n=0;~/s/ until/, 99\D+/=~$_="Take one down and pass it around, #{c=n+=1," bottle#$& of beer"," on the wall"}. #{c}, %s%s. #$_"%c;puts$'+"Go to the store and buy some more"+$& #### n=0;$_="Take one down and pass it around, #{~/s/;c=n+=1," bottle#$& of beer"," on the wall"}. #{c}, %s%s. #$_"%c until~/, 99\D+/;puts$'+"Go to the store and buy some more"+$& #### n=0;n+=1 4-$.-=1 #### $_="Take one down and pass it around, #{~/s/;c=4-$.-=1," bottle#$& of beer"," on the wall"}. #{c}, %s%s. #$_"%c until/, 99\D+/;puts$'+"Go to the store and buy some more"+$& #### $_="Take one down and pass it around, #{c=4-$.-=1," bottle#{c&&:s} of beer"," on the wall"}. #{c}, %s%s. #$_"%c until/, 99\D+/;puts$'+"Go to the store and buy some more"+$&