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Config::Validate: problem with a key type

by Hue-Bond (Priest)
on Mar 22, 2010 at 16:25 UTC ( [id://830111]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Hue-Bond has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Esteemed monks,

I'm reading a configuration file using Config::General and validating it via Config::Validate. The goal is to reject the configuration and die if there are any errors in it.

One of the requirements I want to impose is that some configuration keys shouldn't be repeated. When I repeat a key, Config::General creates an array to hold all the given values. I expect Config::Validate to reject that array (since it's not a plain string) but that's not happening. Funnily, if I tell Config::Validate that I want an integer instead of a string, it does die as desired.

Here is some code to show the problem:

#!/opt/QNDperl5.10/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper; use Config::General; use Config::Validate; my $schema = { section => { type => 'nested', child => { key => { ## change this to see the code die if 'integer' is use +d type => 'string', #type => 'integer', }, }, }, }; my $cfgfile = <<'EOF'; <section> key Foo key Bar </section> EOF my $config = Config::General->new (-String => $cfgfile); print Dumper { $config->getall }; ## you can see the array that Confi +g::General creates Config::Validate->new (schema => $schema)->validate (config => $config +); say "Still alive!";

How do I reject such a configuration?

Update: I just reported this bug.

 David Serrano
 (Please treat my english text just like Perl code, i.e. feel free to notify me of any syntax, grammar, style and/or spelling error. Thank you!).

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Config::Validate: problem with a key type
by zwon (Abbot) on Mar 22, 2010 at 18:44 UTC

    You can specify callback for the parameter and check it there:

    my $schema = { section => { type => 'nested', child => { key => { type => 'string', callback => sub { die 'Should be a scalar' if ref $_[1 +] eq 'ARRAY' }, }, }, }, };
    Also you can add your own type if you want to check multiple parameters.

    Update: and here's the example:

    use warnings; use strict; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper; use Config::General; use Config::Validate qw(mkpath); my $schema = { section => { type => 'nested', child => { key => { type => 'MyString', }, }, }, }; my $cfgfile = <<'EOF'; <section> key Foo key Bar </section> EOF my $config = Config::General->new( -String => $cfgfile ); print Dumper { $config->getall }; ## you can see the array that Con +fig::General creates my $validate = Config::Validate->new( schema => $schema ); $validate->add_type( name => 'MyString', validate => \&is_string ); $validate->validate( config => $config ); say "Still alive!"; sub is_string { return unless ref $_[1]; die "Parameter " . mkpath( $_[3] ) . " should be a scalar!"; }

      I have several keys, each of them with its own callback. That's what I'll do. Thank you!

       David Serrano
       (Please treat my english text just like Perl code, i.e. feel free to notify me of any syntax, grammar, style and/or spelling error. Thank you!).

Re: Config::Validate: problem with a key type
by spazm (Monk) on Mar 22, 2010 at 17:02 UTC
    Quoting the perldoc:

    The string type does no validation if no addition restrictions are specified. Valid options are:

    * min
    Minimum length
    * max
    Maximum length
    * regex
    String must match the regex provided.

      Adding those additional restrictions has no effect. This is my current $schema:

      my $schema = { section => { type => 'nested', child => { key => { type => 'string', regex => qr/^ ARRAY \( 0x\p{HexDigit}{1,8} \) $/x, }, }, }, };

      The code still runs to completion. If I make the regex different (e.g. by changing "ARRAY" into "ARAY"), the code complains about the data not matching the schema. Looks like a bug to me...

      Thank you for giving me the clue!

       David Serrano
       (Please treat my english text just like Perl code, i.e. feel free to notify me of any syntax, grammar, style and/or spelling error. Thank you!).

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