in reply to Re: __FILE__ fails in Mojolicious app built with PAR::Packer
in thread __FILE__ fails in app built with PAR::Packer

If __FILE__ is relative, and something does chdir, __FILE__ will point to the wrong thing
I noticed you said *if* __FILE__ is relative. When is it relative and when not? A simple program I wrote to trip up __FILE__ yields an absolute path for some reason:
sub hello { chdir '..'; my $file = __FILE__; warn "My file name is $file. Here is my contents:"; open(my $fh, "<", $file); my @data = <$fh>; warn "@data"; } hello(); 1;
Maybe there is something wrong with the chdir, I am doing to keep my Mojolicious::Lite app working under PAR::Packer... perhaps ... I will meditate on this a bit more.
You could argue it is a bug to rely on __FILE__ as always being absolute
Yes, I also think it's a less-than-appealing that __FILE__ is not always absolute, dont you? And when is __FILE__ computed? Runtime? compiletime? How is it done?
I would argue it is a bug to put relative paths into @INC/%INC See chdir and relative paths in @INC
Yes. Thank you for that data. That could save me a few hours of debugging at some point. However, the whole topic of loading files and relative paths on @INC is tangential to the issue with __FILE__, correct?

I tried putting the @INC fixing code at the top of a script demonstrating the __FILE__ problem with PAR and still have the anomaly when using PAR. What chdir command might fix this? I will meditate on that right after this post.

# works in plain perl, fails with this compilation line: # pp -P -r -v 99 -o BEGIN { use File::Spec; for (@INC) { if ( !ref $_ && -d $_ && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_ +) ) { $_ = File::Spec->rel2abs($_); } } } sub hello { my $file = __FILE__; warn "My file name is $file. Here is my contents:"; open(my $fh, "<", $file); my @data = <$fh>; warn "@data"; } hello(); 1;

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Re^3: __FILE__ fails in Mojolicious app built with PAR::Packer
by metaperl (Curate) on Sep 10, 2011 at 20:40 UTC