#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################ # Author Joseph Harnish big_joe1008@yahoo.com # # Date 5/1/2001 # # # # This script is a wrapper for GD::Graph::Bars for use on# # web pages. It is a quicky that is used inside of an # # IFRAME. # # # # Usage: bargraph.pl?cols=A,B,C&vals=1,2,3 # # It is required to have a "cols" and a "vals" but there # # are options you can also add. These options are: # # title # # ylabel # # xlabel # ############################################################ use GD::Graph::bars; use CGI; use strict; my $q = new CGI; my $cols = $q->param("cols"); my $title = $q->param("title"); my $vals = $q->param("vals"); my $xlabel = $q->param("xlabel"); my $ylabel = $q->param("ylabel"); my @col = split(/\,/, $cols); my @val = split(/\,/, $vals); if($#col != $#val){ print $q->header; print "

Error: Parameters are not ballanced

"; exit; } my @data = ( [@col], [@val] ); my $graph = new GD::Graph::bars(400,300); if($title ne ''){ $graph->set(title => "$title"); } if($ylabel ne ''){ $graph->set(y_label => "$ylabel"); } if($xlabel ne ''){ $graph->set(x_label => "$xlabel"); } $graph->set(cycle_clrs => 'TRUE', bar_spacing => '10', legend_placement => 'RB' ); $graph->set_values_font('ARIAL.TTF', 24); $graph->set_legend_font('ARIAL.TTF', 24); $graph->set_x_label_font('ARIAL.TTF', 24); $graph->set_y_label_font('ARIAL.TTF', 24); print $q->header("image/png"); binmode STDOUT; print $graph->plot(\@data)->png;