Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info mr.nick @ (email:
Description: A text-mode client for the Chatterbox.

Main features:

  • Colorized output via ANSI escape sequences
  • Compatible with both *nix and Win32 (mostly :)
  • Displays most recent New Nodes
  • Can launch a browser to view a node
  • Check for and autoinstall updates
  • An "Away" mode for not being in "Other Users"
  • Uses the various XML Generators of PerlMonks
  • Tracks XP status
  • Tracks Reputation of your nodes (and displays WHICH nodes have changed -- and by how much)
  • Requires NO configuration, download and run!
  • Displays Other Users
  • User configurable options (inside Pmchat) for
    • Time-stamping each message (for long-term running)
    • Turn off/on colorization
    • Number of New Nodes listed
    • Which browser to use for node viewing
    • Update on Launch
    • Seconds between polls for new messages (n/a on Windows)
    • Debugging mode. No output is sent to Perlmonks
    • Log file. Keeps a log of all messages. Set "logfile" to the desired filename. To stop, set "logfile" to "0" or "none".

Because pmchat is a text-mode client, it has the following shortcomings

  • Doesn't render HTML tags
  • Doesn't render special HTML entities (eg: &)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w 

## pmchat by Nicholas J. Leon ala mr.nick ( 
## A text mode client for the Chatter Box of Perl Monks 
## This is not an attempt to be complete, but small and useful 
## Use it or not. No guaranteee, no warranty, blah blah 

## now features a debugging mode! Guaranteed to piss off less
## CB users than before!

my $ID='$Id: pmchat,v 1.65 2001/08/07 01:02:15 nicholas Exp $'; #'

use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use LWP::Simple; 
use LWP::UserAgent; 
use HTTP::Cookies; 
use HTTP::Request::Common; 
use Data::Dumper; 
use Text::Wrap qw($columns wrap); 
use Term::ReadLine; 
use Term::ReadKey qw(GetTerminalSize ReadMode ReadLine); 
use HTML::Parser;
use File::Copy;
use Storable;
use MD5;
use URI::Escape;
use HTML::Parser;

my $pm=''; 
my $cookie="$ENV{HOME}/.pmcookie"; 
my $cffile="$ENV{HOME}/.pmconfig"; 
my %config=( 
            timestamp => 0, 
            colorize => $^O=~/win/i ? 0 : 1, 
        browser => '/usr/bin/lynx %s',
        newnodes => 25,
        updateonlaunch => 0,
        timeout => 45,
        away => 0,
        debug => 0,
        logfile => 'none',
my %seenmsg; 
my %seenprv; 
my %xp;
my $ua;
## some color stuff (if you want) 
my %colormap= 
   node => [ "\e[33m", "\e[0m" ], 
   user => [ "\e[1m", "\e[0m" ], 
   code => [ "\e[32m", "\e[0m" ], 
   me => [ "\e[36m", "\e[0m" ], 
   private => [ "\e[35m","\e[0m" ],
   important => [ "\e[1;34m","\e[0m" ],

## <readmore>

sub writeconfig { 
  store \%config,$cffile;
sub readconfig { 
  %config=(%config,%{ retrieve $cffile }) if -f $cffile;

  ## away is ALWAYS unset

sub autoupdate {
  my $quiet=shift;
  my $r=$ua->request(GET "

  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, update request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";


  print "This version is $this, the current version is $ver.\n" unless
+ $quiet;

  if ($this >= $ver) {
    print "There is no need to update.\n" unless $quiet;

  print "A new version is available, $ver.\n";

  $r=$ua->request(GET "");

  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, update request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";

  my $tmp=$ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || "/tmp";
  my $fn="$tmp/pmchat-$ver";

  unless (open (OUT,">$fn")) {
    print "Unable to save newest version to $fn\n";

  print OUT $r->content;
  close OUT;

  ## okay, a couple checks here: we can autoupdate IF the following
  ## are true
  if ($^O=~/win32/i) {
    print "Sorry, autoupdate not available for Windows installations.\
    print "The newest version has been saved in $fn.\n";

  ## moving the old version someplace else 
  if (!move($0,"$0.bak")) {
    print "Couldn't move $0 to $0.bak, aborting.\n";
    print "The newest version has been saved in $fn.\n";
  ## moving the new version to the old's location
  if (!move($fn,$0)) {
    print "Couldn't move $fn to $0, aborting $!.\n";
    print "The newest version has been saved in $fn.\n";
  ## okay! Reload!
  chmod 0755,$0;

sub xml {
  my $r=shift;
  my $xml=$r->content;
  $xml=~ tr/\x80-\xff/\?/;

sub colorize {
  my $txt=shift;
  my $type=shift;

  return $txt unless $config{colorize};


my %usermap;
my @colors=(31..36,41..46);

sub user {
  ## see if this user has b
sub imp {
sub content {
  my $txt=shift;

  return $txt unless $config{colorize};

  unless ($txt=~s/\<code\>(.*)\<\/code\>/$colormap{code}[0]$1$colormap
+{code}[1]/mig) {


sub cookie {

sub login {
  my $user; 
  my $pass; 
  ## fixed <> to <STDIN> via merlyn
  print "Enter your username: "; chomp($user=<STDIN>); 
  ReadMode 2;
  print "Enter your password: "; chomp($pass=<STDIN>); 
  ReadMode 0;
  print "\n";
  $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => $cookie, 
                     ignore_discard => 1, 
                     autosave => 1, 
  my $r=$ua->request( POST ($pm,[  
                 op=> 'login',  
                 user=> $user,  
                 passwd => $pass, 
                 expires => '+1y',  
                 node_id => '16046'  

