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Re^3: How to declare variables per loop

by wfsp (Abbot)
on Oct 11, 2011 at 15:52 UTC ( [id://930849]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: How to declare variables per loop
in thread How to declare variables per loop

Blowing some white space into your command shows that there is a pattern that we might take advantage of.
plot $years $yscala "$abc_this_01" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "$color_abc" lw 2, "$abc_this_01" title "{/Helvetica=10 ABC_Stuff}" with lines lt rgb "$c +olor_abc" lw 3, "$def_this_01" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "$color_def" lw 2, "$def_this_01" title "{/Helvetica=10 DEF_Stuff}" with lines lt rgb "$c +olor_def" lw 3, "$ghi_this_01" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "$color_ghi" lw 2, "$ghi_this_01" title "{/Helvetica=10 GHI_Stuff}" with lines lt rgb "$c +olor_ghi" lw 3, "$jkl_this_01" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "$color_jkl" lw 2, "$jkl_this_01" title "{/Helvetica=10 JKL_Stuff}" with lines lt rgb "$c +olor_jkl" lw 5, "$mno_this_01" with steps lt 1 lw 5 title "{/Helvetica=10 Abnormality +Border}"
We could consider putting the data into a hash and then feed that into a template. I've used sprintf here but there are many alternatives. I've made some guesses about the actual spec.
#! /usr/perl/bin use warnings; use strict; my %args = ( years => 2011, yscala => q{xxx}, sources => [ { source => q{abc}, color => q{red}, }, { source => q{def}, color => q{blue}, }, { source => q{ghi}, color => q{yellow}, }, { source => q{jkl}, color => q{green}, }, ], topic => q{this}, number => q{01}, abnormality_border => q{mno}, ); my $cmd = build_command(%args); print $cmd; sub build_command { my %args = @_; my $cmd = sprintf( qq{plot %s %s\n\n}, $args{years}, $args{yscala} ); for my $source (@{$args{sources}}){ $cmd .= sprintf( qq{"C:/Stuff/%s_%s_%s.csv" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "%s_%s +" lw 2,\n}, $source->{source}, $args{topic}, $args{number}, $source->{color}, $source->{source}, ); $cmd .= sprintf( qq{"C:/Stuff/%s_%s_%s.csv" title "{/Helvetica=10 ABC_Stuff}" wit +h lines lt rgb "%s_%s" lw 3,\n\n}, $source->{source}, $args{topic}, $args{number}, $source->{color}, $source->{source}, ); } $cmd .= sprintf( qq{"C:/Stuff/%s_%s_%s.csv" with steps lt 1 lw 5 title "{/Helvetica +=10 Abnormality Border}"}, $args{abnormality_border}, $args{topic}, $args{number}, ); return $cmd; }
plot 2011 xxx "C:/Stuff/abc_this_01.csv" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "red_abc" lw + 2, "C:/Stuff/abc_this_01.csv" title "{/Helvetica=10 ABC_Stuff}" with line +s lt rgb "red_abc" lw 3, "C:/Stuff/def_this_01.csv" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "blue_def" l +w 2, "C:/Stuff/def_this_01.csv" title "{/Helvetica=10 ABC_Stuff}" with line +s lt rgb "blue_def" lw 3, "C:/Stuff/ghi_this_01.csv" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "yellow_ghi" + lw 2, "C:/Stuff/ghi_this_01.csv" title "{/Helvetica=10 ABC_Stuff}" with line +s lt rgb "yellow_ghi" lw 3, "C:/Stuff/jkl_this_01.csv" title "" with errorbars lt rgb "green_jkl" +lw 2, "C:/Stuff/jkl_this_01.csv" title "{/Helvetica=10 ABC_Stuff}" with line +s lt rgb "green_jkl" lw 3, "C:/Stuff/mno_this_01.csv" with steps lt 1 lw 5 title "{/Helvetica=10 +Abnormality Border}"
The initial hash (the data) could be kept in a separate file and read in by the script. I often find keeping the data and code separate can ease updating/maintainance. Taking it a bit further keeping the actual templates in a separate file wouldn't hurt either.

When you have it working nicely you would obviously take the white space out.

updated: added output and included the csv file.

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Re^4: How to declare variables per loop
by vagabonding electron (Curate) on Oct 12, 2011 at 14:30 UTC
    Thank you wfsp, I put my answer at the end of the thread.

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