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Re: Sending Email to a list of people using Mail::Sender

by pvaldes (Chaplain)
on Aug 14, 2011 at 16:28 UTC ( [id://920239]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Sending Email to a list of people using Mail::Sender

"Initially, I had created a list of comma separated addresses(within the script) and it worked. When I moved that list to the new file, it didn't work."

"I assume that this is where the reference to a list of addresses comes in at."

Not, this is another concept, probably you're trying to use an external list that you simply forget (or fail) to load previously into a variable (ie: with read or open), so the list is not here.

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Re^2: Sending Email to a list of people using Mail::Sender
by mlebel (Hermit) on Aug 19, 2011 at 01:32 UTC


    OK, I solved my problem. Thanks to everyone who put in their feedback. Although the "style" may not be what everyone thinks it should be, it works and it works well. I will use some of your tips to cleanup the script once I have it working the way that I want.

    So.. FonkyMonk pointed me to in the right path. I still wasn't sure of the syntax so here is what I did:

    -I enabled the debug feature of Mail::Sender

    -I put all my values back in that had previously worked

    -I looked at the output of the debug and then with some print statements

    -I managed to get the same output from grabbing the information from the other file with the following relevant syntax:

    foreach $Line (<TESTFILE>) { if ($Line =~ m/To\s*=\s*(.*)/) { push(@To,$1); print "To = <@To>\n"; } } $Sender->OpenMultipart({ to => \@To, subject => "$Subject", });

    I hope this helps someone else in the future. (This ends my very first post ever in 6 years of using's a hell of a community out there.. keep up the good work everyone!)

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