in reply to when no ping say 'moo!'

ok u rigth.. why parse the output ?? use pure Perl!
here the new version
some idea to play sound in other system? like if $^O ne 'MSWin32' ...
#!perl use strict; use warnings; $|++; use Getopt::Long; use Net::Ping; use Win32::Sound; my $sleep = 60; my $conteggio = 4; my $echook = ( $conteggio - 1 ); my $alarmnum = 3; my $sound; my $volume = 100; my $timeout = 2; my $host; &aiuto() if ( !GetOptions('ip=s' => \$host, 'sleep=i' => \$sleep, 'conteggio=i'=>\$conteggio, 'ok=i' => \$echook, 'timeout=i' => \$timeout, 'alarm=i' => \$alarmnum, 'play=s' => \$sound, 'volume=i' => \$volume, ) or ! $host ); $timeout = 2 if $timeout < 1; $alarmnum = 3 if $alarmnum < 1; if ( $echook > $conteggio ){ $echook = $conteggio-1 } if (defined $sound && !(-e $sound)) {$sound = 'crow.wav'} ###################################################################### +########## while (1){ sleep $sleep; my $ok = &controlla($host); if ($ok < $echook){ for (1..$alarmnum) { &suona() } print " ERROR !\n"; } else {print " OK $host\n";} } ###################################################################### +########## sub controlla{ my $host = shift; my $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp"); my $ok = 0; foreach my $try (1..$conteggio) { print ($p->ping($host, $timeout) ? (++$ok and '.') : 'X' ); sleep(1); } $p->close(); return $ok; } ###################################################################### +########## sub suona { if (defined $sound && -e $sound) { Win32::Sound::Volume($volume,$volume); Win32::Sound::Play($sound); } else {sleep 1; print"\a\a"} } ###################################################################### +########## sub aiuto { print <<EOA; UTILIZZO DI $0: $0 -i [-sleep n] [-conteggio n] [-ok n] [-timeot n] [-alar +m n] [-play file.wav] [-volume %] -i ping specified IP every 60 seconds 4 times expecting 3 positives repl +y or play 3 system bell during 3 seconds --ip= --sleep = 30 --conteggio = 10 --ok = 5 --alarm = 20 -i -s 30 -c 10 -o 5 -a 20 same of above EOA exit 1; }