grashoper has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

updated title. to more closely reflect my goal. update.. I have my file mover built, now I want to monitor the srcdir, to make sure the other program is not hung so i installed file monitor but its giving me this error, I am not sure i am even referring to the objects correctly here and apparently I am not as I get this message.. global symbol object requires explicit package name in line 36 global symbol object requires explicit package name in line 39 I guess I am just dense but I don't understand the watch with callback, I am guessing that means if it changes to call some other file?
use File::Copy::Recursive; use File::Find; use strict; my $srcdir='c:\\inetpub\\performancetesting\\output\\new\\'; my $destdir='c:\\'; File::Copy::Recursive::dircopy $srcdir, $destdir or die "Copy failed: + $!"; use File::Monitor; my $monitor = File::Monitor->new(); # Just watch $monitor->watch('c:\\inetpub\\performancetesting\\output\\new\\mlx +\\aar\\04-16-2009.txt'); # Watch with callback $monitor->watch('otherfile.txt', sub { my ($name, $event, $change) = @_; print "file has been changed"; # Do stuff; }); # Watch a directory $monitor->watch( { name => 'c:\\inetpub\\performancetesting\\output\\new\\ +mlx\\', recurse => 1, callback => { files_created => sub { my ($name, $event, $change) = @_; print "something modified in directory mlx"; } } } ); # First scan just finds out about the monitored files. No changes # will be reported. $object->scan; my $monitor->scan; # Later perform a scan and gather any changes my @changes = $object->scan;
I have a need to monitor text files as they are being updated by another application, ideally I would like to access the files shortly after the other program has written to them to check values against a threshold, as well as validate them to ensure they are in a proper format for input into a db, these checks can occur after the other program is finished with them if need be, but I would like to be able to send alerts in real time should the values for these transactions exceed the limits, in addition I would like the limits themselves to be user configurable and I would like to then copy the files into another location so my sql transaction can pick them up.