Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info ybiC
Description: Convert a dotted-quad decimal IP address to it's dq octal form, and give a slightly rude retort if you don't know what constitutes a valid decimal dq.   Inspired by bruddaP's observation that pinging an IP address that's been leading-zero-padded results in ICMP echo request sent to unexpected host.

Thanks to Petruchio for the great code review below.   Thanks also to jeffa, chipmunk and buckaduck for number-range-matching help.   And to tye for further insight on calling subroutines.   Oh yeah, and to some guy named vroom.

Suggestions for improvement welcome and appreciated.

    Implemented most^W even more of Pfunk's suggestions.
    perldoc for details.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# pod at tail

use strict;

my @octets8;
my $decdq = shift;

unless (defined $decdq) {
    print("\n  Hey you, enter a decimal dotted-quad!\n");

my @octets10 = (split /\./, $decdq);
my $error    = qq/\n  Hey you, "$decdq" is baaad input:/;
unless (@octets10 == 4) {
    print("\n  It's not precisely 4 octets!\n");
for (@octets10) {
    unless (/^\d{1,3}$/) {
        print(qq/\n  "$_" is not a 1-3 digit positive integer!\n/);
    if ($_ > 255) {
        print(qq/\n  "$_" is greater than 255!\n/);
    my $octet8 = sprintf "%lo", $_;
    push @octets8, ($octet8 > 7) ? "0$octet8" : $octet8;

print("\n decimal $decdq",
      "\n octal   ", join('.', @octets8),

sub Usage {
    print("\n  Usage: dottedquad_decimal_ipaddr\n");
    print("\n  $0\n  Perl $]\n  $^O\n\n");

=head1 Name

=head1 Description

 convert decimal dotted-quad IP address to octal dq

=head1 Usage dottedquad_decimal_ipaddr

=head1 Tested

 Perl 5.00601   Win2kPro       Cygwin
 Perl 5.00503   Win2kPro       zshell(UnxUtils) and cmd.exe
 Perl 5.00503   Debian 2.2r3

=head1 Updated

 2001-04-24   08:20
     Moved 'unless (@octets10 == 4)' before 'for (@octets10)' loop
       for Great Justice.  Er, for slight optimization.
     Minor format tweaks.

 2001-04-23   16:15
     Removed comments as err msg's sufficient. 
     Mixed-case subroutine name, called with parens, w/o ampersan.
     Add $err to reduce redundant message text.

     Added '1-3 digit' to errmsg of 'positive interger'.
     Simplify octal-output padding with trinary op '? :'.
     Simplify octet parsing with $_ not declared scalar.
     Keep @octet10 otherwise need counter scalar.
     Replace %address with $decdq.
     Eliminate $address{octal} to simplify output code.
     Format for max of 80 character line.
     Check for (4) dot-separated octets in decimal input,
     Eliminate counter scalar by checking array length.
     Eliminate global vars by not using 'use vars qw()'.
     Use qq// to avoid leaning-toothpicks.
     Tweak is-octet-a-number regex for positive integers,
        so also eliminate if($_<0) loop.
     Minor format tweaks.

     Validate decimal dq input with numeric comparison,
        instead of only-partially-effective regexp.
     Confirm *something* entered with 'unless defined'.
     Pad octal output w/leading zero.
     Add comments and pod.
     Post to Perl Monks.
     Initial working code.

=head1 Todos

 Sit back and chuckle over time+synapses applied to a mostly useless s
 Set to memory goodies learned of
   split    join    oct
   qq    ?:    array-length
   defined    regexen    padding
   global-vs-lexical   calling&naming-subs    optimization.

=head1 Author


=head1 Credits

 Thanks to Petruchio for greatly appreciated code review,
   and for interesting observation that inspired this exercise.
 And to jeffa, chipmunk and buckaduck for number-range-matching help.
 And to tye for further insight on calling subroutines.
 Oh yeah, and to some guy named vroom.
