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Common Regex Gotchas

by chromatic (Archbishop)
on Apr 26, 2000 at 00:00 UTC ( [id://9096]=perltutorial: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Common Regex Gotchas

Perl novices often stumble over a few gotchas when first learning regular expressions. Learning the whys and the workarounds could save you hours of frustration.


Perl's regex engine likes to match the longest string possible, by default. This is described as greediness. Most people don't think that way, at least when looking at text. Given the following string and regex, what will be in $1?
my $data = "<tag>this is a line of code</tag> <explanation>this is where I wax poetic about my code</explanation> <tag>this is another example of code</tag>"; if ($data =~ /<tag>(.*)<\/tag>/s) { print "I found =>$1<=\n"; }

If you said "this is a line of code", you're thinking the same thing most people do. Unfortunately, that's not the way Perl thinks:

I found =>this is a line of code</tag> <explanation>this is where I wax poetic about my code</explanation> <tag>this is another example of code<=

The secret lies in the mysterious asterisk (match zero or more of the preceding). When the engine hits it, it jumps ahead to the end of the line and tries to match the next character -- the < character. Since the last character in the string is >, the match fails, and the engine backtracks a character. This continues through e, d, o, c, and /, until it finally reaches the final < in $data.

Knowing that, you now understand the danger of greediness (and, hopefully, also why parsing HTML with a regex can be tricky). The solution is very simple:

if ($data =~ /<tag>(.*?)<\/tag>/s) { print "I found =>$1<=\n"; }

Using the ? after a normally-greedy quantifier (* or +) tells the engine not to grab the longest string, but the first string that matches the whole pattern.

Specifying Too Much

This gotcha is more stylistic, but it can come back to haunt you later. Remember that regular expressions can be somewhat vague -- you don't have to specify the entire line, if you're only looking for a certain portion. Suppose that you want to find the word Serial, followed by a colon and then a nine-digit number. The data lines might look like this: my $line = "Name: Some Soldier, Rank:  Leftenant, Serial: 426879824, Boots:  black"; A regex novice might bite off more than he could chew with the following: $line =~ /^\w*: \w*\s*\w*, \w*: \w*, \w+: (\d)*, \w*: \w*$/; If all you're interested in is the Serial number, only ask for that. It'll make your regex simpler, and it will handle deviations from what you think the line ought to look like. (That happens more often than you want to think.) $line =~ /[Ss]erial: (\d{9})/; Caveat: There are good reasons to break my Rule of Simplicity. Performance is one, and error handling is another. Be sure that the code works first, though, then try to make it tricky.

Special Characters

Don't forget that certain characters (like ., *, /, +, and ?) have special meanings within regular expressions. If you don't have a Unixy background (where escaping characters with a backslash is a little more common), you might write something like this, and stare at it in confusion for a while: $line =~ /<title>(.*?)</title>/; Hmm. Check the perlman:perlre page for the skinny on exactly which characters have special meaning. Also be aware that choosing alternate delimiters can help out, as well as being more visually appealing: $line =~ m!<title>(.*?)</title>!; One other caveat is that, within a character class, these rules often don't apply:
my $line = "*f."; $line =~ /([^.*]{2})/;

Simple Substitutions

Want to make sure user input is completely uppercased? Here's one approach:
my $input = "foo bar baz"; $input =~ s/(\w+)/uc($1)/ge;
While that works, it's serious overkill. Even a less picky approach is sub-optimal: $intput =~ s/([A-Za-z]+)/uc($1)/ge; Don't forget about the friendly tr/// operator -- it's made for simple substitutions like this. (Of course, if you're working with a locale different than simple English text, you're out of luck). $input =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;

Regular expressions give you a lot of power at the cost of some speed. Don't get out the chainsaw when a penknife will do.

Update: a few small corrections.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by Desdinova (Friar) on Mar 14, 2001 at 22:41 UTC
    Regarding the simple substitutions section just to prove your point about not going overkill i benchmarked the two ways you mentioned (tr and s) as well as just uc with this code
    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use Benchmark; my $count =500000; ## Method number one sub One { my $data = 'for bar baz'; $data = uc $data; } ## Method number two sub Two { my $data = 'for bar baz'; $data =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; } ## Method number Three sub Three { my $data = 'for bar baz'; $data =~ s/([A-Za-z]+)/uc($1)/ge; } ## We'll test each one, with simple labels timethese ( $count, {'Method One UC' => '&One', 'Method Two TR' => '&Two', 'Method Three s'=> '&Three' } ); exit;
    And got these results:
    Benchmark: timing 500000 iterations of Method One UC, Method Three s, +Method Two TR... Method One UC: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.42 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.42 CPU) @ + 352112.68/s (n=500000) Method Three s: 16 wallclock secs (17.03 usr + 0.00 sys = 17.03 CPU) +@ 29359.95/s (n=500000) Method Two TR: 1 wallclock secs ( 2.04 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.04 CPU) @ + 245098.04/s (n=500000)
    I know this is not new information but i figured i'd post here to highlight what you are saying.
    PS -- The bechmark method stolen from Benchmarking your code

