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Re^3: Directory Tree Structure

by graff (Chancellor)
on Oct 04, 2009 at 21:10 UTC ( [id://799122]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Directory Tree Structure
in thread Directory Tree Structure

Lady Aleena,

Nice to hear from you again. What particular method are you using for html validation? (That is, who says that <ul>...</ul> positioned between </li>...<li> is invalid?) UPDATE: almut's reply clears this up -- I'm wrong, and the markup I posted above is Not Good™.

I'm somewhat skeptical that the output I posted above constitutes an error in html syntax. Despite knowing that this markup is invalid, it may be worth pointing out that I stuck it into a file surrounded by <html>...</html> and loaded it into Safari and Firefox, and they both render it as I would expect (i.e. as intended). So in that sense at least, it works.

Having said that, I'll acknowledge that the following layout for the markup also works, and I can well imagine that one or another validator might it has been shown that html validators should insist on this version (even though I don't see it as a necessary condition it seems to work either way):

<UL> <LI> examples/html: <UL> <LI> examples/html/bars: </LI> <LI> examples/html/headers: </LI> <LI> examples/html/links: </LI> <LI> examples/html/lists: </LI> <LI> examples/html/menus: </LI> <LI> examples/html/rgb: </LI> <LI> examples/html/tables: </LI> </UL> </LI> <LI> examples/ps: <UL> <LI> examples/ps/marks: </LI> </UL> </LI> <LI> examples/splash: <UL> <LI> examples/splash/dropbox: </LI> <LI> examples/splash/frame: </LI> <LI> examples/splash/hair: </LI> <LI> examples/splash/icon: </LI> <LI> examples/splash/menu: </LI> <LI> examples/splash/menubar: </LI> </UL> </LI> </UL>
If you are having trouble getting the code to output this pattern, show the code you have so far, and we'll see what's up with that.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^4: Directory Tree Structure
by almut (Canon) on Oct 05, 2009 at 03:11 UTC
    who says that <ul>...</ul> positioned between </li>...<li> is invalid?

    W3C Markup Validation Service  :)

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <title></title> </head> <body> <UL> <LI> examples/html: </LI> <UL> <LI> examples/html/bars: </LI> </UL> <LI> examples/ps: </LI> </UL> </body> </html> --- Validation Output: 1 Error Line 11, Column 6: document type does not allow element "UL" here; ass +uming missing "LI" start-tag

      Ul and ol can only have li elements as children. And what you're doing seems to be trying to insert one list inside another as a list item, so why not put that nested list inside a new list item (owned by the containing list, containing the nested list)?

      (That's the way most people make those CSS drop-down hierarchical menus, too.)

      Maybe it is html 3.2

        doesn't validate either (same error)

Re^4: Directory Tree Structure
by Lady_Aleena (Priest) on Oct 05, 2009 at 02:12 UTC

    Here is what I have so far. Unfortunately, I haven't worked out a few things like having it only read the files in the directories and excluding the subdirectories in directory_contents. I am getting duplicates.

    I have been shown a few other things, but haven't quite gotten the kinks worked out of those either.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use File::Find; use File::Spec; my $rootdir = "C:/Documents and Settings/<my name>/My Documents/fantas +y"; my @files; sub wanted { my $text = $File::Find::name; push @files, $text; return; } sub directory_contents { my ($contents) = @_; my $file_tab = $contents; $file_tab =~ s{$rootdir}{}; my $tab = "\t" x ($file_tab =~ tr{/}{}); my @list = (map("$tab<li>".$_."</li>\n",grep{m/^($contents)\//} @fil +es)); #the grep is where I think I need to put the stop on going lowe +r. return join("",@list); } sub print_directory { my ($file) = @_; my $file_tab = $file; $file_tab =~ s{$rootdir}{}; my $tab = "\t" x ($file_tab =~ tr{/}{}); my $directory = qq{$tab<li>$file\n$tab<ul>\n}.directory_contents($fi +le).qq{$tab</ul>\n$tab</li>\n}; print $directory; } find(\&wanted, $rootdir); foreach my $entry (File::Spec->no_upwards(@files)) { print_directory($entry) if -d $entry; }
    Have a nice day!
    Lady Aleena
      Unfortunately, I haven't worked out a few things like having it only read the files in the directories and excluding the subdirectories in directory_contents. I am getting duplicates.

