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Re: A job, a chair, and Perl

by sierrathedog04 (Hermit)
on Jun 22, 2001 at 04:09 UTC ( [id://90586]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to A job, a chair, and Perl

Yes, the Ergo-Assmaster is a fine product. But what you are forgetting with all this talk about furniture is the key element in master programming—hats. Every wonder why almost all diamond-cutters are Orthodox Jews? The hats they wear compress their brain waves and enable them to concentrate on the task at hand. Similarly, there are many good programmers where I work, but they are not as good as they can be, because they do not wear hats while they code. They are leaking brainwaves and losing concentration.

I hope that you will take this opportunity to rectify the situation and start wearing hats while you code. Just a word of friendly advice.

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