  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, login request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";


sub xp { 
    my $r=$ua->request(GET("$pm?node_id=16046")); 

    if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
      print "Sorry, XP request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";

    my $xml=XMLin(xml($r));

    $config{xp}=$xml->{XP}->{xp} unless defined $config{xp};
    $config{level}=$xml->{XP}->{level} unless defined $config{level};

    print "\nYou are logged in as ".user($xml->{INFO}->{foruser}).".\n
    print "You are level $xml->{XP}->{level} ($xml->{XP}->{xp} XP).\n"
    if ($xml->{XP}->{level} > $config{level}) {
      print imp "You have gained a level!\n";
    print "You have $xml->{XP}->{xp2nextlevel} XP left until the next 

    if ($xml->{XP}->{xp} > $config{xp}) {
      print imp "You have gained ".($xml->{XP}->{xp} - $config{xp})." 
    elsif ($xml->{XP}->{xp} < $config{xp}) { 
      print imp "You have lost ".($xml->{XP}->{xp} - $config{xp})." ex


    print "\n"; 
sub who { 
  my $r=$ua->request(GET("$pm?node_id=15851"));

  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, who request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";
  my $ref=XMLin(xml($r),forcearray=>1); 
  print "\nUsers current online (";
  print $#{$ref->{user}} + 1;
  print "):\n";

  print wrap "\t","\t",map { $_->{username}." " } @{$ref->{user}};

  print "\n";
sub newnodes { 
  my $r=$ua->request(GET("$pm?node_id=30175")); 
  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, newnodes request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";
  my $ref=XMLin(xml($r),forcearray=>1); 
  my $cnt=1; 
  my %users=map { ($_->{node_id},$_->{content}) } @{$ref->{AUTHOR}}; 
  print "\nNew Nodes:\n";
  if ($ref->{NODE}) {
    for my $x (sort { $b->{createtime} <=> $a->{createtime} } @{$ref->
+{NODE}}) { 
      print wrap "\t","\t\t", 
      sprintf("%d. [%d] %s by %s (%s)\n",$cnt,
          user(defined $users{$x->{author_user}} ? $users{$x->{author_
+user}}:"Anonymous Monk"),
      last if $cnt++==$config{newnodes}; 
  print "\n";

sub nodeinfo {
  my $r=$ua->request(GET "$pm?node_id=32704");
  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, node info failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";
  my $ref=XMLin(xml($r),forcearray=>1); 

  $config{nodes}=$ref->{NODE} unless defined $config{nodes};

  if (defined $ref->{NODE}) { 
    for my $id (keys %{$ref->{NODE}}) { 
      $config{nodes}->{$id}->{reputation}=0 if ! defined $config{nodes

      my $ch=$ref->{NODE}->{$id}->{reputation}-$config{nodes}->{$id}->

      if ($ch) {
    print wrap "\t","\t\t","$ref->{NODE}->{$id}->{content} ($id) has "
    print imp (($ch>0?"gained":"lost")." $ch ");
    print "reputation!\n";

    print "\n";

sub getnode {
  my $id=shift;


sub quit {

sub set {
  my $args=shift;

  if ($args) {
    if ($args=~/([^\s]+)\s+(.+)$/) {
      print "\t$1 is now $2\n";
    elsif ($args=~/([^\s+]+)$/) {
      print "\t$1 is $config{$1}\n";
  else {
    for my $k (sort keys %config) {
      next if ref $config{$k};
      printf "\t%-15s %s\n",$k,$config{$k};

sub reload {
  print "Reloading $0...\n";
  exec $0;

sub away {
  my $args=shift;

  print wrap '','',"You are now away. Checking your XP or sending a me
+ssage will negate this.\n";


sub logfile {
  my $buff=shift;

  if ($config{logfile} && $config{logfile} ne '0' && $config{logfile} 
+ne 'none') {
    if (!open(OUT,">>$config{logfile}")) {
      warn "Couldn't open log file '$config{logfile}': $!\n";
    print OUT $buff,"\n";
    close OUT;


sub showmessage {
  my $msg=shift;
  my $type=shift || '';
  for my $k (keys %$msg) {

  print "\r";

  my $content=$msg->{content};
  if ($type eq 'private') {
    print wrap('',"\t",
           ($config{timestamp}?sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d/",(unpack("A8A2
           colorize("$msg->{author} says $msg->{content}","private").
    logfile (($config{timestamp}?sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d/",(unpack("A8
      "$msg->{author} says $msg->{content}");
  else {
    if ($msg->{content}=~s/^\/me\s+//) {
      print wrap('',"\t",
         ($config{timestamp}?sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d/",(unpack("A8A2A2
         colorize("$msg->{author} $msg->{content}","me"),
      logfile (($config{timestamp}?sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d/",(unpack("
    "$msg->{author} $msg->{content}");
    else {
      print wrap('',"\t",
         ($config{timestamp}?sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d/",(unpack("A8A2A2
         ": ".
      logfile (($config{timestamp}?sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d/",(unpack("
    "$msg->{author}: $msg->{content}");

sub getmessages { 
  my $r;
  ## alright, something wacky here. If $config{away} is true, then
  ## don't use the users cookie to grab the list
  if ($config{away}) {
    my $nua=LWP::UserAgent->new;
  else {
  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, message request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";

