheet->{Sc +ale} ); # Pages on fit with width and Heigt $output_worksheet->fit_to_pages( $parsed_worksheet->{FitWi +dth}, $parsed_worksheet->{FitHeight} ); } # Paper Size $output_worksheet->set_paper( $parsed_worksheet->{PaperSize} ) +; # Margin $output_worksheet->set_margin_left( $parsed_worksheet->{LeftMa +rgin} ); $output_worksheet->set_margin_right( $parsed_worksheet->{Right +Margin} ); $output_worksheet->set_margin_top( $parsed_worksheet->{TopMarg +in} ); $output_worksheet->set_margin_bottom( $parsed_worksheet->{BottomMargin} ); # HCenter $output_worksheet->center_horizontally() if ( $parsed_worksheet->{HCenter} ); # VCenter $output_worksheet->center_vertically() if ( $parsed_worksheet->{VCenter} ); # Header, Footer $output_worksheet->set_header( $parsed_worksheet->{Header}, $parsed_worksheet->{HeaderMargin} ); $output_worksheet->set_footer( $parsed_worksheet->{Footer}, $parsed_worksheet->{FooterMargin} ); # Print Area if ( ref( $parsed_workbook->{PrintArea}[$sheet_index] ) eq 'AR +RAY' ) { my $parsed_print_area; for $parsed_print_area ( @{ $parsed_workbook->{PrintArea}[$sheet_index] } ) { $output_worksheet->print_area( @$parsed_print_area ); } } # Print Title for my $parsed_row_print_title ( @{ $parsed_workbook->{PrintTitle}[$sheet_index]->{Row} } ) { $output_worksheet->repeat_rows( @$parsed_row_print_title ) +; } for my $parsed_col_print_title ( @{ $parsed_workbook->{PrintTitle}[$sheet_index]->{Column} +} ) { $output_worksheet->repeat_columns( @$parsed_col_print_titl +e ); } # Print Gridlines if ( $parsed_worksheet->{PrintGrid} == 1 ) { $output_worksheet->hide_gridlines( 0 ); } else { $output_worksheet->hide_gridlines( 1 ); } # Print Headings if ( $parsed_worksheet->{PrintHeaders} ) { $output_worksheet->print_row_col_headers(); } # Horizontal Page Breaks $output_worksheet->set_h_pagebreaks( @{ $parsed_worksheet->{HPageBreak} } ); # Veritical Page Breaks $output_worksheet->set_v_pagebreaks( @{ $parsed_worksheet->{VPageBreak} } ); for ( my $col_num = $parsed_worksheet->{MinCol} ; defined $parsed_worksheet->{MaxCol} && $col_num <= $parsed_worksheet->{MaxCol} ; $col_num++ ) { if ( defined $parsed_worksheet->{ColWidth}[$col_num] ) { if ( $parsed_worksheet->{ColWidth}[$col_num] > 0 ) { $output_worksheet->set_column( $col_num, $col_num, $parsed_worksheet->{ColWidth}[$col_num] ); } else { $output_worksheet->set_column( $col_num, $col_num, + 0, undef, 1 ); } } } for ( my $rowl_num = $parsed_worksheet->{MinRow} ; defined $parsed_worksheet->{MaxRow} && $rowl_num <= $parsed_worksheet->{MaxRow} ; $rowl_num++ ) { $output_worksheet->set_row( $rowl_num + $row_offset, $parsed_worksheet->{RowHeight}[$rowl_num] ); for ( my $col_num = $parsed_worksheet->{MinCol} ; defined $parsed_worksheet->{MaxCol} && $col_num <= $parsed_worksheet->{MaxCol} ; $col_num++ ) { my $parsed_cell = $parsed_worksheet->{Cells}[$rowl_num][$col_num]; if ( $parsed_cell ) { if ( $parsed_cell->{Merged} ) { # There is probably a bug here. # See the GitHub repo if required. my $output_format = $output_workbook->addforma +t(); $output_format->copy( $parsed_formats{ $parsed_cell->{FormatNo} +} ); $output_format->set_merge( 1 ); $output_worksheet->write( $rowl_num + $row_offset, $col_num, $parsed_workbook->{FmtClass}->TextFmt( $parsed_cell->{Val}, $parsed_cell->{Co +de} ), $output_format ); } else { $output_worksheet->write( $rowl_num + $row_offset, $col_num, $parsed_workbook->{FmtClass}->TextFmt( $parsed_cell->{Val}, $parsed_cell->{Co +de} ), $parsed_formats{ $parsed_cell->{FormatNo} +} ); } } } } } return $output_workbook; }


      If anyone was inclined they could take this code and roll it into a Spreadsheet::ReWriteExcel module.

      The majority of the code is already there. It would just need a small amount of documentation and test cases. I think it would be genuinely useful.

      If anyone is interested let me know.


        I am new to computer developing and perl is the first language I have tried, but I love it. I will try and make the module, as you suggested because I haven't made one yet for the CPAN. I wanna take this opportunity to thank you. I will implement this with my code and complete my task easily now. You are amazing.

        Thanks Again John!

        I am interested in making the module you have suggested, just letting you know!

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