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by zentara (Archbishop)
on Nov 19, 2008 at 19:22 UTC ( [id://724693]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

BrowserUk's nice post in ColorRamp1785 had one little shortcoming.... there was no selection method for choosing the right color. Here is a little Perl/Tk front-end to his subs.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my @colors; # generate colors from BrowserUk's subs in # sub rgb2n{ unpack 'N', pack 'CCCC', 0, @_ } my( $r, $g, $b ) = (0) x 3; for my $step ( 0 .. 1784 ) { if( $step < 255 ) { ++$b; } elsif( $step < 510 ) { ++$g; } elsif( $step < 765 ) { --$b; } elsif( $step < 1020 ) { ++$r; } elsif( $step < 1275 ) { --$g; } elsif( $step < 1530 ) { ++$b; } else { ++$g; } #print "$r $g $b\t"; my $hexcurrent = '#'.sprintf('%.2x', $r).sprintf('%.2x', $g).sprintf( +'%.2x', $b); # print "$hexcurrent\n"; push @colors,$hexcurrent; } my %map = ( 255 => sub{ 0, 0, $_[0] * 255 }, 510 => sub{ 0, $_[0]*255, 255 }, 765 => sub{ 0, 255, (1-$_[0])*255 }, 1020 => sub{ $_[0]*255, 255, 0 }, 1275 => sub{ 255, (1-$_[0])*255, 0 }, 1530 => sub{ 255, 0, $_[0]*255 }, 1785 => sub{ 255, $_[0]*255, 255 }, ); my @map = sort{ $a <=> $::b } keys %map; sub colorRamp1785 { my( $v, $vmin, $vmax ) = @_; $v = $vmax if $v > $vmax; $v = $vmin if $v < $vmin; $v = ( $v - $vmin ) / ( $vmax - $vmin ); $v *= 1785; $v < $_ and return rgb2n( $map{ $_ }->( $v ) ) for @map; } ######################################3 #print "\n",join "\n", @colors,"\n"; #print scalar @colors,"\n"; my $mw=tkinit; $mw->fontCreate('big', -family=>'arial', -weight=>'bold', -size=> 38 ); my $bfr = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill=>'x'); my $cur_color = '# '; my $lab = $bfr->Label(-textvariable => \$cur_color, -font => 'big', )->pack(); my $sc = $mw->Scrolled('Canvas', -bg=>'white', -scrollbars=>'s', )->pack(-expand=>1,-fill=>'x',-padx=>10); my $realcanvas = $sc->Subwidget('scrolled'); my $x = 0; foreach my $color(@colors) { my $line = $realcanvas->createLine($x,0,$x, 250, -fill=> $color, -tags => [$color,'line'] ); $x++; $realcanvas->bind("line", "<Enter>", sub { my (@tags) = $realcanvas->gettags('current'); $cur_color = $tags[0]; }); } #print "$x\n"; $realcanvas->configure(-scrollregion=>[$realcanvas->bbox("all")]); MainLoop; __END__

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