I've a few good friends who like Python a lot (yes it is a nice Language, but I like Perl more). One difference is, that you can program in Python without using semicolons. Well, this is possible using the Perl language too, like the following code demonstrates it (it calculates fibonacci numbers, however without use strict). I don't tell, that you will have any benifit by not using a semicolon. But I think this is a funny way of programming in Perl. Enjoy :)
#!/usr/bin/perl { $n = shift || die "Usage: perl NUMBER\n" } sub fib { if ($_[0] < 2) { $_[0] } else { fib($_[0] - 1) + fib($_[0] - 2) } } { print "Fibonacci numbers from 0 to $n are as follows:\n" } for (0 .. $n) { print "fib($_) = ", fib($_), "\n" } print "Thanks for using this software!\n"