Display Settings

Use Display Settings to control how pages appear generally. This covers not only HTML styling (CSS), but also various PerlMonks-specific options, such as how <code>, <readmore>, and <spoiler> tags are handled.

Special Tag Options

Override <readmore> tags: users are requested to insert a <readmore> tag in a post that contains a long code section. In order to keep page lengths short in certain areas of the site, the remainder of the post will be replaced by a link to the full content of the post. Check this box if you would rather ignore the <readmore> tags and see the full text everywhere.

render spoiler tags as

Customize CPAN link options: This modifies the effect of the [cpan://...] shortcut style. If this variable is unset (empty), [cpan://Foo] will render as the link
If this variable is set, mode=module will be replaced with the contents of this variable. Possibilities for mode are: qw( all module dist author ). Additionally, you can ask to get CPAN search results in XML form by including format=xml in this setting. (Note, however, that this feature is not supported.)
Remember, this setting affects how cpan:// links work for you.

HTML Related Options

As you know, PerlMonks allows only a restricted subset of HTML to be used in posts. (See Perl Monks Approved HTML tags for the list or Markup in the Monastery for illustrations of usage and rendering.) This is enforced each time a node is rendered, not when the content is submitted by the poster. When a node is rendered, it is filtered through a process which escapes all the invalid markup — whether invalid tags, or invalid attributes on valid tags — thus rendering the markup visible as plain text. As an additional nicety, the same filter can — if you ask it to — close unclosed tags as necessary to ensure balanced tags.

If you're curious about the operation of this filter on the nodes you view, you can enable "reporting" to various degrees of verbosity. That's what the following settings do.

Custom Node Title Definition

You may customize the text that appears in your browser's title bar here. Use the tokens %T, %N, %D and %S to insert the current node's title, node id, date, or section name. The section name will only actually appear for base nodes.

Code Listing Settings

Theme Configuration

The appearance of the PerlMonks site can be changed by choosing from one of several themes. You can stay with the default or pick a specialized theme. The dark theme exists for the people who prefer light text on dark backgrounds. Choosing a theme other than the default makes it easy to remember if you are logged in or not. "Monk pictures off" turns off the random monk picture in the top right corner of every page, while "Monk quips off" turns off the pithy quotes on the top left.

Stylesheet Settings

In addition to the themes above, you can alter the appearance of the PerlMonks site with your own custom CSS stylesheets.

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