      Well, you're doing something a little different from the OP in this thread, listing all the data files along with the directories (instead of just the directories), so that does complicate things. To see where you're getting duplication and trouble, I think you'll want to use Data::Dumper 'Dumper'; and step through it with "perl -d". In the debugger, you can do p Dumper($some_variable_or_reference) to see what's happening with the data.

      I think the correct way to make sure that you get the right structure in your output is to have the right structure be created by the "wanted" sub that you pass to File::Find. And that would be HoH, built recursively to have nested hash keys represent the nested directories. A special hash key "./" can be used to hold a reference to an array that contains the actual data files (if any) in a given directory.

      Then for output, you just walk through the structure, indenting and including suitable html tags as you go. (And if you're really going to be outputting html, you should probably use HTML::Entities URI::Escape on the path strings.)

      I cobbled this together based on another old post of mine that had to do with building a recursive hash structure (Re: seeking in hash data structure), and I'll confess that this took me longer than I'd like to admit. (It's tricky business to do recursion right, esp. if you don't do it very often.)

      I'm sure there's one or more modules that could be used to simplify (or replace) this code. You might need to tweak it -- change "/" to "\", etc -- to make it work properly on windows (it works for me on macosx/unix/linux):

      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use File::Find; use File::Basename; use HTML::Entities; @ARGV == 1 and -d $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: $0 path_name\n"; ( my $rootdir = shift ) =~ s{(?<!/)$}{/}; # make sure path ends with + "/" my %tree; $tree{$rootdir} = {}; find(\&wanted, $rootdir); print "<html>\n"; print_tree( \%tree, 0 ); print "</html>\n"; sub wanted { local $_ = $File::Find::name; if ( -f ) { # only work on data files (skip directories +) s{\Q$rootdir\E}{}; # remove the rootdir string from the pat +h name load_tree( $tree{$rootdir}, fileparse( $_ )); } } # recursively load the hash structure # (first call gets top-level hashref, and # file name, path from File::Basename::fileparse) sub load_tree { my ( $href, $name, $path ) = @_; my @dirs = split /\//, $path; push @dirs, '.' if ( $dirs[$#dirs] ne '.' ); my $key = shift @dirs; while ( @dirs and $key ne '.' and exists( $$href{"$key/"} )) { $href = $$href{"$key/"}; $key = shift @dirs; } if ( $key ne '.' and ! exists( $$href{"$key/"} )) { $$href{"$key/"} = {}; load_tree( $$href{"$key/"}, $name, join( '/', @dirs, '' )); } elsif ( $key eq '.' ) { push @{$$href{"$key/"}}, $name; } } # recursively print embedded lists sub print_tree { my ( $href, $indent ) = @_; printf( "%s<ul>\n", ' ' x $indent ); $indent++; if ( exists( $$href{'./'} )) { printf( "%s<li>%s</li>\n", ' ' x $indent, encode_entities( $_ + )) for ( @{$$href{'./'}} ); delete $$href{'./'}; } if ( keys %$href ) { for my $subdir ( sort keys %$href ) { printf( "%s<li>%s\n", ' ' x $indent, encode_entities( $su +bdir )); $indent++; print_tree( $$href{$subdir}, $indent ); $indent--; printf( "%s</li>\n", ' ' x $indent ); } } $indent--; printf( "%s</ul>\n", ' ' x $indent ); }
      (Updated to use HTML::Entities instead of URI::Escape -- the latter was a wrong choice)

        What is the line @ARGV == 1 and -d $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: $0 path_name\n"; doing? I plug in my $rootdir but the script dies at that point. I can't figure out what is wrong until I know what that is doing. Only after I get this working can I start adding all of the sort rules that will be needed (if I can figure out where those should go).

        Have a nice day!
        Lady Aleena

        To do list for the following code, in any order. I have tried doing these, but my efforts have lead to bigger messes.

