$ctr=0; while(/([^\000]*?<\/table>)/){ $text=$1; while($text=~/
/){ $tag=$&; $ctr=$ctr+1; $tag=~s/(/$tag/; } $text=~s/(/\1_level$ctr>/g; $text=~s/(<\/table)>/\1_level$ctr>/g; $ctr=0; $text=~s/(/\1>/g; $text=~s/(<\/?)(thead|tbody)([^>]*)?>//g; $text=~s/(<\/?)(th)([^>]*)?>/$1td>/g; while($text =~ /[^\000]*?<\/a>/){ $href = $1; $class = ""; if($href =~ /^http/i){ $class = "http";} if($href =~ /^www/i){ $class = "nohttp";} if($href =~ /^mailto/i){$class = "mailto";} if($href =~ /^ftp/i){ $class = "ftp";} if($class eq ""){ $text =~ s/([^\000]*?)<\/a>/\2/; }else{ $text =~ s/([^\000]*?)<\/a>/\2<\/remotelink>/; } } s/
[^\000]*?<\/table>/$text/; } # Remove table and img tags inside table if an tag was encountered while (/[^\000]*?<\/table_level\1>/) { $table2=$&; if ($table2 =~ / tag $table2=~s/<\/?(table_level(2|3)|tr|td)(\s+[^>]*)?>|]*\/>//g; s/[^\000]*?<\/table_level\1>/$table2/; } else { $table2=~s/(<\/?table_level\d)/$1_temp/g; s/[^\000]*?<\/table_level\1>/$table2/; } } s/(<\/?table_level\d)_temp/$1/g; # Extract table inside table if no tag was encountered # inside the inner table. while (/([^\000]*?<\/table_level1>)/) { $table1=$1; #$table2=""; $table=""; while ($table1=~ /([^\000]*?)<\/table_level2>/) { $table2=$1; $table=$&; # Extract inner table and place it after the second level table $extracted_table3=""; while ($table2 =~ s/([^\000]*?<\/table_level3>)//) { $extracted_table3="$extracted_table3\n$1"; } $table2=~s/([^\000]*?)<\/table_level2>/$table$extracted_table3/g; #$table2=~s/([^\000]*?<\/table_level2>)/$1$extracted_table3/g; s/([^\000]*?<\/table_level2>)//; #$table2=~s/(<\/?table)_level2/$1_2/g; } $table1=~s/([^\000]*?)<\/table_level2>//; $table1=~s/([^\000]*?)<\/table_2>//; $table1=~s/(<\/?table)_level1/$1/g; s/[^\000]*?<\/table_level1>/$table2$table1/; } s/(<\/?table)_(level\d|\d)/$1/g; ####
Vill Hi Au
Aix 40 27
Freib 30
Gdan 20 13
Gd 44 14
Gren 33 22
Karl 26
La 31 18
30 20
Lyon 41 19
Man 22
Mar 32 18
Mar 17 13
Mon 36 26
Mul 30 45
Mun 28 23
Nice 41 17
Nims 34 25
Nio 29 21
Orleans 32 17
Pad 36 20
Paris 24 29
Perk 38 29
Poit 27 24
Prag 26 16
23 14
Ren 30 18
Rot 36 27
Rou 45 22
Saint 33 20
Salon 33 18
Sev 63 29
Sop 19 8
Stra 28 26
Stut 26
logne 22 11
lon 31 22
use 28 17
Ts 29 22
Val 36 23
Zur 29 22
head1 head2
bon 0 / 25
Ton 25 / 50
Don 50 / 75
Con 75 / 100
Trs 100
This is a sample content
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