in reply to Vow Triptych

Additional simplifications are possible e.g. no need to loop over the word list three times, and why use hashrefs and make yourself do extra typing when you could use a regular hash.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my @wordsInOrder; while (<>) { push @wordsInOrder, split /\W+/, lc($_); } my (%single, %double, %triple); my $index = 0; foreach my $word (@wordsInOrder) { $single{$word}++; my $next_word = $wordsInOrder[$index+1]; if($next_word) { $double{"$word $next_word"}++; } my $next_next_word = $wordsInOrder[$index+2]; if($next_next_word) { $triple{"$word $next_word $next_next_word"}++; } $index++; } foreach my $singlet (sort_by_frequency(\%single)) { print "$singlet\n"; foreach my $doublet (sort_by_frequency(\%double)) { next unless $doublet =~ /^$singlet\b/; print "\t$doublet\n"; foreach my $triplet (sort_by_frequency(\%triple)) { next unless $triplet =~ /^$doublet\b/; print "\t\t$triplet\n"; } } } sub sort_by_frequency { my $h = shift; return sort { $h->{$b} <=> $h->{$a} } keys %$h; }
This also only matches whole words rather than fragments. Best wishes with the wedding anyway!