Hi monks I did a program which will alert the user with TK message box, once a new node is posted in our perlmonks website under perlquestion category.

I don't know weather anyone did this already or not. I just did my part

If you have any suggestions please reply

use LWP; use XML::Simple; use Tk; while(1) { my $oldnode_id=0; if ( -e "./.perlmonks_recent" ) { open (FILE,"./.perlmonks_recent") or die "Cannot open the file + .perlmonks\n"; $oldnode_id=<FILE>; chomp $oldnode_id; close FILE; } my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $browser->get(' +175;types=perlquestion'); my $ticker=XMLin($response->content); my $currnode_id=$ticker->{NODE}[0]->{node_id}; if($currnode_id > $oldnode_id) { my $mw=new MainWindow; $mw->withdraw(); $mw->messageBox(-icon => 'info', -message =>"Hai Lakshmanan! T +here is a new node titled $ticker->{NODE}[0]->{content}", -title => " +$ticker->{NODE}[0]->{authortitle}", -type => 'ok'); $mw->destroy(); } open (FILE,'>',"./.perlmonks_recent") or die "Cannot open the file +\n"; print FILE $currnode_id; close FILE; sleep(300); }
--Lakshmanan G.

The great pleasure in my life is doing what people say you cannot do.