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File changes are not reflecting in perl tk

by vr786 (Sexton)
on Dec 01, 2010 at 10:51 UTC ( [id://874639]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

vr786 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi monks,I have written a small "perl tk" script to open a file , append the data into the file . The problem comes here is whenever i appended new data into the file those changes are not saving , moreover it is not showing the entire file contents.The behaviour of open a file is abnormal.

File changes are not reflecting into the original file

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::FileSelect; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->configure( -background => 'black', -foreground => 'white' ); $mw->geometry( "400x300" ); $mw->title( "Multiple Windows Test" ); my $button1 = $mw->Button( -text => "view Results", -background => "cyan", -command => \&button1_sub )->pack( -side => "right" ); $mw->Button( -text => "Exit", -command => sub { exit } ) ->pack( -side => "bottom" ); sub button1_sub { my $subwin1 = $mw->Toplevel; $subwin1->geometry( "500x400" ); $subwin1->title( "Sub Window #1" ); my $fh; open( $fh, '+<', "./test.txt" ) or die $!; my @contents = <$fh>; # print "@contents\n"; close( $fh ); my $sublable = $subwin1->Scrolled( 'Text', -scrollbars => 'osoe', )- +>pack; $sublable->insert( 'end', @contents ); my $subwin_button = $subwin1->Button( -text => "Close window", -command => sub {$subwin1 => 'destroy'} )->pack( -side => "bottom" ); #=================Creating save buttion on subwindow =========== my $save_button = $subwin1->Button(-text=>'save', -background =>'cyan', -command => sub{ my $dst = $mw->getSaveFile( -initialdir => $ENV{HOME}, -defaultextension => '.in', -title => 'Save', -filetypes => [ [ 'myfiles' => '.in' ], [ 'All files' => '*' ], ], ); $dst ||= "$0.edit"; #in case user hits cancel warn "dst=$dst"; open (my $fh, '>',$dst) or die "$!\n"; print $fh $sublable->get("1.0","end"); } )->pack(-side=>'right'); } MainLoop;

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: File changes are not reflecting in perl tk
by kcott (Archbishop) on Dec 01, 2010 at 11:08 UTC

    The only output to a file you have here is:

    $dst ||= "$0.edit"; #in case user hits cancel warn "dst=$dst"; open (my $fh, '>',$dst) or die "$!\n"; print $fh $sublable->get("1.0","end");

    Your original file is only read:

    my $fh; open( $fh, '+<', "./test.txt" ) or die $!; my @contents = <$fh>; # print "@contents\n"; close( $fh );

    Meaningful variable names would probably help you.


    There may also be a problem here:

    my $dst = $mw->getSaveFile( -initialdir => $ENV{HOME}, -defaultextension => '.in', -title => 'Save', -filetypes => [ [ 'myfiles' => '.in' ], [ 'All files' => '*' ], ], );

    Please post the output from your code. My problems in determining what's going wrong here stem from:

    • Opening the original file (./test.txt) in read-write (+<) mode but then only reading it.
    • Whether you're experiencing some confusion with using my $fh twice.
    • Your original file is in the current directory (./) but you're specifying -initialdir       => $ENV{HOME}. What's the full pathnames of these?
    • The extension of your original file is .txt but you're specifying -defaultextension => '.in'
    • Your zig-zag indentation style doesn't help much either.

    -- Ken

      Thanks for giving replay, here is my updated code , my input file "./test.txt" (original file) consists 20-30 lines of data , if i will open the same file through my script it will show very few lines and it is not saving any changes into original file.

      #!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::FileSelect; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->configure( -background => 'black', -foreground => 'white' ); $mw->geometry( "400x300" ); $mw->title( "Multiple Windows Test" ); my $curr_path = "/root/test.txt"; my $button1 = $mw->Button( -text => "view Results", -background => "cyan", -command => \&button1_sub )->pack( -side => "right" ); $mw->Button( -text => "Exit", -command => sub { exit } ) ->pack( -side => "bottom" ); sub button1_sub { my $subwin1 = $mw->Toplevel; $subwin1->geometry( "500x400" ); $subwin1->title( "Sub Window #1" ); my $fh; open( $fh, '+<', "$curr_path" ) or die $!; my @contents = <$fh>; close( $fh ); my $sublable = $subwin1->Scrolled( 'Text', -scrollbars => 'oso +e', )->pack; $sublable->insert( 'end', @contents ); my $subwin_button = $subwin1->Button( -text => "Close window", -command => [$subwin1 => 'destroy'], )->pack( -side => "bottom" ); #=================Creating save buttion on subwindow =========== my $save_button = $subwin1->Button(-text=>'save', -command =>\&get_save, -background =>'cyan' )->pack(-side=>'right'); } MainLoop; sub get_save { my $dst = $mw->getSaveFile( -initialdir => '/root/', -defaultextension => '.txt', -initialfile =>'test.txt', -title => 'Save', -filetypes => [ [ 'myfiles' => '.txt' ], [ 'All files' => '*' ], ], ); $dst ||= '<undef>'; warn "dst=$dst"; }

        I asked: "Please post the output from your code.". Is there a reason you can't or won't do that?

        -- Ken

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