in reply to and dynamic dropdown menus

You can do this in pure Perl, too... you just have to refresh the screen following each selection. I might do it something like this:
my %options = ( main => ["option1", "option2", "option3"], option1 => ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"], option2 => ["option2a", "option2b", "option2c"], option3 => ["option3a", "option3b", "option3c"] ); if ( !param() ) { $values_ref = $options{'main'}; } else { $values_ref = $options{param('distros_menu')}; } print start_form(); print popup_menu( -name => 'distros_menu', -values => $values_ref, ); print submit('which_distro_button'); print endform;
But that takes you down the road of outputting HTML via, which will eventually make you want to take your own life. Better would be to use a template like HTML::Template and just output different values to the template on each refresh. Best solution though is probably either a pure JS or an AJAX-style solution (as already suggested), as it presents a better experience for the user.

Gary Blackburn
Trained Killer