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Perl modules and the GPL

by Tanktalus (Canon)
on Feb 01, 2010 at 19:49 UTC ( [id://820819]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Tanktalus has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

As I'm arguing with our local lawyers to get "permission" to ship perl modules with a product (up to now, I've only ever used perl internally, my new job involves shipping perl code to customers to perform tasks, and damnit, some of those modules make my life so much easier), I'm having to pay attention to licenses.

The first problem I encountered was a module with no license explicitly allowing re-use. Nothing in its Makefile.PL, or its README or anywhere that I can see would allow me to re-use Sort::Topological. Email to its author has gone unanswered. Lawyer's answer: no way.

The basic question I have here, though, is the GPL. I understand how, in C, one's application can "link to" or "load" a GPL library, thus triggering GPL obligations, I'm just not clear on how this affects Perl code. If said code were really solely available under the GPL, and had some XS code, then, theoretically, it's perl that is loading, not me. And, in general, is one triggering GPL obligations simply by "use"ing it? It seems odd to me.

Now, as far as I understand, this aspect of the GPL has never been really tested in court in any language, nevermind perl. Not that my employer's lawyers really are itching to be a test case. So I need to abide by their advice. And, thankfully, most code on CPAN is dual-licensed (though not always obviously so - sometimes it's in the POD, which makes it very difficult to abide by the lawyer's rules that I can't download the code without corporate approval, and I need to tell them what license it's under...). So, hopefully the question doesn't really come up. So this may be more academic than anything.

I also realise that this is more a legal question than a technical question. Yet I imagine most modules have been put up on CPAN without a lawyer's advice on what license would be appropriate, and thus may be of interest to those.

I'm basically at somewhat of a loss to figure out what, if any, advantage the dual license under GPL gives. Without it, can a GPL app not use our modules? With it, does it prevent proprietary apps from using it (ignoring the Artistic license for a moment)? Or is it there "just in case" someone has that different interpretation? What confuses me more is that among the list of modules I have to ship is DBD::DB2 which has a completely different license than anything else that I've encountered before (apparently, IBM pays someone to develop the code, because only IBM could come up with an open-source license that hard to comprehend). And yet, it depends on (and thus links to) the optionally-GPL DBI code. Would a GPL app not be able to use DBD::DB2, while being able to use DBI and DBD::CSV? It just has my head spinning on how this all interacts.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by Corion (Patriarch) on Feb 01, 2010 at 21:06 UTC

    As far as I understand it, the GPL only governs distribution. As the GPL is implemented via copyright and the concept of a "derived work", and use of an API is not a "derived work", the interpreter gap that Perl creates insulates your code while using a GPLed library. Any XS wrapper (statically) linking to a GPLed library gets infected by the GPL, but that's where the infection ends. If you want to play it really safe, you can write a second implementation to the same API, like Term::ReadLine::Perl is for Term::ReadLine.

      Any XS wrapper (statically) linking to a GPLed library

      As far as I understand dynamic linking of GPL libraries with proprietary programs are not allowed either. There was a famous email conversation between RMS and Bruno Haible where they discussed this question.

        There is no fact, mere "discussions with a lawyer" regarding dynamic linking, and I don't see the linking that Perl does (dynamically loading object code) as "creating a derivative work" in the same sense that linking to a C header creates a "derivative work", because to use the API from Perl does not involve the C headers.

        Building the XS component involves the C headers and thus makes the XS component a derivative work, but that cannot infect the Perl program, no matter how much RMS wants this to.

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Feb 02, 2010 at 00:12 UTC
    ... is one triggering GPL obligations simply by "use"ing it?

    The GPL only covers redistribution of verbatim or modified versions. If you do not distribute the code, the GPL does not apply.

    Now, as far as I understand, this aspect of the GPL has never been really tested in court in any language, nevermind perl.

    German courts have upheld the GPL. It doesn't matter though, because if the GPL is invalid, then you're down to standard copyright infringement, and you have no right to redistribute modified or verbatim versions.

    The real question is whether the code you write constitutes a "derivative work" of GPLd code. This is where you need good legal advice.

