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Re: I have trying out the No Cache and Expires but no work

by lestrrat (Deacon)
on Jun 07, 2001 at 11:40 UTC ( [id://86481]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to I have trying out the No Cache and Expires but no work

From what I know, at least Netscape ignores the expires header. HOWEVER, most HTTP caching program/appliances will honor the value

That doesn't mean that the page will be reloaded if you have a proxy cache in between your browser and the server, for it's the browser that actually determines if it should verify with the server ( or the proxy cache ) if the content has expired

The fail safe way is this: You need to use the META tag in the HTML, as in:

<head> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="......."> .... </head>

This will let major browsers know that the content will expire at some known time in the future, thus forcing the browser to reload

At the same time, you should set the HTTP Expires header, so that if there is a proxy-cache in between the browser and the server, the contents are more likely to be renewed.

Hope that helps

P.S., of course, you still may want to telnet to your web server and make sure that it's spitting out the correct headers that you think it's spitting out...

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