    UPDATE: Xxaxx pointed out to me in This Node That I am not making a fair comparision above. The eval of uc($1) in the s/// regex was eating up a lot of the cycles. The gap is smaller than 17:1 shown above...
    For a fairer test I compared a single char substituion with tr/// and s///
    my $data = 'for-bar-baz'; $data =~ s/-/_/g; print $data; my $data = 'for-bar-baz'; $data =~tr/-/_/; print $data;
    Using the benchmarking above I got hese results:
    Benchmark: timing 500000 iterations of Method One TR, Method Two s... Method One TR: 2 wallclock secs ( 1.87 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.87 CPU) @ + 267379.68/s (n=500000) Method Two s: 5 wallclock secs ( 4.84 usr + 0.00 sys = 4.84 CPU) @ +103305.79/s (n=500000)
    Still there is an advantage to tr/// over s/// which can be more noticable depending on your data.

    Update 2: petral asked me question in the CB about the way i call uc in method one made me realize that it wont actually do anything because I don't assign the return value back to the var. I updated the code to do that.
      If I am not mistaken the Benchmark module is plagued by the "$& and friends". That means it makes the regexes slow by defualt. That means that the benchmarks you take are disproportionate and useless, since the ineffectiant single instance of $& ruins any optimizations perl can make on the substitution.
        Happily, that doesn't appear to be the case. I don't see any occurence of the $& et al. variables in the code for

        The real problem here is the use of /e on the substitution, when this would work just as well and be much more efficient: s/(\w+)/\U$1/g;

Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by John M. Dlugosz (Monsignor) on Jul 06, 2001 at 07:47 UTC
    I'd like to point out that tr/a-z/A-Z/ does something different from uc or \U. The former won't deal with "Peña", for example. The latter treats accented characters correctly according to the language in use, and potentially handles weird things like German ß and letters in additon to the normal 26 in English, such as þ.
Re: Common Regex Gotchas -- "(:?"
by shenme (Priest) on Sep 29, 2005 at 18:28 UTC
    Summary: "(:?" is a quiet guy, but not as well-mannered and quick as that "(?:" fellow.

    When extending the regex syntax to include features like zero-width negative look-ahead the authors tried very hard to use syntax that avoided duplicating any 'real' regex code. So they started all the new syntax with '(?'. It turns out that this makes typos a bit too easy, and far too quiet.

    I came across the following in a CPAN module:

    It isn't important what the RE does as much as 1) it doesn't work as intended, and 2) it doesn't (loudly) fail

    The writer intended to use "(?:", the clustering grouping. This is used when you need to avoid capturing the matched subexpression. For instance you might want to say that a complex inner match is optional, e.g.

    ... ( contains \s+ (?:this|that)? \s+ item ) ...

    But tyops happen. What is the result if you reverse the ':' and '?' characters? Nothing drastic, usually.

    In "(:? pattern )" the original meaning of '?' is used - the ':' character becomes an optionally matched character. The parentheses also revert to their original meaning of capturing groups.

    So usually the only result is that the regex is a bit slower and captures more substrings. It might also allow a stray ':' input character. If you weren't monitoring how many captures come back from a successful match you might never notice the typo.

    But note that this typo could occur with any single character "(?X" syntax. You might notice it right away if your "(#? comment )" caused syntax errors. And you should notice it when your input matching tests fail on "fore(=?fend)". But otherwise these typos will silently fail.

    Now this is a minor gotcha. Except that it is found in 15 nodes here, with another node mentioning it in an aside, and another node discovering the typo in a book. I wonder if it is in your code?

    perlre - Extended Patterns

Regex Lab 4 Studying
by chanio (Priest) on Jul 06, 2005 at 06:32 UTC
    I have found a very good application that would do a good job for learning purposes of Windows REGEX students... The Regex Coach .

