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balanced parens regexp hangs - solved

by grizzley (Chaplain)
on Mar 26, 2009 at 22:11 UTC ( [id://753531]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

grizzley has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I am writing a script to parse IDL file and to generate graphviz file from it. I encountered following problem, which I isolated below:

Regexp tries to find 'module <module_name> { content };' text globally (//g) and if found, content is parsed recursively to create nested 'subgraph {}' sequences. Code below hangs. And if I remove innemost parens - it works good. Can anyone enlighten me what can be wrong? I am using this regexp (nested parens) for more than year in several scripts and it works (uhm, worked) perfectly since now.

With 'use warnings;' it prints 'Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//)', but it doesn't help me in any way to understand the problem.

Thank for any help.

#!perl $_=join"",<DATA>; sub parse { my ($text) = @_; $nw++; my $parens = qr{(?:[^{}]+?|\{(??{$parens})\})*}x; while($text =~ /module (\w+) \{ ($parens) \};?/gx) { ($name, $content)=($1, $2); # print "[$&]"; print ' 'x$nw, "subgraph $name\n"; print ' 'x$nw, "{\n"; parse($content); print ' 'x$nw, "}\n"; } $nw--; } print "digraph G\n{\n"; parse($_); print "}\n"; __DATA__ module abc { module def { module ghi { }; }; };

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: balanced parens regexp hangs
by moritz (Cardinal) on Mar 26, 2009 at 22:31 UTC
    Your code does not hang on my machine, with perl-5.10.0.

    Such a regex with nested quantifiers is potentially dangerous, because the outer quantifier can force the inner quantifier to backtrack. Use a non-backtracking group (?>...)* instead. (Oh, and why are you using non-greed +? on the [^{}] group? I see no reason for that).

      I run it on WinXP with ActiveState Perl v5.10.0. (build 1004).

      Localizing helped solving my problem, but I removed non-greed and tried to use (?>...)* but I must admit I don't fully understand documentation of this construct yet. Did you think about something like this?

      local $parens = qr{(?:(?>[^{}]*)|\{(??{$parens})\})*}x;
Re: balanced parens regexp hangs
by AnomalousMonk (Archbishop) on Mar 27, 2009 at 00:47 UTC
    In addition to moritz's comment, be aware that the  //x modifier used in your posted code with the  /module (\w+) \{ ($parens) \};?/gx regex means that whitespace is a comment, so you are looking for "the substring 'module', followed immediately by one or more \w characters, followed immediately by a '{' character, etc..."

    As moritz said, lexical variables do not play well with the  (??{ code }) Extended Patterns variant; it is really intended to work with package variables. The following works for me (note that  $parens is a fully local-ized package variable):

    use warnings; use strict; use constant DENT => ' '; our $parens; my $text = do { local $/; <DATA> }; sub parse { my ($text, $indent) = @_; $indent = 0 unless defined $indent; local $parens = qr{ (?: [^{}]+? | \{ (??{$parens}) \} )* }xms; while ($text =~ /module \s+ (\w+) \s* \{ ($parens) \} ;? /gx) { my ($name, $content) = ($1, $2); print DENT x $indent, qq(subgraph $name { \n); ++$indent; parse($content, $indent); print DENT x $indent, qq(} \n); --$indent; } } # print $text; # FOR DEBUG print "digraph G\n{\n"; parse($text); print "}\n"; __DATA__ module abc { module def { module ghi { module jkl {} }; }; };
    digraph G { subgraph abc { subgraph def { subgraph ghi { subgraph jkl { } } } } }
    1. Run under ActiveState Perl
    2. Quoted regex narration for clarity.
      There's no reason to have the our where it is. Use the following instead:
      local our $parens = qr{ ... }xms;
Re: balanced parens regexp hangs
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 27, 2009 at 03:19 UTC

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