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Re: Yet Another Tarball Script (gzip ta'boot)

by bikeNomad (Priest)
on Jun 04, 2001 at 04:28 UTC ( [id://85386]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (code) Yet Another Gzip Tarball Script

While I didn't write Archive::Tar, I did write Archive::Zip. Here's a version of ybiC's program that makes zip files instead, just as a demo.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # pod at tail use strict; use Archive::Zip qw(:CONSTANTS :ERROR_CODES); use Time::localtime; # Config parameters my @dirs = qw( /var/www /etc ); # omit trailing slash my %parm = ( cmprlevl => '9', # compression level (2=big,fast 9=small +,slow) recurse => '1', # 1=yes, anythingelse=no ); my %file = ( out => '', log => 'zgzpl.log', ); # Files readable only by user running this program umask oct 177; open(LOG, ">$file{log}") or die "Error opening $file{log}:\n$!"; PrintLogCon("\n Launching $0\n"); TimeStamp(); PrintLogCon( " Report versions:\n", " Archive::Zip $Archive::Zip::VERSION\n", " Time::localtime $Time::localtime::VERSION\n", " Perl $]\n", " OS $^O\n", "\n", ); # Get down to business my $ArcZip = Archive::Zip -> new(); PrintLogCon(" Read directories and files:\n"); while(@dirs) { my $dir = shift @dirs; PrintLogCon(" $dir\n"); opendir DIR, $dir or PrintLogCon("Error opening $dir: $!\ +n"); my @infiles = (readdir DIR) or PrintLogCon("Error reading $dir: $!\ +n"); closedir DIR or PrintLogCon("Error closing $dir: $!\ +n"); # skip symlinks, but recurse directories if told to for(@infiles) { $_ =~ m/^\.{1,2}$/ and next; my $absolute = "$dir/$_"; if (-l $absolute) { next; } if ($parm{recurse}==1 and -d $absolute) {unshift @dirs,$absolute +;next;} if (my $member = $ArcZip -> addFile($absolute)) { $member->desiredCompressionLevel($parm{cmprlevl}); } else { PrintLogCon("Error adding \"$_\" to $file{out}: $!\n"); } } } PrintLogCon("\n Write zip file:\n"); $ArcZip -> writeToFileNamed($file{out}) or PrintLogCon("Error writing $file{out}: $!\n"); $file{outsize} = (stat($file{out}))[7]; PrintLogCon( " $file{out}\n", " $file{outsize} bytes\n", "\n", " $0 finished.\n" ); TimeStamp(); close LOG or die "Error closing $file{log}: $!"; ###################################################################### +#### # print messages to both console and logfile sub PrintLogCon { print @_; print(LOG @_) or die "Error printing to $file{log}:\n +$!"; } ###################################################################### +#### # print date/timestamp to both console and logfile sub TimeStamp { printf " %4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d\n\n", localtime -> year()+1900, localtime -> mon()+1, localtime -> mday(), localtime -> hour(), localtime -> min(), localtime -> sec(), ; printf LOG " %4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d\n\n", localtime -> year()+1900, localtime -> mon()+1, localtime -> mday(), localtime -> hour(), localtime -> min(), localtime -> sec(), or die "Error printing to $file{log}:\n$!"; } ###################################################################### +#### # for testing purposes sub Pause { print"Ctrl+c to abort, <enter> to continue \n"; (<STDIN>); } ###################################################################### +####

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