The following module tries to interpret names that have some characters replaced by LaTeX flying accent control sequences.

I need this to parse some bibliography entries, so I wrote this quick module. This does not claim to be a perfect solution, it won't work with all possible usages of all LaTeX packages out there, it only fixes the most common latin letters written in a not too strange way.

Usage. use Defly; and then call $s = defly($s) to fix a string. Input and output strings are utf-8 encoded (byte strings). This may output warnings for certain inputs that seem like they contain flying accents but that the module could not decode.

Example: perl -wMDefly -e 'print defly "Fran\\c{c}ois Vi\\`ete\n";' outputs François Viète (but utf-8 encoded).

For your own mental sanity, you may want to not read the implementation.

Update: the regex is so ugly because I want this to work in perl 5.8 too.

use warnings; use strict; { package Defly; use Exporter; use Encode; our @ISA = Exporter::; our @EXPORT = qw"defly"; our(%allfly, $defly_debug); sub uchr { my($c) = @_; encode_utf8(chr($c)); } sub init { my @a = allsrc(); 0 == @a % 2 or die "odd number of elements in allraw"; for my $n (0 .. @a/2 - 1) { my($k, $v) = @a[2 * $n, 1 + 2 * $n]; $allfly{$k} = uchr(hex($v)); } } sub defly_warn { my($s) = join("", @_); warn "defly warning: ", $s; } our $quickma = qr/\\(?:[\"\'.=^`~]|(?:uchar|H|b|c|d|k|r|t|u|v|AA|AE|DH +|DJ|L|NG|O|OE|TH|SS|aa|ae|dh|dj|i|j|l|ng|o|oe|ss|th)(?![a-zA-Z]))/x; our $extma = qr/(?xs) (?#1)( (?#2)(\{)? (?: \\ (?: (?#3)([\"\'.=^`~]) | (?#4)([Hbcdkrtuv]) (?![a-zA-Z])[ \t]*\ +s? ) (?#5)(\{)? (?: (?#6)([a-z]) | \\(?#7)([ij])(?![a-zA-Z])[ \t]*\s? | (?#8)() ) (?(5)\}|) | \\ (?#9)(AA|AE|DH|DJ|L|NG|O|OE|TH|SS|aa|ae|dh|dj|i|j|l|ng|o|oe|ss +|th) (?![a-zA-Z])[ \t]*\s? | \\uchar (?![a-zA-Z]) (?: \{ [ \t]*\s?(?: (?#10)([0-9]+) | \"(?#11)([0-9a-fA-F]+) | \'(?#12)([0-7]+) )[ \t]*\s \} | (?#13)() ) ) (?(2) (?:\{\})? \} | ) (?:{\}|\\(?=\s))? ) /; sub extva { my $all = $1; my $trf = $3 || $4; my $bas = $6 || $7; my $seu = $9; my $cod = defined($11) ? hex($11) : defined($12) ? oct($12) : $10; my $baserr = defined($8); my $coderr = defined($13); $defly_debug and warn "DEBUG defly: ext match: " . do { no warnings "uninitialized"; "all ($all) trf ($trf) bas ($bas) + seu ($seu) cod ($cod) baserr ($baserr) coderr ($coderr)"; }; my $k; if ($baserr) { defly_warn "unsupported flying accent format ($all)"; } elsif ($coderr) { defly_warn "unsupported use of \\uchar ($all)"; } elsif ($trf) { $k = "\\" . $trf . "{" . $bas . "}"; } elsif ($seu) { $k = "\\" . $seu; } elsif ($cod) { return uchr($cod); } else { defly_warn "bug in flying accent handling code"; } if (defined($k)) { if (defined(my $v = $allfly{$k})) { return $v; } else { defly_warn "unknown flying accented letter ($all)"; } } return $all; } sub defly { my($s) = @_; if ($s =~ /$quickma/) { $defly_debug and warn "DEBUG defly: quick match on string: ($s +)"; $s =~ s/$extma/extva()/ge; } return $s; }; sub defly_test { $defly_debug = 1; while (<>) { print defly($_); } }; init(); sub allsrc { qw( \`{A} c0 \'{A} c1 \^{A} c2 \~{A} c3 \"{A} c4 \AA c5 \AE c6 \c{C} c7 \`{E} c8 \'{E} c9 \^{E} ca \"{E} cb \`{I} cc \'{I} cd \^{I} ce \"{I} cf \DH d0 \~{N} d1 \`{O} d2 \'{O} d3 \^{O} d4 \~{O} d5 \"{O} d6 \O d8 \`{U} d9 \'{U} da \^{U} db \"{U} dc \'{Y} dd \TH de \ss df \`{a} e0 \'{a} e1 \^{a} e2 \~{a} e3 \"{a} e4 \aa e5 \ae e6 \c{c} e7 \`{e} e8 \'{e} e9 \^{e} ea \"{e} eb \`{i} ec \'{i} ed \^{i} ee \"{i} ef \dh f0 \~{n} f1 \`{o} f2 \'{o} f3 \^{o} f4 \~{o} f5 \"{o} f6 \o f8 \`{u} f9 \'{u} fa \^{u} fb \"{u} fc \'{y} fd \th fe \"{y} ff \={A} 100 \={a} 101 \u{A} 102 \u{a} 103 \k{A} 104 \k{a} 105 \'{C} 106 \'{c} 107 \^{C} 108 \^{c} 109 \.{C} 10a \.{c} 10b \v{C} 10c \v{c} 10d \v{D} 10e \v{d} 10f \DJ 110 \dj 111 \={E} 112 \={e} 113 \u{E} 114 \u{e} 115 \.{E} 116 \.{e} 117 \k{E} 118 \k{e} 119 \v{E} 11a \v{e} 11b \^{G} 11c \^{g} 11d \u{G} 11e \u{g} 11f \.{G} 120 \.{g} 121 \c{G} 122 \c{g} 123 \^{H} 124 \^{h} 125 \~{I} 128 \~{i} 129 \={I} 12a \={i} 12b \u{I} 12c \u{i} 12d \k{I} 12e \k{i} 12f \.{I} 130 \i 131 \^{J} 134 \^{j} 135 \c{K} 136 \c{k} 137 \'{L} 139 \'{l} 13a \c{L} 13b \c{l} 13c \v{L} 13d \v{l} 13e \L 141 \l 142 \'{N} 143 \'{n} 144 \c{N} 145 \c{n} 146 \v{N} 147 \v{n} 148 \NG 14a \ng 14b \={O} 14c \={o} 14d \u{O} 14e \u{o} 14f \H{O} 150 \H{o} 151 \OE 152 \oe 153 \'{R} 154 \'{r} 155 \c{R} 156 \c{r} 157 \v{R} 158 \v{r} 159 \'{S} 15a \'{s} 15b \^{S} 15c \^{s} 15d \c{S} 15e \c{s} 15f \v{S} 160 \v{s} 161 \c{T} 162 \c{t} 163 \v{T} 164 \v{t} 165 \~{U} 168 \~{u} 169 \={U} 16a \={u} 16b \u{U} 16c \u{u} 16d \r{U} 16e \r{u} 16f \H{U} 170 \H{u} 171 \k{U} 172 \k{u} 173 \^{W} 174 \^{w} 175 \^{Y} 176 \^{y} 177 \"{Y} 178 \'{Z} 179 \'{z} 17a \.{Z} 17b \.{z} 17c \v{Z} 17d \v{z} 17e ); } 1; }