        • Figure out what in push @dirs, '.' if ( $dirs[$#dirs] ne '.' ); is causing Use of uninitialized value in string ne at line 55 (#1) warning. Here is a screenshot of where in the results is the problem, maybe.
        • Skip certain directories, file types, and some file names.
        • Create links relative to $rootdir. I need my paths back.
        • Transform the link text into titles (subroutine included).
        • For the first iteration of sub print_tree, put onclick="list_onclick(event)" in the <ul> element.
        • For the link to the home page, the link will be $rootlink, but the link text will be home.
        • In each <li> which is for a directory, put class="closed" in the <li> element with the exception for the active file's directory, then it would be class="open".
        • For the active file, put class="active" in the <a> element.
        • Put in sort rules such as sorting ignore articles a, an, and the; by the last word instead of the first for one directory; for another create the list manually more than likely; and for another put favorites last (or first, I haven't decided yet).
        #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Cwd; use File::Find; use File::Basename; my $filename = basename($0); my $dirname = getcwd; my %directories = ( '/ftp/pub/www/fantasy' => { link => '', user => 'Fantasy', name => "Fantasy's Realm", }, '/home/lady_aleena/var/www' => { link => '', user => 'Lady Aleena', name => "Lady Aleena's Home", }, 'C:/Documents and Settings/<my name>/My Documents/fantasy' => { link => 'file:///C:/Documents and Settings/<my name>/My Documents/ +fantasy', user => '<my name>', name => "<my name>'s Place", }, ); sub get_rootdir { for my $dir (keys %directories) { return $dir if $dirname =~ /^\Q$dir/; } } my $rootdir = get_rootdir; if (not exists $directories{$rootdir}) { die "You really screwed up." +} my $rootlink = $directories{$rootdir}{link}; my $rootuser = $directories{$rootdir}{user}; my $rootname = $directories{$rootdir}{name}; #@ARGV == 1 and -d $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: $0 path_name\n"; #( $rootdir = shift ) =~ s{(?<!/)$}{/}; # make sure path ends with " +/" my %tree; $tree{$rootdir} = {}; find(\&wanted, $rootdir); print_tree( \%tree, 0 ); sub wanted { local $_ = $File::Find::name; if ( -f ) { # only work on data files (skip directories) s{\Q$rootdir\E}{}; # remove the rootdir string from the path name load_tree( $tree{$rootdir}, fileparse( $_ )); } } # recursively load the hash structure # (first call gets top-level hashref, and file name, path from File::B +asename::fileparse) sub load_tree { my ( $href, $name, $path ) = @_; my @dirs = split /\//, $path; push @dirs, '.' if ( $dirs[$#dirs] ne '.' ); my $key = shift @dirs; while ( @dirs and $key ne '.' and exists( $$href{"$key/"} )) { $href = $$href{"$key/"}; $key = shift @dirs; } if ( $key ne '.' and ! exists( $$href{"$key/"} )) { $$href{"$key/"} = {}; load_tree( $$href{"$key/"}, $name, join( '/', @dirs, '' )); } elsif ( $key eq '.' ) { push @{$$href{"$key/"}}, $name; } } # recursively print embedded lists sub print_tree { my ( $href, $indent ) = @_; printf( "%s<ul>\n", ' ' x $indent ); $indent++; if ( exists( $$href{'./'} )) { printf( "%s<li>%s</li>\n", ' ' x $indent, $_ ) for ( @{$$href{'./'}} ); delete $$href{'./'}; } if ( keys %$href ) { for my $subdir ( sort keys %$href ) { printf( "%s<li>%s\n", ' ' x $indent, $subdir); $indent++; print_tree( $$href{$subdir}, $indent ); $indent--; printf( "%s</li>\n", ' ' x $indent ); } } $indent--; printf( "%s</ul>\n", ' ' x $indent ); }

        sub transform

        sub transform { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ tr/_/ /; $text =~ s/.*\/+//; $text =~ s/\.[^.]*\z//; return $text; }
        Have a nice day!
        Lady Aleena

        I am now getting a warning that something in the following line is uninitialized in load_tree.

        push @dirs, '.' if ( $dirs[$#dirs] ne '.' );

        The warning

        Use of uninitialized value in string ne at line 56 (#1)

        I am not sure which of those is the problem. Also, would you be willing to help me write this to a file temporarily? Windows command prompt is not the easiest to read when the output is long.


        When I commented out s{\Q$rootdir\E}{}; in wanted, the warning went away. It was an unintended side effect of me trying to figure out how to print the full path on each line.

        Have a nice day!
        Lady Aleena

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