Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info missingthepoint/ben petering
Description: Grab tomorrow's forecast from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology website using Web::Scraper
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use URI;
use Web::Scraper;

my $cities = scraper {
    process "td > a", city => 'TEXT';
    process "td.alignright", temperature => 'TEXT';
    process "td.alignright + td", comments => 'TEXT';

my $bom = scraper {
    process "#pad tr", 'cities[]' => $cities;
    result 'cities';

my $res = $bom->scrape( URI->new("") );

die "god bless america\n" unless ref $res eq "ARRAY";

print "Tomorrow's forecast:\n\n";

# we need a way to distinguish tomorrow's forecast and today's...
# tomorrow's temperatures come first, and these are all we want,
# so we reverse and uniq. hack hack
my %tmp;
for (reverse @$res) {
    next unless $_->{city};
    $_->{temperature} =~ s/\D//g;
    $tmp{$_->{city}} = {
        temperature => $_->{temperature},
        comments => $_->{comments}

for (sort keys %tmp) {
    print $_, " " x (18-length),
        $tmp{$_}->{temperature}, " " x (18-length($tmp{$_}->{temperatu
        $tmp{$_}->{comments}, "\n"; 