in reply to (Golf) Cryptographer's Tool #1

Here's mine. Not particularly interesting, really, and probably missing out on a few standard golf tricks.
sub c {my(@a,%h,$i)=split//,pop;my$s=pop;$s=~s!(.)!$h{$1}||=$a[$i++]!g +e;$s}
67 chars.

Update: got rid of one character by using substr:

sub c {my($a,%h,$i)=pop;my$s=pop;$s=~s!(.)!$h{$1}||=substr$a,$i++,1!ge +;$s}
66 chars.

Update 2: if you don't need strict:

sub c {($s,$a)=@_;my(%h,$i);$s=~s!(.)!$h{$1}||=substr$a,$i++,1!ge;$s}

Update 3: Oh, and the reason I'm still initializing %h and $i is so that the sub will work on repeated invocations. If we don't *have* to do that, this will do:

sub c {($s,$a)=@_;$s=~s!(.)!$h{$1}||=substr$a,$i++,1!ge;$s}

Update 4: Use $_:

sub c {($_,$a)=@_;s!(.)!$h{$1}||=substr$a,$i++,1!ge;$_}

Update 5: Okay, so none of these actually *work* per the spec. Thanks, tilly. :)