in reply to Split range 0 to M into N non-overlapping (roughly equal) ranges.

Why not adapt the solution ikegami suggested a few weeks back on the Near equal partitions. thread?

sub ranges_beth2 { my ($M, $N) = @_; my $r = ($M+1)%$N; my $q = ($M+1-$r)/$N; my $iEnd=0; return [ map { my $iStart=$iEnd; [$iStart, ($iEnd+=$_) - 1] } (($q+1) x $r, ($q) x ($N-$r)) ]; }

Sample output

--------------------------- 0 : from 0 to 9999997 (9999998) --------------------------- 0 : from 0 to 4999998 (4999999) 1 : from 4999999 to 9999997 (4999999) --------------------------- 0 : from 0 to 3333332 (3333333) 1 : from 3333333 to 6666665 (3333333) 2 : from 6666666 to 9999997 (3333332) --------------------------- 0 : from 0 to 2499999 (2500000) 1 : from 2500000 to 4999999 (2500000) 2 : from 5000000 to 7499998 (2499999) 3 : from 7499999 to 9999997 (2499999)

It ensures that partitions never differ by more than 1 in size and avoids rounding errors. On benchmark results it is also marginally faster (4-8%) than the code in the OP (actual result varies between runs)

s/iter buk eli_ik buk 1.01 -- -8% eli_ik 0.923 9% -- Rate buk eli_ik buk 1.02/s -- -4% eli_ik 1.06/s 4% --

Benchmark code

use Benchmark qw(cmpthese); sub testRanges { my $cr=$_[0]; for my $M (1..1e2) { for my $N (1..$M) { $cr->($M,$N); } } } cmpthese(10 , { 'buk' => sub { testRanges(\&ranges_buk) } , 'eli_ik' => sub { testRanges(\&ranges_beth2) } } );

Update: added that it avoids rounding errors.

Update: minor revision to account for OP desiring range to go from 0..$M ($M+1 values) not 0..($M-1), i.e. $M values.