kyle has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I was thinking this morning that it would be nice to have a way to run some sub in a forked process and get its normal return value back without having to think about it too much. I can think of two ways I might want to do this.

  1. fork and wait because I want to leak memory somewhere else, but I don't want to run in parallel. This could even be a simple wrapper like what Memoize does.
  2. Run a sub in parallel and collect the return value from it when it's done.

I went looking around CPAN, and I found a few things that are similar but not quite what I had in mind.

Is there a module that does what I want? I want to hand it a sub reference for it to call after a fork, and I want to get back whatever the sub would have returned if I'd called it directly (within understandable limits).

Not finding this, I started thinking about the interface I'd want and how to handle special cases.

My questions are does this already exist? and if not, what features would you want from a new implementation?

Update: Thanks to Corion (in Re^5: Module for transparently forking a sub?), I have seen the light of forks, which is just what I was looking for. Thanks!