perl_lover_always has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi dear monks I have written a code and it works. this is to see what word occurred in which lines. I have a very large text (more than one gigabyte) and I want to make my program very efficient to create a hash and store it for later use. Please tell me how can I make it more efficient and faster to deal with large data. also is it possible to store it more efficient in a less space consuming method to be retrieved faster. Thansk
use strict; use warnings; use Encode; use Storable; use Lingua::StopWords qw( getStopWords ); my $stopwords = getStopWords('en'); my $file_in = shift; my $file_out = shift; open (FILEIN,'<utf8',$file_in); #open (OUTPUT, '>utf8',$file_out); my $line_count=0; my %hash; for my $line (<FILEIN>){ $line_count++; my @ngrams=produce_ngrams($line); foreach my $ngram (@ngrams) { push(@{ $hash{$ngram} }, $line_count); } } store \%hash, $file_out; my %stat = (); %stat = %{retrieve($file_out)}; #foreach my $n (keys %stat) { print "$n: @{$stat{$n}}\n"; } sub produce_ngrams { my $string=shift; $string =~ s/[[:punct:]]//g; $string=lc($string); my @unigrams = split ' ',$string; #@unigrams= join ' ', grep { !$stopwords->{$_} } @unigrams; my @bigrams=(); my @trigrams=(); my @qgrams=(); my @cgrams=(); my @ngrams=(); for my $i (0..$#unigrams-1) { my $bigram = join " ", $unigrams[$i], $unigrams[$i+1]; push @bigrams, $bigram; } if ($#unigrams >= 2) { for my $i (0..$#unigrams-2) { my $trigram = join " ", $unigrams[$i], $unigrams[$i+1], $unigr +ams[$i+2]; push @trigrams, $trigram; }} if ($#unigrams >= 3) { for my $i (0..$#unigrams-3) { my $qgram = join " ", $unigrams[$i], $unigrams[$i+1], $unigram +s[$i+2],$unigrams[$i+3]; push @qgrams, $qgram; }} if ($#unigrams >= 4) { for my $i (0..$#unigrams-4) { my $cgram = join " ", $unigrams[$i], $unigrams[$i+1], $unigram +s[$i+2],$unigrams[$i+3],$unigrams[$i+4]; push @cgrams, $cgram; }} push @ngrams, @unigrams,@bigrams,@trigrams,@qgrams,@cgrams; return @ngrams; }