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Problem getting PerlApp to work

by BinBerliner (Novice)
on May 30, 2001 at 15:38 UTC ( [id://84224]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

BinBerliner has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

When executing alwayson.exe then I get the following error:
Name=JohnSmith, pass=test content= filter= *********MATCH()******* Can't locate object method "host" via package "URI::_foreign" at URI/W line 48.
I make the executable and run it using the following commands:
call perlapp -v -r -f -a=URI::_foreign;lwp::protocol::h +ttp;http::request::common;lwp::useragent;http::cookies;uri::file;uri: +:_server alwayson.exe "JohnSmith" "test"
perlapp spews out the following output without errors:
Input script name: Output exe name: alwayson.exe Exe Mode: Freestanding Building Console mode exe Temp files will be kept on exit Failed 'use's will be reported Additional module: URI::_foreign Additional module: lwp::protocol::http Additional module: http::request::common Additional module: lwp::useragent Additional module: http::cookies Additional module: uri::file Additional module: uri::_server Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/IO/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/URI/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTML/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/http/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/Time/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/DynaLoader/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/DynaLoader/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/DynaLoader/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/DynaLoader/autosplit.ix Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/IO/Socket/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/uri/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/LWP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/uri/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTML/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/IO/Socket/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/Request/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/http/request/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTML/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/URI/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/URI/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/LWP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/URI/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/lwp/protocol/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/IO/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/Headers/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/LWP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/Dynaloader/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/Dynaloader/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/Dynaloader/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/auto/Dynaloader/autosplit.ix Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/Exporter/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/URI/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/lwp/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/URI/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/warnings/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/IO/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/LWP/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/lib/ Adding Module: C:/Perl/site/lib/HTTP/ Adding Binary: C:/Perl/lib/auto/Socket/Socket.dll Adding Binary: C:/Perl/lib/auto/IO/IO.dll Done creating alwayson.exe
The perl script itself outputs the following if run without using perlapp:
*********MATCH()******* *********MATCH(/cgi-bin/pu_index.fcgi?newbranch=d24&action=framestart) +******* *********MATCH(/cgi-bin/pu_help2.fcgi?page=frameset_nn_shl&id=1-d24-OA +RIycshBQMvBYHVeoEIemBw)******* *********MATCH(/cgi-bin/pu_login0.fcgi?id=1-d24-OARIycshBQMvBYHVeoEIem +Bw)******* *********MATCH(/cgi-bin/pu_login1.fcgi?password=adidafs&id=1-d24-OARIy +cshBQMvBYHVeoEIemBw&nickname=Sime)******* LOGGED ON! Sleeping... looks like this:
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Cookies; my $user_name = $ARGV[0]; my $user_pass = $ARGV[1]; print "Name=$user_name, pass=$user_pass\n"; do { `if exist alwayson.log del alwayson.log`; open(LOG, ">alwayson.log"); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "alwayson.cookies", aut +osave => 1)); my ($response, $url) = clickon("", ''); ($response, $url) = clickon($response->content, 'content="\d+;url= +([^"]+)'); ($response, $url) = clickon($response->content, 'location.href="([ +^"]+)"'); ($response, $url) = clickon($response->content, 'frame name="login +" src="([^"]+)"'); $response->content =~ /name="id" value="([^"]+)"/m; my $id_tag = $1; my $url = "$id_ +tag&page=loginp&nickname=$user_name&password=$user_pass"; $response = $ua->request(GET $url); printf LOG qq(\n\nurl: $url\n\n%s\n\n), $response->content; ($response, $url) = clickon($response->content, 'parent.main.locat +ion.replace\("([^"]+)"'); my $url = " +2&id=$id_tag"; # <-- where does nav2 comes from? $response = $ua->request(GET $url); printf LOG qq(\n\nurl: $url\n\n%s\n\n), $response->content; print "LOGGED ON!\n"; print "Sleeping...\n"; close(LOG); sleep 5; undef $ua; } while ( 1 ); sub clickon { my $content = shift @_; my $filter = shift @_; print "content=$content\nfilter=$filter\n"; if ($content =~ /$filter/m) { print "*********MATCH($1)*******\n"; my $url = "$1"; my $response = $ua->request(GET $url); if($response->is_success) { print "success!\n"; } else { printf "failure! %s\n", $response->message; } printf LOG qq(\n\nurl: $url\n\n%s\n\n), $response->content; return ($response, $url); } else { die "redirect not found !"; } }
Any ideas?

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Re: Problem getting PerlApp to work
by BinBerliner (Novice) on May 30, 2001 at 16:45 UTC
    After a lot of trial and error fiddling then the following PerlApp line gets it to work:
    perlapp -v -r -f -a=AutoLoader;Config;DynaLoader;Errno; +IO;LWP;SelectSaver;Socket;Symbol;URI;XSLoader;Exporter::Heavy;IO::Han +dle;IO::Select;IO::Socket;IO::Socket::INET;IO::Socket::UNIX;LWP::Prot +ocol::HTTP;URI::_FOREIGN;URI::_GENERIC;URI::_QUERY;URI::_SERVER;URI:: +URL;URI::HTTP
    But how to arrive at this list of modules *without* the nasty trial and error part? Anybody know?

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