    Working on LINUX would be easier for Regular Expression practices since nearly all works like this. But on Windows, besides the great Bundle::PPT (A bundle for install perl power tools that emulate LINUX shell commands) there are very reduced ways of dealing with REGEX. And oneliners are good, if you could be sure that the rest of the code is not affecting the REGEX to be tested.

    This Regex Coach was programmed in Common Lisp. And explains a lot about any regular expression that I could try...

    It not only resolves matching, substitutions and splitting, but also makes a short description of the regex to test. It shows the mistakes and draws a tree with the possible paths considered by the evaluation. There is even a step by step traversing of the main decisions that the regex engine does. And highlights the chars that are involved on each one. It also allows to mask some part of the text to be filtered, to see the efects of the regular expression. When each step is done, a part of the text is highlited, as well as the part of the code involved in that moment. People should try this freeware. And thank the author, to encourage him to keep on improving it... If it is possible!

    { \ ( ' v ' ) / }
    ( \ _ / ) _ _ _ _ ` ( ) ' _ _ _ _
    ( = ( ^ Y ^ ) = ( _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^
    _ _ _ _ \ _ ( m _ _ _ m ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) c h i a n o , a l b e r t o
    Wherever I lay my KNOPPIX disk, a new FREE LINUX nation could be established
Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by Anonymous Monk on May 28, 2001 at 17:50 UTC
    under the section: ``Specifying too much'' you said:

    $line =~ /^\w*: \w*\s*\w*, \w*: \w*, \w+: (\d)*, \w*: \w*$";

    This ends the regexp with a `"' and starts it with `/`. you could do m"..." or /.../ .

      your allowed to do that with regexs? I just learned you could use [], (), "", <>, etc., with qq...

      I should read more on Perl.

Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 27, 2001 at 03:23 UTC
    I found the Greedy section to be quite confusing. First of all, I think you probably have a couple slash-s'es in your html that is causing it to not print and makes the last couple paragraphs very difficult to understand and read. Also, I'm still confused about why there is a match at all in the first example. Why doesn't the engine continue backwards past the whitespace and look for a </tag> string? Finally, why does the last example (still in the Greedy section) work? If, when creating the example string, I carraige return after the </tag>, there shouldn't be a whitespace to match on, right? Finally, finally, thanks for putting this together... it's really speeding my ramp along...
      Sorry - re-reading it, I realized that I accidently inserted html tags that are not showing up.

      I found the Greedy section to be quite confusing. First of all, I think you probably have a couple slash-s'es in your html that is causing it to not print and makes the last couple paragraphs very difficult to understand and read.

      Also, I'm still confused about why there is a match at all in the first example. Why doesn't the engine continue backwards past the whitespace and look for a <\/tag> string?

      Finally, why does the last example (still in the Greedy section) work? If, when creating the example string, I carraige return after the <\/tag>, there shouldn't be a whitespace to match on, right?

      Finally, finally, thanks for putting this together... it's really speeding my ramp along...

        Why doesn't the engine continue backwards past the whitespace and look for a <\/tag> string?

        Because the engine prefers the longest match that starts at the leftmost possible position. When it hits .*, it jumps all the way to the end of the string and then backtracks, trying to match the next necessary character. Because it's backtracking, it matches </tag> at the end of the string. That fits the pattern, so it doesn't continue backtracking to find a shorter match.

        If, when creating the example string, I carraige return after the <\/tag>, there shouldn't be a whitespace to match on, right?

        The /s flag allows the '.' token to match newlines. Adding the minimal token '?' avoids the jump-to-end-then-backtrack behavior. It works like you'd expect, trying to match as few characters as possible.

        Does that clear it up? I've also touched up the formatting somewhat.

Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by mrpeabody (Friar) on May 04, 2004 at 04:11 UTC
    If you don't have a Unixy background (where escaping characters with a forwardslash is a little more common),
    Neither Unix nor Perl's RE engine escapes characters with a forward slash. Surely you mean backslash?
Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 11, 2005 at 09:57 UTC
    Thanks for the great but simple explanations - you write really well. I'm a relative beginner at regex's so I really appreciate it.
Re: Common Regex Gotchas
by rovf (Priest) on Jul 07, 2008 at 08:59 UTC

    Maybe it's worth to include the following, which has bitten me once too: One common use is to get regexp from an external source - for instance, your commandline - into your program, so you end up having somewhere something like:

    if($line =~ /$pattern/) { ... }
    The trap here is when $pattern happens to be the null string, yielding the Regexp //. This special regexp, unless it is used as argument to the split function, means: "Match again the most recently encountered regexps", which can lead to pretty bizarre program behaviour.

    Ronald Fischer <>

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