package LDAP::Koha; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump qw/dump/; use lib '../lib'; use Net::LDAP::Constant qw(LDAP_SUCCESS); use Net::LDAP::Server; use base 'Net::LDAP::Server'; use fields qw(); use DBI; # XXX test with: # # ldapsearch -h localhost -p 2389 -b dc=ffzg,dc=hr -x 'otherPager=200903160021' # our $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:dbname='; our $database = 'koha'; our $user = 'unconfigured-user'; our $passwd = 'unconfigured-password'; our $max_results = 10; # 100; # FIXME require '' if -e ''; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn . $database, $user,$passwd, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) || die $DBI::errstr; # Net::LDAP::Entry will lc all our attribute names anyway, so # we don't really care about correctCapitalization for LDAP # attributes which won't pass through DBI my $sql_select = q{ select trim(userid) as uid, firstname as givenName, surname as sn, concat(firstname,' ',surname) as cn, -- SAFEQ specific mappings from UMgr-LDAP.conf surname as displayName, rfid_sid as pager, email as mail, categorycode as organizationalUnit, borrowernumber as objectGUID, concat('/home/',borrowernumber) as homeDirectory from borrowers }; # we need reverse LDAP -> SQL mapping for where clause my $ldap_sql_mapping = { 'uid' => 'userid', 'objectGUID' => 'borrowernumber', 'displayName' => 'surname', 'sn' => 'surname', 'pager' => 'rfid_sid', }; # attributes which are same for whole set, but somehow # LDAP clients are sending they anyway and we don't # have them in database my $ldap_ignore = { 'objectclass' => 1, }; sub __sql_column { my $name = shift; $ldap_sql_mapping->{$name} || $name; } use constant RESULT_OK => { 'matchedDN' => '', 'errorMessage' => '', 'resultCode' => LDAP_SUCCESS }; # constructor sub new { my ($class, $sock) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($sock); print "connection from: ", $sock->peerhost(), "\n"; return $self; } # the bind operation sub bind { my $self = shift; my $reqData = shift; warn "# bind ",dump($reqData); return RESULT_OK; } our @values; our @limits; sub __ldap_search_to_sql { my ( $how, $what ) = @_; warn "### how $how\n"; if ( $how eq 'equalityMatch' && defined $what ) { my $name = $what->{attributeDesc} || warn "ERROR: no attributeDesc?"; my $value = $what->{assertionValue} || warn "ERROR: no assertionValue?"; if ( ! $ldap_ignore->{ $name } ) { push @limits, __sql_column($name) . ' = ?'; push @values, $value; } } elsif ( $how eq 'substrings' ) { foreach my $substring ( @{ $what->{substrings} } ) { my $name = $what->{type} || warn "ERROR: no type?"; while ( my($op,$value) = each %$substring ) { push @limits, __sql_column($name) . ' LIKE ?'; if ( $op eq 'any' ) { $value = '%' . $value . '%'; } else { warn "UNSUPPORTED: op $op - using plain $value"; } push @values, $value; } } } elsif ( $how eq 'present' ) { my $name = __sql_column( $what ); push @limits, "$name IS NOT NULL and length($name) > 1"; ## XXX length(foo) > 1 to avoid empty " " strings } else { warn "UNSUPPORTED: how $how what ",dump( $what ); } } # the search operation sub search { my $self = shift; my $reqData = shift; print "searching...\n"; warn "# " . localtime() . " request = ", dump($reqData); my $base = $reqData->{'baseObject'}; # FIXME use it? my @entries; if ( $reqData->{'filter'} ) { my $sql_where = ''; @values = (); foreach my $join_with ( keys %{ $reqData->{'filter'} } ) { warn "## join_with $join_with\n"; @limits = (); if ( ref $reqData->{'filter'}->{ $join_with } ) { foreach my $filter ( @{ $reqData->{'filter'}->{ $join_with } } ) { warn "### filter ",dump($filter),$/; foreach my $how ( keys %$filter ) { if ( $how eq 'or' ) { __ldap_search_to_sql( %$_ ) foreach ( @{ $filter->{$how} } ); } else { __ldap_search_to_sql( $how, $filter->{$how} ); } warn "## limits ",dump(@limits), " values ",dump(@values); } } $sql_where .= ' ' . join( " $join_with ", @limits ); } else { __ldap_search_to_sql( $join_with, $reqData->{'filter'}->{$join_with} ); } } if ( $sql_where ) { $sql_where = " where $sql_where"; } warn "# SQL:\n$sql_select $sql_where\n# DATA: ",dump( @values ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql_select . $sql_where . " LIMIT $max_results" ); # XXX remove limit? $sth->execute( @values ); warn "# ", $sth->rows, " results for ",dump( $reqData->{'filter'} ); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { warn "## row = ",dump( $row ); my $dn = 'uid=' . $row->{uid} || die "no uid"; $dn =~ s{[@\.]}{,dc=}g; $dn .= ',' . $base unless $dn =~ m{dc}i; my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new; $entry->dn( $dn ); $entry->add( objectClass => [ "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "hrEduPerson", ] ); $entry->add( %$row ); #$entry->changetype( 'modify' ); warn "### entry ",$entry->dump( \*STDERR ); push @entries, $entry; } } else { warn "UNKNOWN request: ",dump( $reqData ); } return RESULT_OK, @entries; } # the rest of the operations will return an "unwilling to perform" 1;