For use when bored or the bamboo sways.

Unfortunately you'll have to hit the 'download' link to see the art, and it is not guaranteed to work on all terminals. Nothing hidden, it's just pure char arrangement.

@n =(2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ,'J','Q', 'K', 'A');$C =50; $R =''; $e= 0;@c = map{ "\e[31m".$_. " h"} @n; @p = map{ "\e[32m".$_." c"}@n;@o=map{"\e[31m". $_." d"}@n;@e=map {"\e[32m".$_." s"} @n;@D;(%p,@H,@h);%seen;sub cls{print "\e[1J\e[H";}d();$/=\1;$i;while( $i= <STDIN> ) {last if($i eq 'q');if(($i>=1)&&($i<=5)) {$h[$i-1] =( $h [ $i -1] == 0) ?1:0;p(); }if($i eq 'd'){ if ( $e ){ d () if($C>0);$e= +0;} else{$e=1;f();}}}sub b{my @d= (@c,@p,@o,@ +e);@D= ();while(@d){push@D,splice (@d, rand (@d), 1);}@H= +();push@H , shift@D for 0..4 ; } sub p { cls( ); print "\n\t\t\tCr +edit:$C\n"; for(0..4) { if($h[$_] == 1){print " H ";}else{print " +";}}print"\n" ; print" ".$H[$_]." " for 0..4; print "\e[0m\n\n\t\t\t$R\n\n\n"; i +f( $e==0){print "Cards to hold ([d]eal):";} else{if($C>0){print"[d]eal again or [q]uit +?:";}else{print "No more credits. You must [q]uit:";} }}sub f(){ for(0..4){if($h[$_]== +0){$H[$_]=shift @D;}} P(); p();}sub d{ %p= ('p' => 0 ,'t'=>0,'k'=>0,'f'=>0,'s' +=>0,);@h=(0,0 ,0,0,0); $R=''; $e= 0; $C-- ; b() ;p() ; } sub P{ @v = + map{ $_=~ /m(.*) /; $1}@H;for( 0.. $#v){ if($v[$_]eq'J') {$ +v[$_]= 11 ;}elsif($v[$_]eq'Q') {$v [$_]= 12;}elsif($v[$_] +eq'K'){ $v[$_] = 13 ;} elsif($v[ $_]eq'A'){$v[ +$_]= 14;}}@v= sort@v;if (($v[4]-$v +[ 0])==4){for(1 ..4){ if($v[$_] ==$v[$_-1]+1 ){ $p{ 's'}=1;}else{$p{'s' }=0;last;}}}%seen=();map{ $seen{$_}++} @v; foreach$k(keys %seen){if($seen{$k}==2){$p{'p'}++;}if($seen {$k}==3){$p{'t'}=1;}if($seen{$k}==4){$p{'k'}=1;}}if($p{' +t'} &&$p{'p'}) {$p{'f'}=1;}if($p{'s'}){$R='Sequence!';$C+=6;}elsif( +$p{'f'} ){$R='Fullhouse!'; $C+=4; } elsif( $p{'k'} ){ $R= 'Poker!'; $C += 10; +} elsif ($p{'t'} ){$R='trio';$C+=2;}elsif($p{'p'}){$R="$p{'p'}pair"; $C++;}@h =(0,0,0, +0,0);}print"\n";

Have fun.