  ## we'll cheese-out here ... for XML::Simple
  my $xml=xml($r);

  my $ref=XMLin(uri_escape($xml,"\x80-\xff"), forcearray=>1 ); 
  if (defined $ref->{message}) { 
    for my $mess (@{$ref->{message}}) { 
      ## ignore this message if we've already printed it out 
      next if $seenmsg{"$mess->{user_id}:$mess->{time}"}++; 

      showmessage $mess; 
  else { 
    ## if there is nothing in the list, reset ours 
    undef %seenmsg; 

sub getprivatemessages { 
  my $r=$ua->request(GET("$pm?node_id=15848")); 

  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, private message request failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}
  my $ref=XMLin(xml($r),forcearray=>1); 
  if (defined $ref->{message}) { 
    for my $mess (@{$ref->{message}}) { 
      ## ignore this message if we've already printed it out 
      next if $seenprv{"$mess->{user_id}:$mess->{time}"}++; 
      showmessage $mess,"private"; 
  else { 
    undef %seenprv; 

sub postmessage { 
  my $junk=shift;
  my $msg=shift; 

  if ($config{debug}) {
    print ">> $msg\n";

  my $req=POST ($pm,[ 
  my $r=$ua->request($req); 

  if ($r->{_rc} != 200) {
    print "Sorry, post message failed: $r->{_rc}/$r->{_msg}\n";


sub help {
  print <<EOT
The following commands are available:
    /away         :: Sets pmchat to anonymously pull Chatterbox messag
+es. The
                     effect is that you will not appear in Other Users
+ unless
                     you send a message or check your XP.
    /help         :: Shows this message
    /getnode ID   :: Retrieves the passed node and launches your user
                     configurable browser ("browser") to view that nod
    /newnodes     :: Displays a list of the newest nodes (of all types
                     posted. The number of nodes displayed is limited 
                     the "newnodes" user configurable variable.
    /nodeinfo     :: Displays changes in reputation for your nodes.
    /reload       :: UNIX ONLY. Restarts pmchat.
    /set          :: Displays a list of all the user configurable
                     variables and their values.
    /set X Y      :: Sets the user configurable variable X to
                     value Y.
    /update       :: Checks for a new version of pmchat, and if it
                     exists, download it.
                     This WILL overwrite your current version.
    /quit         :: Exits pmchat
    /who          :: Shows a list of all users currently online
    /xp           :: Shows your current experience and level.

my $old;
my $term=new Term::ReadLine 'pmchat';

sub getlineUnix {
  my $message;

  eval {
    local $SIG{ALRM}=sub { 
    ## I don't use the version of readline from ReadKey (that includes
+ a timeout)
    ## because this version stores the interrupted (what was already t
+yped when the
    ## alarm() went off) text in a variable. I need that so I can rest
+uff it 
    ## back in.

    alarm($config{timeout}) unless $^O=~/win32/i;
    $message=$term->readline("(Talk) ",$old);
    alarm(0) unless $^O=~/win32/i;


sub getlineWin32 {
  ## sorry, non-blocking reads are not supported on Windows, it appear
  print "(Talk) ";

## initialize our user agent
$ua=LWP::UserAgent->new || die "Couldn't init UserAgent: $!\n";

## trap ^C's
## for clean exit
$SIG{INT}=sub { 

## load up our config defaults

## for text wrapping
$columns=(Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize)[0] || $ENV{COLS} || $ENV{COL
+UMNS} || 80;

if (-e $cookie) {
else {


print "This is pmchat version $this.\n";

if ($config{updateonlaunch}) {
else {
  print "Consider checking for a new version with /update.\n";

print "Type /help for help.\n";

## testing, please ignore
my %cmdmap=(
        '/me' => \&postmessage,
        '/msg' => \&postmessage,

        '/away', => \&away,
        '/who' => \&who,
        '/quit' => \&quit,
        '/set' => \&set,
        '/new\s*nodes' => \&newnodes,
        '/xp' => \&xp,
        '/getnode' => \&getnode,
        '/help' => \&help,
        '/reload' => \&reload,
        '/update' => \&autoupdate,
        '/nodeinfo' => \&nodeinfo,

while (1) {
  my $message;
  getprivatemessages unless $config{away};
  if ($^O=~/win32/i) {
  else {
  if (defined $message) {
    if ($message=~/^\//) {
      foreach (keys %cmdmap) {
    if ($message=~/^$_\s*(.*)/) {
    else {
      postmessage undef,$message;