in reply to Store regular expressions in a file.


I put this together:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Read the regexes my @Rexes; while (my $t=<DATA>) { chomp $t; last if $t=~/^$/; my ($regex, $repl) = split /\t+/, $t; push @Rexes, [ qr($regex), $repl ]; } # Process the text while (my $l = <DATA>) { $l=~s/$$_[0]/$$_[1]/eg for @Rexes; print $l; } __DATA__ duck cluck a(b+)c c$1a That bird says "duck!" xyzzy plugh ac abc abbc abbbc

It mostly works, but as you can see from the following run, I haven't been able to make back references work...

roboticus@Boink:~ $ perl That bird says "cluck!" xyzzy plugh ac c$1a c$1a c$1a
