in reply to Re: various hash construction/ printing questions..
in thread how to construct tree from parent pointer list

Hi. I am having problems incorporating your output subroutine. Can you help?

use Data::Dumper; use strict; use warnings; my %nodes; my @children; while (<>) { chomp; my ($c,$p)=split "\t"; push @children,$c unless $nodes{$c}; $nodes{$_}{name}||=$_ for $c,$p; $nodes{$p}{kids}{$c}=$nodes{$c}; } delete $nodes{$_} for @children; my @roots=keys %nodes; #print Dumper($nodes{$_}) for @roots; print_inorder(%nodes); sub print_inorder { my $node= shift; print $node->{name}, "\n"; print_inorder($_) for sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } values %{ $node->{kids} || {} }; }