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by Herkum (Parson) on Feb 01, 2010 at 21:30 UTC

    The author of this module listed a copyright date as of 2002 and nothing about the GPL and he uploaded it to CPAN. Given that everyone understands to place it CPAN means that it will be distributed to CPAN source nodes, he was OK with that method of distribution.

    As for whether you can distribute it yourself on a CD, well, that is something else. The reason is that the author could never change his mind and stop distributing it. At least with CPAN, if he wishes, he can turn around and say that this is no longer accessible(whether this is practical is an exercise for the reader...).

    As Corion pointed out, perhaps you would be better off reimplementing the module on your own since it is fairly small and would be easier to do than argue with a bunch of lawyers.

    As for dual licensing, it allows a customer who wants code changed and does not want those changes distributed (for whatever reason). The dual license gives the author a private version for clients and a public version(GPL) for everyone else.

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by tirwhan (Abbot) on Feb 02, 2010 at 15:51 UTC

    It's a bit hard for me to see what your main question is, but I'll try to shed light on some things anyway, hope it helps (disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and have no insight into licensing laws beyond what anybody has through the Internet).

    If a Perl module on CPAN does not include a license, you cannot use or redistribute it without risking copyright infringement. No matter what CPAN is for in spirit, without a license the author has sole copyright over the code he posted and they could take you to court if they found you were using it (whether they'd win and what the repercussions would be is another matter, but for me personally the risks would be too high). So I believe your lawyers are right in regard to Sort::Topological.

    If a program links to a GPL'ed library, and you distribute said program, you need to put it under a GPL-compatible license. Opinions apparently differ on whether "use"ing a Perl module constitutes "linking to a library" or not. Corion seems to think it does not (and from my reading, neither does the README file distributed with Perl), I believe it does, and so does the FSF. So IMO, any Perl script that uses a GPL-only (i.e. not dual-licensed) module needs to be distributed under a GPL-compatible license.

    If your GPL'ed application wants to link to a library with a license not compatible with the GPL, you, and all other copyright holders of your program need to specifically allow linking your program to this library by modifying the license to your program. I put part of the last sentence in bold because this means that the copyright holders of any GPL-only libraries you use are also copyright holders to your program, so you need them to modify their license as well (see here for further explanation and an example of such a license modification).

    So, for example, we have program (written by you), which also uses the module A.Frob, license GPL) and (copyright N.Nac, license Artistic 2.0/GPL). You also want to use module (copyright Evilcorp, license proprietary). To do so, you need to license under the GPL and write a specific permission into the license allowing use of You also need to get A.Frob to do the same for You don't need to bother N.Nac, since you can use his module according to the Artistic License 2.0, which includes a relicensing clause. If you also want to use (licensed under the Artistic License 1.0) I believe things are rather hairy and it is unclear to me whether you can legally include into a GPL'ed program without getting the author to relicense it under the GPL with an exemption clause.

    Accordingly, a GPL app would not be able to use both DBD::DB2 and DBI, if DBI were a GPL-only module. Luckily it is dual-licensed, so that you can use the Artistic License for DBI and don't need to do anything. Unfortunately, DBI uses "the same license as Perl itself", which for Perl 5 is the Artistic License 1.0, which means that you are on previously mentioned murky ground if your application does indeed need to be licensed under the GPL (for example because it uses a third, GPL-only module). This probably comes as a bit of a surprise to you (it does to me), I'd be interested to hear any clarification on this that anyone can offer.

    Just as an addendum, the linking of non-free libraries also has a special exemption for "system libraries" (i.e. ones distributed with the major components of your operating system), but that shouldn't matter to you, because I believe no Perl module falls under that exemption.

    And I believe you are correct that the "dynamic linking" aspect of the GPL has never been tested in court, and I've never heard of a GPL court case that involves Perl modules either.

    All dogma is stupid.
Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by CountZero (Bishop) on Feb 02, 2010 at 07:37 UTC
    Something in my lawyer's mind says me that a module not explicitly under GPL, cannot become GPLed because it uses or otherwise links (statically or dynamically) to another GPLed module.

    Suppose the license on some module "A" requires that all other programs, modules, libraries, ... must be under a similar license if they make use of module "A".

