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Re: tk bind and widgets stored in array

by glenn (Scribe)
on Jun 30, 2011 at 20:48 UTC ( [id://912243]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to tk bind and widgets stored in array

Thank you for looking at it, i got it working; i know there is a lot but i was posting it quickly and all the parts work together and i would have had to go line by line to remove the simple mundane items. There was an id10t error with the bind, it was my first time using bind. The bind sub is not like a sub in the -command part of a widget, so i was trying to use variables in the sub that were declared in the surrounding for loop; i had to create a real sub and pass the values. In case anybody wants it here is the working code:
use XML::Simple; use Tk; use Tk::DialogBox; use Term::ANSIColor; use Tk::ColorEditor; use Tk::BrowseEntry; use Tk::LabEntry; use Tk::Pane; my $SYSTEMJOB; my @lic_options = ("none","opt1","opt2"); #license window vars; do not edit my $mainwindow; my $win2; my $allserial = 0; my $systemxml = "<systemlist>"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @ip; $i++) { $tempip++; my $serial = $confHlpr->getSerialNumber($itxip[$i]); #returns seri +al or X my $createtime = time; $systemxml .= "<system> <ip>$itxip[$i]</ip> <ip>192.168.0.$tempip</ip> <nodenumber>$i</nodenumber> <status>proceed</status> <serial>$serial</serial> <createtime>$createtime</createtime> <filename>unknown</filename> <mac>unknown</mac> <mac>unknown</mac> <reasonforfailure>unknown</reasonforfailure> <password>password</password> <license>none</license> <license>unknown</license> <raidtype>unknown</raidtype> </system>"; } $systemxml .= "</systemlist>"; my $xs = new XML::Simple(keeproot=>1, forcearray=>1); $SYSTEMJOB = $xs->XMLin($systemxml); #Set License createLicenseWindow(); MainLoop(); sub createLicenseWindow { my $mins = int(8); #waittime in minutes my $waittime = int($mins * 60); #wait in seconds $mainwindow = MainWindow->new(); $mainwindow->title("License Units"); $mainwindow->configure(-background=> 'wheat'); $mainwindow->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',sub{$mainwindow->messageB +ox(-message=>"Window cannot be closed this way.", -title=>"Disabled") +;return;}); my $center = $mainwindow->Frame->grid(); $center->configure(-background=> 'wheat'); $center->Label(-text=>"Select license option to set on unit. New f +eature.\n\nWill automatticly continue after $mins minutes.", -backgro +und=>'tan', -foreground=>'darkgreen', -font=>['courier', '14', 'bold' +])->grid(-row=>0, -column=>0, -columnspan=>2, -sticky=>'ew'); my $lic_frame = $center->Scrolled('Frame', -scrollbars=>'e', -heig +ht=>'300')->grid(-row=>1, -column=>0, -columnspan=>2); my $lic_grid = $lic_frame->grid(); $lic_grid->configure(-background=> 'wheat'); my @serialEnt; for (my $count = 0; $count < @{$SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{sys +tem}}; $count++) { my $system = $SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{system}->[$count] +; if ($system->{serial}->[0] =~ m/X/) { $system->{serial}->[0] = ""; } my $bgcolor; if ($count % 2 == 0) { $bgcolor="LemonChiffon"; } else { $bgcolor="cornsilk"; } $lic_grid->Label(-text=>"IP: ".$system->{ip}->[0], -background +=>$bgcolor."1")->grid(-row=>$count, -column=>0); $serialEnt[$count] = $lic_grid->LabEntry(-label=>"Serial: ", - +background=>$bgcolor."2", -textvariable=>\$system->{serial}->[0], -la +belPack=>[-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'])->grid(-row=>$count, -column=> +1); $lic_grid->BrowseEntry(-label=>"Set License: ", -background=>$ +bgcolor."3", -variable=>\$system->{license}->[0], -choices=>\@lic_opt +ions)->grid(-row=>$count, -column=>2); my $blink = $lic_grid->Button(-text=>"Blink Unit", -background +=>$bgcolor."4", -command=>sub { if ($system->{raidtype}->[0] =~ m/software/i or $system->{ +raidtype}->[0] =~ m/unknown/i) { qx"wincuri 2 $system->{ip}->[0] \"/usr/AmiNas/cli blin +k -t ld -l /dev/md255 raid\""; } if ($system->{raidtype}->[0] =~ m/hardware/i or $system->{ +raidtype}->[0] =~ m/unknown/i) { qx"wincuri 2 $system->{ip}->[0] \"/usr/AmiNas/cli blin +k -t ld -l /dev/sda raid\""; } $serialEnt[$count]->focus; })->grid(-row=>$count, -column=>3); if ($system->{raidtype}->[0] =~ m/none/i) { $blink->enabled = 0; } } for (my $count = 0; $count < @serialEnt; $count++) { #give the first system with no serail focus my $system = $SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{system}->[$count] +; if ($system->{serial}->[0] eq "") { $serialEnt[$count]->focus; last; } } for (my $count = 0; $count < @serialEnt; $count++) { my $serialRef = \@serialEnt; $serialEnt[$count]->bind('<KeyPress>' => [\&Linputcheck, $coun +t, $serialRef]); } $center->Button(-text=>"Continue", -background=>'tan', -command=>s +ub { my $allset = 2; my $message = ""; for (my $count = 0; $count < @{$SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]-> +{system}}; $count++) { my $system = $SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{system}->[$co +unt]; if ($system->{serial}->[0] eq "") { $allset = 0; } elsif (length($system->{serial}->[0]) ne 15) { $message .= "Serial number ".$system->{serial}->[0]." +is ".length($system->{serial}->[0])." charaters\n"; $allset = 1; } } if ($allset == 1) { $mainwindow->messageBox(-message=>"Serial numbers must be +15 charaters long\n\n$message", -title=>"Invalid Input"); } elsif ($allset == 2) { $waittime = -1; &setSerailNumbers; $mainwindow->destroy; } })->grid(-row=>2, -column=>0, -columnspan=>2, -sticky=>'ew'); $center->LabEntry(-label=>"Auto Continue in: ", -background=>'tan' +, -textvariable=>\$waittime, -labelPack=>[-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w' +])->grid(-row=>3, -column=>0); $center->Button(-text=>"Stop Auto Continue", -background=>'tan', - +command=>sub {$waittime = -1;})->grid(-row=>3, -column=>1); my $timer = $mainwindow->repeat(1000, sub{ if ($waittime == 0) { my $allset = 1; $waittime = -1; for (my $c = 0; $c < @{$SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{sys +tem}}; $c++) { if (length($SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{system}->[$ +c]->{serial}->[0]) ne 15) { $allset = 0; } } if ($allset == 1) { &setSerailNumbers; $mainwindow->destroy; } else { licenseEmail(); } } elsif ($waittime > 0) { $waittime--; } }); } sub Linputcheck { my ($widget, $count, $serialRef) = @_; my $system = $SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{system}->[$count]; $system->{serial}->[0] =~ s/\s//g; print "My serail number for unit $count is [".$system->{serial}->[ +0]."]\n"; if (length($system->{serial}->[0]) eq 15) { if ($count + 1 eq @$serialRef) { print "All serail numbers have been entered, correctly\n"; my $cnt = 30; if ($allserial == 0) { $allserial = 1; #only popup once $win2 = $mainwindow->Toplevel(); #$win2->update; $win2->raise(); $win2->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',sub{$win2->messageB +ox(-message=>"Window cannot be closed this way.", -title=>"Disabled") +;return;}); $win2->title("Ready to continue?"); $win2->Label(-text=>"Are you ready to continue or do\n + you need to change the license settings?")->pack(-side => 'top'); $win2->Button(-text=>"Contine", -command=>sub{&setSera +ilNumbers; $mainwindow->destroy;})->pack(-side => 'left'); $win2->Button(-text=>"Change License", -command=>sub{$ +win2->destroy;})->pack(-side => 'right'); $win2->LabEntry(-label=>"Auto Continue in: ", -textvar +iable=>\$cnt, -labelPack=>[-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'])->pack(-side +=> 'bottom'); my $timer2 = $win2->repeat(1000, sub{ $cnt--; if ($cnt == 0) { &setSerailNumbers; $mainwindow->destroy; } }); } } else { print "There are more serial numbers to be entered\n"; @$serialRef[$count+1]->focus; } } return; } sub setSerailNumbers { for (my $count = 0; $count < @{$SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{sys +tem}}; $count++) { my $system = $SYSTEMJOB->{systemlist}->[0]->{system}->[$count] +; system("plink ".$system->{ip}->[0]." \"echo '".$system->{seria +l}->[0]."' > /etc/itxserial\""); } return; }

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