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Radius Clients

by redhotpenguin (Deacon)
on Jul 26, 2009 at 20:24 UTC ( [id://783380]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

redhotpenguin has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

In searching for a Radius client, I came across this node - Radius Client Module. I also found Net::Radius::Client on CPAN, but a few of the tests are failing. Anyone written a radius client in Perl lately and care to share their findings?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Radius Clients
by bingos (Vicar) on Jul 27, 2009 at 16:10 UTC

    I wrote POE::Component::Client::RADIUS a little while back because I needed a RADIUS client under POE.

    It uses Net::RADIUS modules to deal with the messy business of constructing and parsing the RADIUS packets.

    It was based on a script that is in use every day monitoring our RADIUS servers using Nagios, here's the check_radius plugin I wrote

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use IO::Socket::INET; use Net::Radius::Dictionary; use Net::Radius::Packet; use POSIX qw(uname); use Getopt::Long; use POE; $|=1; my $dict = new Net::Radius::Dictionary '/etc/radius/dictionary' or die "Couldn't read dictionary: $!"; my $myip = join '.',unpack "C4",gethostbyname((uname)[1]); my $retcode = 0; # test user details my $user; my $pass; # details of RADIUS authentication and accounting servers my $address; my $authport = 1645; my $secret; # Shared secret for this client GetOptions( "hostname|H=s", \$address, "pass=s", \$pass, "port|P=i", \$authport, "user=s", \$user, "secret=s", \$secret, ); exit 3 unless $address and $user and $pass and $secret; POE::Session->create( package_states => [ 'main' => [qw(_start _get_datagram _time_out)], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit $retcode; sub _start { my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0]; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', ); die "Couldn't create client socket: $!" unless $socket; $kernel->select_read( $socket, '_get_datagram' ); my $ident = 1; my $req = new Net::Radius::Packet $dict; $req->set_code('Access-Request'); $req->set_attr('User-Name' => $user); $req->set_attr('Service-Type' => 'Framed'); $req->set_attr('Framed-Protocol' => 'PPP'); $req->set_attr('NAS-Port' => 1234); $req->set_attr('NAS-Identifier' => 'PerlTester'); $req->set_attr('NAS-IP-Address' => $myip); $req->set_attr('Called-Station-Id' => '0000'); $req->set_attr('Calling-Station-Id' => '01234567890'); $req->set_identifier($ident); $req->set_authenticator(bigrand()); # random authenticator require +d $req->set_password($pass, $secret); # encode and store password # Send to the server. Encoding with auth_resp is NOT required. my $server_address = pack_sockaddr_in( $authport, inet_aton($address +) ); my $message = $req->pack; send( $socket, $message, 0, $server_address ) == length($message) or die "Trouble sending message: $!"; $kernel->delay( '_time_out', 10, $socket ); return; } sub _time_out { my ($kernel,$socket) = @_[KERNEL,ARG0]; $retcode = 2; print "CRITICAL Socket Timeout\n"; $kernel->select_read( $socket ); return; } sub _get_datagram { my ($kernel,$heap,$socket) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0]; $kernel->delay( '_time_out' ); my $remote_address = recv( $socket, my $message = '', 4096, 0 ); unless ( defined $remote_address ) { $retcode = 3; print "UKNOWN No remote address\n"; return; } my $resp = new Net::Radius::Packet $dict, $message; if ( $resp->code ne 'Access-Accept' ) { $retcode = 1; print "WARN ", $resp->code, "\n"; } else { print "OK ", $resp->code, "\n"; } $kernel->select_read( $socket ); return; } sub bigrand { pack "n8", rand(65536), rand(65536), rand(65536), rand(65536), rand(65536), rand(65536), rand(65536), rand(65536); }

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