    What would be the sanction if some module "B", explicitly or implicitly, does not obey this rule?

    It would mean --IMHO-- that module "B" makes illegal use of module "A", but not that module "B" would get automatically tainted by the license of module "A". The effects of not obeying the rules of the license of module "A" would most probably mean that you are not allowed to use module "A" (but the licensing rules might provide otherwise: they could e.g. provide that you now have to pay a fee to the author of module "A").

    The GPLv3 says:

    8. Termination.

    You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11). It doesn't say: your work is now virally infected by GPL, whether or not you include the GPL in your work.

    So to summarize: the "failure" of the author of Sort::Topological to add a GPL sort of license, does not allow you to assume that it somehow, somewhere attracted a GPL form of license, even if the author was under an obligation to GPL his code. If he erroneously didn't, that is his mistake, but you cannot remedy that by adding or assuming the existence of a GPL license yourself. I'm afraid your lawyers were right in saying "no".


    A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity." - The Tao of Programming, 4.1 - Geoffrey James

      Something in my lawyer's mind says me that a module not explicitly under GPL, cannot become GPLed because it uses or otherwise links (statically or dynamically) to another GPLed module.

      True. The collective program may have the GPL apply because it is a derivative work of a GPLd component. That does not mean that all of the other components must have the GPL apply to them.

      Suppose the license on some module "A" requires that all other programs, modules, libraries, ... must be under a similar license if they make use of module "A".

      Use is irrelevant. The GPL only applies to distribution.

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 01, 2010 at 20:29 UTC
    I would wager answer is in the GPL FAQ :)

      To be more precise it's

      Another similar and very common case is to provide libraries with the interpreter which are themselves interpreted. For instance, Perl comes with many Perl modules, and a Java implementation comes with many Java classes. These libraries and the programs that call them are always dynamically linked together.

      A consequence is that if you choose to use GPL'd Perl modules or Java classes in your program, you must release the program in a GPL-compatible way, regardless of the license used in the Perl or Java interpreter that the combined Perl or Java program will run on.

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 02, 2010 at 00:02 UTC
    ah yes , The Plague of software in the 21st century .. licenses ... IMHO there are only 2 licenses:
Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by dsheroh (Monsignor) on Feb 02, 2010 at 09:07 UTC
    And, thankfully, most code on CPAN is dual-licensed (though not always obviously so - sometimes it's in the POD, which makes it very difficult to abide by the lawyer's rules that I can't download the code without corporate approval, and I need to tell them what license it's under...).
    This should not be an issue, provided that your lawyers are OK with you viewing web pages. Just look the module up on CPAN and click the "Source" link in the upper left of the page. If there's a license statement anywhere in the module source, you'll be able to see it without "downloading" the code.
      I say, if it's on cpan it's fair game no matter how you cut it. After all, for software to be useful it most typically needs to be distributable. I'm just saying there is a significant implied license (although I know that lawyers don't like that).

      From cpan contributors part of the faq:

      However, I was surprised not to be able to find a place where you must agree to a license to upload.

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by scorpio17 (Canon) on Feb 02, 2010 at 14:37 UTC

    Just for the sake of argument, let's say that your lawyers conclude that you can NOT use Sort::Topological. Would it be that hard to "roll your own"? I mean, the source for the module is pretty short (especially after you strip out all the comments, POD, etc.), and it implements a fairly straight-forward algorithm easily found in any textbook on graph theory. You might even clean it up a little, find a spot to optimize here or there, etc. You can call the end result My::Topological::Sort, and slap your own GPL verbiage on it (and post it to CPAN). Problem solved?

Re: Perl modules and the GPL
by bart (Canon) on Feb 02, 2010 at 18:26 UTC
    Nothing in its Makefile.PL, or its README or anywhere that I can see would allow me to re-use Sort::Topological.

    FYI: Graph is another module which also implements topological sort. And that module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself — which I interpret as "if you can use Perl, then you can use this module".

    I agree that this kind of legal questions are a rather silly waste of time... I'm pretty sure no CPAN author intended his module to pose this kind of legal problem. It's just that they probablby slapped any convenient type of license on the module when they first released it.

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