#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # E-mail Redirect (for protecting addresses from E-mail-Address-Collecting Bots) # by David Glick [davisagli], 6/25/2001 # when given an e-mail address in the form "[user],[domain]", # this script returns an HTTP redirect to "mailto:[user]@[domain]" # This can be used to prevent spam-bots from finding e-mail # addresses in HTML links; for example, instead of linking to # "mailto:me@mydomain", you can link to "this_script.pl?me,mydomain" # Comments/improvements welcome; I don't have much experience with CGI. # Update 6/25/2001: The security risk that [bikeNomad] pointed out # shouldn't be an issue now. Also implemented his other suggestions. # Thanks much, bikeNomad! use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw/:standard/; $_ = param('keywords'); my ($user, $domain) = m{^([\w!$'*+-/=^.]+),([\w!$'*+-/=^.]+)$}; print redirect( -uri => "mailto:$user\@$domain" ) if defined($user) && defined($domain);