in reply to Re^5: A little demo for Net::SSH2
in thread A little demo for Net::SSH2


zentara: No still does not work.

afoken: Does not work means as follow: I run the perl script (Net::SSH2) in my machine host1, which is supposed to run a command "a.out" in machine host2. If I do

I can see in host2 this program running. (by command ps or top) But if I do
$chan1->exec("./a.out &"); or $chan1->exec("nohup ./a.out"); (as zentara suggested)
I do not see any program running in host2.

The machines are NFS mounted, so all machines can see same home directory.

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Re^7: A little demo for Net::SSH2
by zentara (Archbishop) on Nov 15, 2010 at 18:20 UTC
    Hi, you need both nohup and &, AND some minimal daemonizing. :-)

    I just tested this, and I see what the problem is. To run the program in the background, you need to close up/redirect it's stdin,stdout,stderr filehandles, like in the daemonization process. Anyways, this syntax works.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Net::SSH2; my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new(); #using keys authorization my $pass = 'ztester'; $ssh2->connect('localhost') or die "Unable to connect Host $@ \n"; # works when run from z's homedir because you need # permission to read the keys $ssh2->auth_publickey('zentara', '/home/zentara/.ssh/', '/home/zentara/.ssh/id_dsa', $pass ); my $chan = $ssh2->channel(); $chan->blocking(1); #close up the filehandles... rename foo to whatever you want $chan->exec("nohup /home/zentara/perlplay/net/zzsleep > foo.out 2> foo +.err < /dev/null &"); $chan->send_eof; exit;
    The zzsleep program is simply
    #!/usr/bin/perl $|= 1; while(1){ print time, "\n"; sleep 1; }

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